cost basically. The aws does everything I need and sounds great. I looked at these desks when they first came out and really wanted one then but just couldn't warrant spending the cash.

Comming for 80% ITB (don't speak about your analog day of course) to something more hybrid with 24 channels (+daw control) sound logical to me.
Hope you enjoy your new purchase (but my bad, how do you do for only deal with 2 comps stock:D).
Thanks for sharing and have great time Andy;)

Btw, did you know if SSL expect to shoot a vid about you since you use superanalog era product now?
Would be cool imo...
Its amazing how this one and the awesome new Exodus LP have such different tonal qualitys.
You can really hear that the actual band is having a huge input on the sound and theyre not just being Protool'd up until they sound like a band of midrange robots :)

Btw. Did you go for pure Blackstar and 5150 or did you use OD's ?
Have you used compression (not master) or saturation on the rythm guitars ?
The album "packed" like chocolate, sweet and soft, yet incredibly powerful ... like magic! :dopey:
yeah im doing some promo stuff for ssl, which they will use soon.
re the guitars, i just used what russ had tracked, bit of eq and i think I did compress the 5150 a tiny bit.
Its amazing how this one and the awesome new Exodus LP have such different tonal qualitys.
You can really hear that the actual band is having a huge input on the sound and theyre not just being Protool'd up until they sound like a band of midrange robots :)

I'm glad you picked up on that. I really try and let the bands sound like themselves, kinda pisses me off when people say my stuff sounds the same. Sure it has my slant on things but I'd say I let the band come through.
yeah im doing some promo stuff for ssl, which they will use soon.

Great, can't wait for it:rock:

I'm glad you picked up on that. I really try and let the bands sound like themselves, kinda pisses me off when people say my stuff sounds the same. Sure it has my slant on things but I'd say I let the band come through.

Everyone know you always use 5150 with same setting for all your guitars tone Andy:D

Jocking of course
I'm a die hard Dimmu fanboy! :popcorn:

But this album was kind of a let down for me at least. I'm not all surprised by the direction it took though since their three previous albums have been going in a certain direction where I felt like, where can they take this from here?... after In Sorte Diaboli.

And this IMO is a kind of a punk reaction to their previous albums, production wise. They did record drums at Dug-Out which compared to Fredman is the musical equivalent of an inverted cross. Although I'm not a big fan of the all out, gloves off, drum-machine style on ISD, you still had no trouble obtaining the mix. On Abra... It's the other way around where it's hard to grasp what's really going on except for the orchestral parts which are very well executed in all areas. I'd be very surprised if this was anything but a band decision though since it must be the most "natural" sounding album I've ever heard coming from Andy's talented hands.

The best part of my day is going out to the car and crank angry norwegian made music to full blast on my way to the studio. I can't do that with Abra due to the lack of separation and punch compared to the Fredman productions, which kind of makes you hold back on the level. :cry:

I still think they were peaking musically on Death Cult Armageddon. :muahaha:
I'm not all surprised by the direction it took though since their three previous albums have been going in a certain direction where I felt like, where can they take this from here?... after In Sorte Diaboli.

i guess they are preparing us for the next release where there will be no guitars...:lol:

i wouldn´t even mind ´cause to me the whole music lives from the dark atmosphere and the orchestra creates this even better than a wall of black metal guitars.
i agree actually, tho I was pushing for more guitar, they had a vision and I think it works, at the end of the day its their album and hopefully we've realized what the band wanted.
Actually when I heard you were mixing it I thought this is going to be the perfect blend between DCA and ISD. Shame you didn't get to produce it as well. IMO this album would've benefited from having more of that Sneapish edge. ;)

Heck I would even buy it twice!
I like it, everything really works together and seems to have a nice top end sparkle and brilliance to it.

The album artwork is good too, but their new image just looks plain silly imo.
just got it....loving it.
dunno what you guys are complaining about, I hear the guitars just fine.
and I LOVE that rather typical Sneap-Snare (that's a good thing!-still using the D4 samples a lot?)...fucking loving it, fits the mix perfectly.

I really like the new Dimmu album. Didn't expect this to be honest as I really didn't like In Sorte Diaboli, so I'm happily surprised.

Production wise I think this is their best sounding album by far. One of the things I didn't like of their previous albums was that they sound impressive for 1 or 2 songs, but I just couldn't listen to them any longer than this. It was just too much for my ears to handle. Andy, I think you found a really good balance between a sound that still has this big impression as soon as you listen to the first track, but is also natural enough so you can listen to the rest of the album as well.

And to top off my first post on this forum: Andy, I noticed that you panned the drums from the drummer's perspective. On most of your albums I have here the drums are panned from the audience's perspective (Ok, maybe this depends on the albums I have here haha), but is there any particular aspect in the recordings or anything that makes you decide on which perspective you want to use in a mix?

Best regards, Ad

I really like the new Dimmu album. Didn't expect this to be honest as I really didn't like In Sorte Diaboli, so I'm happily surprised.

Production wise I think this is their best sounding album by far. One of the things I didn't like of their previous albums was that they sound impressive for 1 or 2 songs, but I just couldn't listen to them any longer than this. It was just too much for my ears to handle. Andy, I think you found a really good balance between a sound that still has this big impression as soon as you listen to the first track, but is also natural enough so you can listen to the rest of the album as well.

And to top off my first post on this forum: Andy, I noticed that you panned the drums from the drummer's perspective. On most of your albums I have here the drums are panned from the audience's perspective (Ok, maybe this depends on the albums I have here haha), but is there any particular aspect in the recordings or anything that makes you decide on which perspective you want to use in a mix?

Best regards, Ad

hey ad, welcome.
thats usually down to the band or drummers request. I prefer it from fan perspective but if a drummer wants it that way the i go with it.