Non-metal Themed Mixtape Game

Knight Rider Theme
Never watched this. I'm down with the John Carpenterness of it. 6/10.

Filthy Frank - Thomas the Tank Engine
Diabetes is no laughing matter. 5/10.

Queen - I'm in Love With My Car
I was expecting "Bicycle" to be submitted. Those drums and vox look tough to pull off together. 7/10.

Hawkwind - Silver Machine
Those guys look like they have fun on stage. 7/10.

Radio Birdman - 455 SD
Makes me want a Trans Am. 8/10.

Myssouri - Muscle Car on a Dead End Road
I'm a sucker for low vocals and a dark atmosphere. 9/10.

Jethro Tull - Locomotive Breath
Rocking flute there man. 7/10.

Captain Clegg and the Night Creatures - Transylvanian Terror Train
Makes me wanna watch "Terror Train". Fun and different. 9/10.

Johnny Cash - Engine One-Forty-Three
Standard Cash fare. Good, just typical. 5/10.

Johnny Brunette - The Train Kept a-Rollin'
What a swell song. 5/10.

The Clash - Brand New Cadillac
Has potential. 6/10.

Billy Ocean - Get Out of My Dreams, And Into My Car
Do we really need songs like this in the game? 2/10.

Steely Dan - Midnight Cruiser
Enjoyable enough. 6/10.

Kari Bremnes - Hurtigruta
Pretty harmonies. 6/10.

Dionne Warwick - Trains and Boats and Planes
Extra point for showcasing multiple methods of vehicular transportation. 6/10.

Krafterwork - Tour de France
Would've preferred Queens "Bicycle" here. 5/10.

Crazy Bus
Wtf I don't remember this game. That wasn't annoying at all. 2/10.
Knight Rider Theme - fucccck yea. I feel like this has been sampled a couple of time, but never knew the origin. - 9/10

Filthy Frank - Thomas the Tank Engine - I find this kind of humor to be obnoxious. 3/10.

Queen - I'm in Love With My Car - Queen w/o Freddie? Nah 3/10.

Hawkwind - Silver Machine - Hawkwind fucking rules on all fronts. 8/10.

Radio Birdman - 455 SD - A pretty decent cut, but nothing real noteworthy. 7/10.

Myssouri - Muscle Car on a Dead End Road - Competent Nick Cave worship. 6/10.

Jethro Tull - Locomotive Breath - Love this cut. Ineffably good! 9/10.

Captain Clegg and the Night Creatures - Transylvanian Terror Train - Sorry. I love Psychobilly, but I don't venture far from the classics. 5/10.

Johnny Cash - Engine One-Forty-Three - Cash's voice is audible butter. 8/10.

Johnny Brunette - The Train Kept a-Rollin' - Ace pick. This song does right what so many of the other similar songs on the playlist do wrong. 8/10.

The Clash - Brand New Cadillac - A great song from an undeniably classic album. 9/10.

Billy Ocean - Get Out of My Dreams, And Into My Car - Billy Ocean?! Didn't expect this at all. This is a jam! 8/10.

Steely Dan - Midnight Cruiser - Milquetoast, but I can't deny how smooth it is. 7/10.

Kari Bremnes - Hurtigruta - A precocious dreamboat of a song. I really want to get out to Norway some day. Anybody know if tourists can hunt out there? 7/10.

Dionne Warwick - Trains and Boats and Planes - I love all those squawking sounds ad-libbing throughout the verses. She's also a dime. 10/10.

Krafterwork - Tour de France - So lush and minimally danceable! Kraftwerk has an unblemished record and have no business saying otherwise. 10/10.

Crazy Bus
:lol: I don't know if @TechnicalBarbarity sequenced this playlist or not, but having this follow Kraftwerk is geeks. +8 for that happening 9/10.
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Nah, I'm a dirty casual. I'm willing to check it out, but I can't imagine it reaching 'Fat Bottom Girls' levels of greatness.

"Fat Bottomed Girls" wouldn't be one of the top songs by Queen for me, but it's fun. The song in this round is from A Night at the Opera, which was released in 1974 is the same album that has "Bohemian Rhapsody" and "You're My Best Friend" on it.

Roger Taylor (drums) and Brian May (guitar) both have at least one lead vocal spot on most of the band's albums.

My top Queen albums:

1. Queen II
2. Sheer Heart Attack
3. A Night at the Opera
4. Queen
5. News of the World

I'm a big fan of most of their music, but they became a lot less ambitious after the 1970s because they kinda got bogged down in the synth pop of the 1980s.
Knight Rider Theme 10/10 probably instantly recognizable to most people, grew up watching this. Hell, even my kids know this. Sets the tone.

