New here but longtime fan of Exodus, saw them on the Pleasures of the Flesh tour if that dates myself. Yes, never liked zetro's vox, not good news. I liked Dukes from what I heard.
gotta admit, they are sounding pretty good with zetro:
also really enjoyed the last hatriot album so i am optimistic about the new exodus.
i can see why they would take zetro back after the last two albums. i like his style these days much better than when he did his "shitty bon scott impression" in gary holt's words. def helps that kostas pretty much nails the exhibit a tone with his triple xxx and zetro's son has jack's old bass too for that classic sound. sadly there isnt much of the old school bay area sound these days but hatriot is keeping the flame alive for sure.
I'd be surprised if it was anything different from the ENGL Savage setup they used on Exhibit B.