Scratch Acid - Cannibal 7.5/10
I could definitely imagine a series of exploitation cannibal scenes put to this song and doing it some justice. Has that manic feel to it, like someone about to snap and gobble up a baby. When noise rock is done well, it's easily one of the best styles of music I think.
Jacks - Bēkanto Wārudo 6/10
I don't really know what to make of this, I am assuming it is a murder ballad? Either way I really liked it, it had a very regretful and somber tone. I do know this band, but some context would help.
The Residents - The Electrocutioner 9/10
The Rez for Prez.
Nick Cave and Kylie Minogue - Where the Wild Roses Grow 8/10
Anytime this song would come on television when I was a kid I could never take my eyes away, I must have had at least 3 separate VHS tapes with this video clip on it from staying up and taping stuff. In hindsight, it is somewhat insincere and contrived. Definitely not anywhere near the same amount of chemistry as Nick's song with PJ Harvey.
Andi Almqvist - Low-Dive Jenny 7/10
Not a big fan of Andi's vocal style but it does have a very good feeling to it, creepy, sinister.
The Alan Parsons Project - The Tell-Tale Heart 6.5/10
Arthur Brown rules, man. But this didn't blow me away or anything.
Sons of Perdition - The Party 10/10
Great lyrics! The vocalist kind of reminds me of Blixa Bargeld. This was absolutely haunting and amazing.
Ween - Buenas Tardes Amigo 7/10
I've never really heard much by Ween but of course I've always heard about them from people who seem to be obsessed. I dig this song a lot, it likes to take its time like a spaghetti western.
The Cure - Killing an Arab 8.5/10
Definitely a deeper meaning to this song, it isn't literally about killing Arabs. Anyhoo, really cool simplistic tune by The Cure, who I adore as a band especially closer to the beginning of their career.