What Popular Metal Bands Do You Hate?

Are you fucking kidding? This is completely contradictory to your posts in the other thread where you embarrassed yourself.

"embarrassed myself"... Dying at the moment.. hahaaa
Like I give a fuck what some fucked up kids think of me.

But anyways discusssing music with clueless people over the internet was a bad idea to start with.. cyas!
"embarrassed myself"... Dying at the moment.. hahaaa
Like I give a fuck what some fucked up kids think of me.

But anyways discusssing music with clueless people over the internet was a bad idea to start with.. cyas!

Yes, please go away.
I hate it when bands that aren't Metal are labelled as such. I'm sick of getting email/Facebook spam from so-called Metal websites/groups that has the "latest news" about shitty pop-rock bands like Avenged Sevenfold. I mean, hell, just because they released a couple of metal albums back in the day sure as fuck doesn't somehow make all their recent pop-rock shennanigans somehow magically become "metal," or them a "metal band." The same goes for Opeth and the "Heritage" album, which is truthfully little more than folk rock with nothing at all "metal" about it in any way. It's both idiotic and highly hypocritical how they are still going to all these extreme metal festivals and then mainly just strumming out some folk rock tunes - I mean, seriously, W-T-F??? So glad that I heckled the hell out of them at the gig I went to last year when they started playing all that boring, old-people horseshit for most of the time. Oh, and before you accuse me of being closed-minded or whatever, you'd hardly expect a bunch of folk rock fans to somehow all magically develop an appreciation for death metal after listening to a couple of albums (or ever), right? Well, the same applies visa versa. If it's not metal, don't waste our time and don't fucking call it metal.
Black Sabbath. Ozzy Osbourne is a terrible vocalist, or is that just Black Metal. Is Black Sabbath really Black Metal. Oh well, I don't like Ozzy.
I hate it when bands that aren't Metal are labelled as such. I'm sick of getting email/Facebook spam from so-called Metal websites/groups that has the "latest news" about shitty pop-rock bands like Avenged Sevenfold. I mean, hell, just because they released a couple of metal albums back in the day sure as fuck doesn't somehow make all their recent pop-rock shennanigans somehow magically become "metal," or them a "metal band." The same goes for Opeth and the "Heritage" album, which is truthfully little more than folk rock with nothing at all "metal" about it in any way. It's both idiotic and highly hypocritical how they are still going to all these extreme metal festivals and then mainly just strumming out some folk rock tunes - I mean, seriously, W-T-F??? So glad that I heckled the hell out of them at the gig I went to last year when they started playing all that boring, old-people horseshit for most of the time. Oh, and before you accuse me of being closed-minded or whatever, you'd hardly expect a bunch of folk rock fans to somehow all magically develop an appreciation for death metal after listening to a couple of albums (or ever), right? Well, the same applies visa versa. If it's not metal, don't waste our time and don't fucking call it metal.
I agree tottaly. But I think Avenged Sevenfold deserves more credit.
Iron Maiden. Can't stand the singer after seeing him live. Sad since he has decent vocals. Cheesy as fuck though, and such an attention whore. Waves the british flag in your face. fuck that.

Man you crazy. I'll agree that they're overrated and I just don't get why everyone loves them forever, but Bruce Dickinson is a badass pilot with some nice pipes.
This is the funniest thread I have ever read. Some of you are too cool for your own good. I'd even go as far as calling you deluded cunts.

Kinda, yeah, I'm with you on that dude. Problem with 'metalheads' is that a lot of them are so obsessed with being underground that they refuse to accept talent if it's popular.

I'd also like to take this time to praise Prince for his amazing vocal talent, and his ability to play pretty much any instrument.
Kinda, yeah, I'm with you on that dude. Problem with 'metalheads' is that a lot of them are so obsessed with being underground that they refuse to accept talent if it's popular.

I'd also like to take this time to praise Prince for his amazing vocal talent, and his ability to play pretty much any instrument.

Meh, you pointed out Metallica which is popular and you started this thread so don't start acting like a moral-fag.
I dont really hate them, but the first popular band that i dont like that comes to mind is Judas Priest.

Anthrax would probably be the band i cant stand the most. But recently i've been thinking about checking out their first two again for some reason.