Non-metal Themed Mixtape Game

Scratch Acid - Cannibal
Awesome. David Yow is as mental as ever here, some of his shrieks send shivers. 9/10

Jacks - Bēkanto Wārudo

This is beautiful. Can't believe this was made in 1968. No idea if this is about murder, I get no search results for lyrics. Great though 8/10

The Residents - The Electrocutioner
All sorts of strange, I've not heard much of these guys and I'm not that into this but it gets points for being interesting 6/10

Nick Cave & Kylie Minogue - Where The Wild Roses Grow

Of course there had to be some Nick Cave in here. Surely it could have been something better than this 4/10

Andi Almqvist - Low-Dive Jenny

Digging the dissonant guitar and general moodiness 6.5/10

The Alan Parsons Project - The Tell-Tale Heart

Fucking cool, epic production 8/10

Sons of Perdition - The Party

Most murderous lyrics so far. Demented. 7/10

Ween - Buenas Tardes Amigo

A tale brilliantly told. So many good lines and the twist at the end is awesome 9/10

The Cure - Killing an Arab

Good song, but it would have worked much better earlier in the playlist 6/10

Awesome list. Good work people.
Scratch Acid - Cannibal (8)
Don't know this group, and it's hard to rate such a short simple song, but what the hell, it's a fun one. The riff(s?) is damn heavy, and the vocalist is charmingly manic.

Jacks - Bēkanto Wārudo (7)
Couldn't find an English translation online, bummer. I like the mood - a nice, eerie flavor of bittersweet. Cool guitar effect too. A bit longer than I'd prefer.

The Residents - The Electrocutioner (9)
About as fucked-up as I remember the Residents being. If the opening bozo-carnivalesque sound made up the whole song it'd be pretty annoying, but the way they transition from that to the "electrocution", and then to this creepy funeral march thing, makes the whole package a pretty wild ride.

Nick Cave & Kylie Minogue - Where The Wild Roses Grow (8)

I can't in good conscience give a higher rating to a song that oozes so much cliché, but damn it is beautiful.

Andi Almqvist - Low-Dive Jenny (10)

Wow. This is one creepy fucking song regardless of the lyrics, and the lyrics/vocals are beautiful to boot. Lot of subtle instrumental elements throughout it, all adding wonderfully to the horror vibe. So much atmosphere, it's like a cloud of moonlit swamp mist just rolled into my apartment.

The Alan Parsons Project - The Tell-Tale Heart (10)

Noisy, tense, blues-dripping rock 'n' roll that puts a very catchy, almost comic-bookish (in a good way) spin on the Poe tale. The ballad element is very tastefully done too - I like that it just melts in and out in a prog fashion. The "heart beat" drum blasts aren't lost on me either. Very cool song.

Sons of Perdition - The Party (5)

I'll add a point for good lyrics, but this is pretty dull. The draggy melody reminds me of the kind you hear in those stereotypical Jewish songs people joke about. The vocalist sounds tired too, just mechanically reciting the lyrics without any indication that his character cares about the murders he committed.

Ween - Buenas Tardes Amigo (6)

I thought about submitting this, but it's one of Ween's least interesting songs, and it's just a huge disservice to shape people's first impressions of this incredible band with it. The song gets a six, but I give whoever submitted it a personal rating of zero for being so irresponsible.

The Cure - Killing an Arab (7)

Fun, irreverent pop rock song. I have no idea if there's a deeper meaning to it. Who cares, fuck dem A-rabs.

Scratch Acid - Cannibal 7.5/10

I could definitely imagine a series of exploitation cannibal scenes put to this song and doing it some justice. Has that manic feel to it, like someone about to snap and gobble up a baby. When noise rock is done well, it's easily one of the best styles of music I think.

Jacks - Bēkanto Wārudo 6/10
I don't really know what to make of this, I am assuming it is a murder ballad? Either way I really liked it, it had a very regretful and somber tone. I do know this band, but some context would help.