Filthy Frank - Thomas the Tank Engine 4/10 about to get crunk with this shit.

Queen - I'm in Love With My Car 6/10 really indifferent with Queen. Never been a fan of the band but they do have songs I like. This is ok.

Hawkwind - Silver Machine 6.5/10 big fan of Lemmy, but not a huge fan of this. Still decent.

Radio Birdman - 455 SD 7.5/10 pretty cool, reminds me a little of the Ramones.

Myssouri - Muscle Car on a Dead End Road 7/10 Didn't think I was going like this at the start but not bad, enjoyed it while it lasted.

Jethro Tull - Locomotive Breathe 8.5/10 another band where I know some of their songs but was never a huge fan. Thought this pretty damn good.

Captain Clegg and the Night Creatures - Transylvanian Terror Train 5/10 middle of the road.

Johnny Cash - Engine One-Forty-Three 7.5/10 well I like Johnny Cash, not his biggest fan, but I like him.

Johnny Brunette - The Train Kept a-Rollin' 9.5/10 great song and liked the video too.

The Clash - Brand New Cadillac 9/10 dig it

Billy Ocean - Get Out of My Dreams, And Into My Car 8.5/10 I grew up listening to metal, my wife grew up listening to what ever was popular and playing on radio stations. I still love metal, she still loves 80's music. So definitely familar. Fun, upbeat, and catchy.

Steely Dan - Midnight Cruiser 7/10

Kari Bremnes - Hurtigruta 9/10 this almost put me to sleep, and I mean that in a good way. Think I always see @Burkhard posting stuff from her.

Dionne Warwick - Trains and Boats and Planes 10/10 and this is the kind of stuff my parents listened to. Nothing but good memories and good music. Great song. Great pick.

Krafterwork - Tour de France 9/10 only familiar with the name. Don't think I've actually ever heard anything from them before but I like what I hear.

Crazy Bus 5/10 insanity!
Knight Rider Theme
Never watched the show, but it sounds like a quality opening theme.

Filthy Frank - Thomas the Tank Engine
Inane lyrics, juvenile humor, and a silly voice, but the contrast of its sombre melodic backing creates something hilariously obnoxious.

Queen - I'm in Love With My Car

Hawkwind - Silver Machine

Radio Birdman - 455 SD

Myssouri - Muscle Car on a Dead End Road
An exhilirating journey.

Jethro Tull - Locomotive Breathe

Captain Clegg and the Night Creatures - Transylvanian Terror Train

Johnny Cash - Engine One-Forty-Three

Johnny Brunette - The Train Kept a-Rollin'
Makes me wanna fuck a gal dolled up in pinup style.

The Clash - Brand New Cadillac
That's two consecutive songs using some form of 12-bar blues progression. But this is good enough in its own right to compare favourably with the previous song.

Billy Ocean - Get Out of My Dreams, And Into My Car
Get outta my playlist.

Steely Dan - Midnight Cruiser
Too much Dadrock.

Kari Bremnes - Hurtigruta
It has that Nordic flavour, but it has too much of a bland New Age vibe.

Dionne Warwick - Trains and Boats and Planes
It really sounded like I wouldn't like it at the beginning, but it took some melancholic harmonic turns which redeemed it.

Kraftwerk - Tour de France
Say what you will about the tenets of National Socialism, at least that's an ethos.

Crazy Bus
A shockingly avant-garde piece of atonal sound art. Only true patricians can understand this.
Knight Rider Theme
9/10, Perfect, but too short.

Filthy Frank - Thomas the Tank Engine
7/10, :lol:

Queen - I'm in Love With My Car
8/10, I don't really listen to Queen, but I'm never disappointed when I do.

Hawkwind - Silver Machine
6/10, Sorry Lemmy.

Radio Birdman - 455 SD

Myssouri - Muscle Car on a Dead End Road
4/10, bass vocals and dark music is generally a winner for me, but this sounds a bit too pretentiously contrived. Starts cool and gets continually worse as the song goes on.

Jethro Tull - Locomotive Breathe
8/10, fits under the same category as Queen for me.

Captain Clegg and the Night Creatures - Transylvanian Terror Train
2/10, Perfectly illustrates the way to take many things that I can enjoy and make me hate it.

Johnny Cash - Engine One-Forty-Three
8/10, Always good.

Johnny Brunette - The Train Kept a-Rollin'
7/10, it was so so until the bass and Tele started getting banged for what they were worth. Totally a 10 if it were that the whole time.

