Thanks for that update guy, the band's being quiet. When are you starting the mix? :rock:

*cough* Tempo sound preferred to Shovel sound *cough*

heres a few pics for you

sofa thieves at soundwaves rehearsal studios discover cushions make great acoustic baffles




Garys fav hang out

More pics in gallery at http://www.andysneap.com
Oh great pics! yes pretty ghetto pics ;) :rock:
is the second pic (on this page) gary's home studio?
Anyway Andy you have to optimize the loading of the gallery section on your website, it takes forever, it seems that the preview gallery is resizing in real time the bigger pics you have uploaded.
Tell Brett about this.
i know, brett needs to sort that. It was total ghetto recording, I used api's into RMEs into optical on my 002, worked great. I'd go as far as saying its one of the best recordings i've done and the approach has given it a certain nastiness which totally suits the songs. Hell, we didn't even have air con in that tiny room the first week, now that WAS nasty. Feel free to post on gear slutz, give the people who blame the rooms and gear for shit recordings something to talk about.
so did you take from the uk that portable rack ;) (api/rme/digi002) ?
that's great Andy, this proves that you can make great record even on a tiny setup ;)

Did you notice guys that on blabbermouth, Exodus is the only band, that lasted the test of time, not being bashed from the "blabbers".
I mean Exodus is the only band with just 2 original member to have resurfaced from the 80's and proved to put out killer records!!!!!!!
I think this record will slay, Gary is just an awesome guitar player/songwriter!
I still remember when they did a show over here prior to the release date of Tempo, we were just 100 guys going crazy, I headbanged so lot in front of that stage fuck yeah eheheh
ok....what's so shitty about API into RME??
that's my setup and I love it ;)...
honestly api, distressor, rme...IMO that far from crappy gear!
the 002 doesn't do anything (negative) to the sound since it's just optical connected as a kind of an interface I guess so...

the rooms maybe..ok, but for tracking I don't see any issues with the mentioned gear....other that that I can't afford a distressor t ;)

I'd love to see dome drumpics though ;)