I found this at harmony central forum:

Originally Posted by gary666
Lee and I both run the JJ brand tubes. Best in the world. We each have a head with EL34's and with 6L6's. On the new record we used the el34 head with a Presonus parametric EQ. Other than that I use a gate to shut up the EQ, which I run in front of the input, not in the loop. Crunch channel for everything but clean stuff, I don't use the ultra. One thing you may not know about the XXX is when you plug in the footswitch ther loop acts as a boost even with nothing connected to it. That's how I boost my shit, you just set the send and return where you want them, activate the loop and instant boost. Without the footswitch , the send and returns are still active, you can get more volume by turning them up. But the more you crank them, the tone gets a bit brighter, so don't go crazy. Set 'em at about two o'clock and it's all good.

I got them from the dude on here who's from the band Blacklist, not sure if he took them himself and would want me to share them or not. Still wanna know if Andy used a TS on Atrocity or not, as it appears Gary doesn't use one live.
I got them from the dude on here who's from the band Blacklist, not sure if he took them himself and would want me to share them or not. Still wanna know if Andy used a TS on Atrocity or not, as it appears Gary doesn't use one live.

Yeap, Gary uses an overdrive on TAE, he told me that he used only in solos, but in the last gig in Madrid I saw a green box over the amp, so I supose it´s always on. No idea of what kind of sreamer, if Ibanez, Maxon...cheers!
That surprises me, it seems like he can get that tone without a TS, because on his Guitar Lesson DVD he still has the same rhythm tone, but when he explains his setup, he says he just goes straight into the amp generally.
Another question for Andy or if anyone else can shed any light - are the guitars double tracked or quad tracked on the Shovel Headed Killing Machine album?

Hey, everybody. Long time Exodus fan, new member of the forum here...Many recommendations, links and re-directions have brought me here to kindly ask what gear Jack Gibson used to get the awesome metallic sound out of his bass on the SHKM album. Being one of the people my friends point to when they're asked who got -them- into Exodus and a bass player myself, a lot of people have asked me to no avail as to whether I could emulate the sound for them...Any help would be appreciated.

Other than that, to be on topic, I really can't wait for Atrocity Exhibition Exhibit B. I know it's a LONG way away 'till 2010, but I loved Exhibit A so much. I hope that a lot of the sound and themes stays.
really digging SHKM lately...great drums and bass especially.

i wonder if the gtrs are reamped by andy, or if they used gary's tripleXXX tone??