The Clash - Brand New Cadillac
7/10, No complaints.

Billy Ocean - Get Out of My Dreams, And Into My Car
8/10, I'm a sucker for this shit.

Steely Dan - Midnight Cruiser
5/10, Almost thought I was listening to the local oldies station.

Kari Bremnes - Hurtigruta
3/10, Too Norwegian, fjords and all.

Dionne Warwick - Trains and Boats and Planes
6/10, Powerful lyrics, good overall.

Krafterwerk - Tour de France
10/10, The first to do it and the best at it.

Crazy Bus
2/10, I used to have one of the first polyphonic synths and I would love turning on the hold and arpeggiator functions and mashing the keys all over the place. Still, as somebody who actually listens to atonal music, this is nothing I would ever go back to.
The first time I decided to take part in one of these mixtape-games it came to a halt. I wonder what will happen this time.

Knight Rider Theme
The music itself is OK, but even though a car played a main role in this TV series, I don't regard this instrumental piece as a song about a vehicle. There are no lyrics relating to it and even the title itself doesn't refer to the car, but the one driving it. 3/10

Filthy Frank - Thomas the Tank Engine
Apart from the title being mentioned a few times, the lyrics sound mostly off-topic to me. The song itself just goes on my nerves. Possibly meant to be funny, but not for me. 1/10

Queen - I'm in Love With My Car
Definitely on topic and music-wise far better than the previous entry. 8/10

Hawkwind - Silver Machine
Overall a decent song and on topic. 7/10

Radio Birdman - 455 SD
Enjoyable song and fully on topic. 7,5/10

Myssouri - Muscle Car on a Dead End Road
Music-wise the best song so far. I like the mood of it. Unfortunately, apart from the title itself and the line "But the muscle car never slows", I don't see any reference to the car itself or that it plays any important role. Therefore, I consider this song rather off-topic. Because of the music still: 5/10

Jethro Tull - Locomotive Breath
While the lyrics are not directly about a vehicle, they contain metaphors referring to a locomotive. It also seems that the rhythm somehow conveys the feeling of rolling steam train/locomotive. Therefore, I consider this song on topic. I also like the music. 8/10

Captain Clegg and the Night Creatures - Transylvanian Terror Train
Lyrics on-topic and the music also in this case conveys the impression of a (faster) rolling train. 7,5/10

Johnny Cash - Engine One-Forty-Three
On-topic. The music is OK. 7/10

Johnny Brunette - The Train Kept a-Rollin'
While the lyrics are mostly about the person met on the train, at least the music in this case also evokes the impression of a rolling train. Therefore 6,5/10

The Clash - Brand New Cadillac
Music is OK, but the lyrics are more about a broken relation than the car mentioned in the title. Not really on-topic. 4/10

Billy Ocean - Get Out of My Dreams, And Into My Car
While there are a few references to a car, the lyrics are mostly about the woman the singer is after. Not really on-topic. I couldn't stand the music way back in the eighties and this hasn't changed. 2/10

Steely Dan - Midnight Cruiser
Judging by the lyrics, the line where the title is taken from seems to be addressed at the one driving the vehicle and not the vehicle itself. In addition to this, I don't see any further references to a vehicle. 3/10

Kari Bremnes - Hurtigruta
The lyrics are definitely on-topic. Watching this clip makes me realize how well the music and rhythm fit with the ship calmly gliding through the water. Some of the percussion close to the end reminds me of a flagpole clanging from the wind (which sometimes also can be heard on ships), and the way the song is getting calmer and calmer at the end evokes - at least in me - the impression of a ship slowly getting further and further away from someone watching it from a harbour/a shoreline until it finally disappears at the horizon. 9/10 (if it was just about the music, I'd rank this song a bit lower)

Dionne Warwick - Trains and Boats and Planes
Not really about trains, boats and planes (except for them being a means to seperate people from each other or bring them together), but more about the relation between the singer and the one she is in love with. Parts of the music can at least be associated with a rolling train. 5/10

Kraftwerk - Tour de France
Only few references to the vehicle itself, more about the event arranged for it. At least the music mostly seems to somehow go along with the speed of the bicycles shown in this clip. I find the song itself rather boring. 3/10

Crazy Bus
Did we already have negative ratings? I feel inclined to give one right now. The only reference to a vehicle is the "bus"-part in the title. The mere fact that this noise was used as background music for a (pseudo-)game titled "Crazy bus" doesn't make it a song about a vehicle. 0/10
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