The Residents - The Electrocutioner 9/10
The Rez for Prez.

Nick Cave and Kylie Minogue - Where the Wild Roses Grow 8/10

Anytime this song would come on television when I was a kid I could never take my eyes away, I must have had at least 3 separate VHS tapes with this video clip on it from staying up and taping stuff. In hindsight, it is somewhat insincere and contrived. Definitely not anywhere near the same amount of chemistry as Nick's song with PJ Harvey.

Andi Almqvist - Low-Dive Jenny 7/10

Not a big fan of Andi's vocal style but it does have a very good feeling to it, creepy, sinister.

The Alan Parsons Project - The Tell-Tale Heart 6.5/10

Arthur Brown rules, man. But this didn't blow me away or anything.

Sons of Perdition - The Party 10/10

Great lyrics! The vocalist kind of reminds me of Blixa Bargeld. This was absolutely haunting and amazing.

Ween - Buenas Tardes Amigo 7/10

I've never really heard much by Ween but of course I've always heard about them from people who seem to be obsessed. I dig this song a lot, it likes to take its time like a spaghetti western.

The Cure - Killing an Arab 8.5/10

Definitely a deeper meaning to this song, it isn't literally about killing Arabs. Anyhoo, really cool simplistic tune by The Cure, who I adore as a band especially closer to the beginning of their career.
Scratch Acid - Cannibal
A little chaotic and rough around the edges but totally engaging. 7/10.

Jacks - Bēkanto Wārudo
No sure what I'm listening to and unsure how to rate it. Flutes were nice, otherwise rather one dimensional and I don't know how deeply the theme was incorporated. 5/10.

The Residents - The Electrocutioner
Really cool tune. The last minute or so was ace. 8/10.

Nick Cave & Kylie Minogue - Where The Wild Roses Grow
One of his finest songs. 10/10.

Andi Almqvist - Low-Dive Jenny
Atmosphere is sick and song is twisted as hell. 10/10.

The Alan Parsons Project - The Tell-Tale Heart
It's ight. There's some passion in the vocal delivery. 7/10.

Sons of Perdition - The Party
Fucking love this album. "I swear it was the wendigo..." 10/10.

Ween - Buenas Tardes Amigo
Not sure I've listened to Ween before. Did not expect a Mexican/ Spanish story song. 7/10.

The Cure - Killing an Arab
The Cure killing it right here. 9/10.

Scratch Acid - Cannibal - 4 not for me
Jacks - Bēkanto Wārudo - 7 wakaranai demo sugoi
The Residents - The Electrocutioner - 5 this could be in the pretentious mixtape
Nick Cave & Kylie Minogue - Where The Wild Roses Grow - 7 a good song by kylie
Andi Almqvist - Low-Dive Jenny - 7 is this guy a chris cornell fan
The Alan Parsons Project - The Tell-Tale Heart - 8 impressive songwriting & performance
Sons of Perdition - The Party - 8 wow this is fucked up
Ween - Buenas Tardes Amigo - 7 orale cabron
The Cure - Killing an Arab - 9 that's racist

Alright, fine. Don't rate. The winner is @dwellerINTHEdark!

1) Andi Almqvist - Low-Dive Jenny @dwellerINTHEdark 8.100
2) Sons of Perdition - The Party 8.000
3) The Cure - Killing an Arab @arg 7.900
4) The Alan Parsons Project - The Tell-Tale Heart @Baroque 7.900
5)= The Residents - The Electrocutioner @zabu of nΩd 7.400
5)= Nick Cave & Kylie Minogue - Where The Wild Roses Grow @CASSETTEISGOD 7.400
7) Ween - Buenas Tardes Amigo @Satanstoenail 7.200
8) Scratch Acid - Cannibal @HamburgerBoy 7.100
9) Jacks - Bēkanto Wārudo @Vegard Pompey 6.600
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Just wondering, are people's ratings of their own songs counted in the tally? I didn't see a rule about that in the OP.