Hey, everybody. Long time Exodus fan, new member of the forum here...Many recommendations, links and re-directions have brought me here to kindly ask what gear Jack Gibson used to get the awesome metallic sound out of his bass on the SHKM album. Being one of the people my friends point to when they're asked who got -them- into Exodus and a bass player myself, a lot of people have asked me to no avail as to whether I could emulate the sound for them...Any help would be appreciated.

Other than that, to be on topic, I really can't wait for Atrocity Exhibition Exhibit B. I know it's a LONG way away 'till 2010, but I loved Exhibit A so much. I hope that a lot of the sound and themes stays.

Me too. A great bass tone dude :rock:
guys, I don't know if you're aware but new Exodus is out...and it's fuckin' crushing!!!!

I also wondered, why nobody fucking talks about it yet :) Can someone answer me the following question. Will there be a digital copy added, when I buy the vinyls here?


Cheers :kickass:
just bought it, haven't listened all the way through yet but so far it KILLS. great job andy! :) really cool songs and lead playing too. also way better vocals than exhibit A imho.

well, one question: is it the engl we're hearing, or again peavey xxx?
sorry if the question has already been answered in another thread.
Hey I was just wondering if anyone knew what pickups and pedals Jack Gibson uses? Id love to be able to get that tone that he has :rock:
Exhibit B is definitely something different, both guitar tone wise, and mix wise, than you would normally hear for this kind of metal. The mix has a lot of clarity, plenty of separation between instruments, and very distinct tones.

I didn't really listen to Exodus much before this record, but they rock :rock:

Awesome work, Andy.
I just wanted to say that Andy outdid himself on the latest Exodus. In fact I think that all his best efforts are with Exodus. Incredibly balanced mixes on all of the albums he worked on.
I don't post very often but I do lurk around alot. I was recently mixing a band, who were tuned to Bb and had very busy parts, an the guitarist said "Dude, if you can get anything close to the exhibit B tone for a 7 stringer i'm a happy man". So i heard exhibit B. And i crapped my pants. What struck me the most about the guitar tones, more than anything else, is how much detail there is in the high end and how CLEAN it is! Very VERY rich harmonic content!

Mr. Sneap - epic respect! Even the drums are sounding so organic and full of awesomeness!
Getting back to Shovel Headed for a sec...

The tom sound on that album is one of my all time favorites. SO perfect and MASSIVE sounding.

Were those natural, or sampled? A blend perhaps?
I just wanna say that the Exhibit B guitar tone, specifically the intro to track #7 (Nanking) has the absolute most infuckingcredible guitar tone I have ever heard... if I could even get 1/10 of that guitar tone I'd be happy...

I know a good part of the bottom end of this tone is the bass guitar (which is also incredible btw) but did I read correctly this was an Engl Savage 120 for the main guitar tracks??? Cabs? Mics? Guitars???