Dio Tribute "Children of the Sea" Song Discussion

Here's the breakdown since you're too lazy to read :p

Jussi & Antto will be recording the drums maybe by sometime next week

I'll start dicking with learning and recording the scratch guitars over the weekend to have to them for next week

Dan started learning everything 1/2 step higher and will soon be saying "FUUUUUUUU" when he reads this

Kevin joined GreenPeace

The Wrench's dick is not as big as he thought

You need Riddlin

That's about as complete a breakdown as I can give you for now :) Did I miss anything guys?
:lol: :lol:


Kevin joined GreenPeace
If you mean "feels like vomiting green pieces at the moment", then yeah...you're correct!

The Wrench's dick is not as big as he thought
Maybe not as big, but it is half a step lower than he originally thought it should be. ;)

I kidd, I kidd...

I still won't be able to touch this until the weekend. Too many irons in the fire right now...by the time I get home every night this week, no beatin on an acoustic for me. Unless I get a click track compensated for the intro not being there until I do it or whatever, I'm just going to tempo-match the original recording to a click and record it to that. D-standard it is!
don't sweat it man, when you do it you do it

I don't know about anyone else but I didn't have much thought about changing the tempo ... maybe the chorus up a few bpm, maybe not. Let me see how it feels as I'm putting it together
Dan started learning everything 1/2 step higher and will soon be saying "FUUUUUUUU" when he reads this


hahaha it's for the good of the song and totally understandable for Travis to do so no biggie, I'm back to my normal tuning then :rock:

Wow I just finished updating the whole thing and controlling the bunch of noobs with 10 posts that want to do everything on every song ever, I even stopped the amount of songs at least for now, this shit's tougher than I thought hahaha

Anyways no rush on this song, I will record the bass whenever the drums and guitars are ready so I can still keep track of everything else
Ok another idea ...

how would everyone feel about doubling up on the last chorus? Could allow for The Wrench to do some modified chorus melodies and stuff plus give more room if everyone else likes the idea of maybe adding some orchestral elements and such

I'll tell you now ... much as Dan has taken charge of organizing everything, I tend to do this on a production level ;) I'm always thinking in large amounts of layers :D
Yeah I say if we bring any outside singers into this lets keep it to some background stuff. I have a couple of ideas I need to work out on the guitar but I was already thinking about some kind of harmonized backing vocal parts ... mostly "ahhhhhs" at the moment but it might not hurt to have one or two really strong takes of the whole chorus either to blend in under The Wrench's main vocals. I also just spoke with my vocalist a couple hours ago ... as he said to tell all you guys "tell them I play a mean triangle" :D

but he also followed that up by saying "whatever you need" sooooo ... I'm supposed to set up a vocal session with him for sometime the 1st week of June to finish our cd. At that time, well, might not hurt to record him warming up to some chorus parts from this tune ;)

So if no one else is opposed to Dan's friend or my singer doing some small contributions that will not step on top of Travis' vocals in any way, I'd like to nominate my hetero life partner George for some additional backing vocals ... if the parts I write out sound like they will work, of course ;)
Well I'm with you, a good three part harmony in the chorus would sound brutal with my chick and your dude backing up the Wrench (I love that nickname hahaha), your at the helm of mixing this song so in the end you will have all the parts and if they don't work you simply hit the Supr key on them
I'd be really happy to have other people doing the harmony parts.

As far as doubling the last chorus, what if we did the "regular" last chorus (like the studio version) without doing the little ascending line that happens right after the line "And it just had to be"--then, after the "We're lost children of the sea" line, we modulate up a full step and do a final chorus a full step higher. We do that ascending line in the "New Final Chorus", harmonized with a descending line. The second verse being a full step higher should end on an "E" (technically a D), which makes it easy to pop back to the A (technically G) for the "LOOK OUT!!!" outro part.

I haven't played through it that way, and I hope my explanation makes sense. I could knock together a shitty guitar-only recording of the idea tonight if my description sucks as bad as it quite possibly might.
I'd be really happy to have other people doing the harmony parts.

As far as doubling the last chorus, what if we did the "regular" last chorus (like the studio version) without doing the little ascending line that happens right after the line "And it just had to be"--then, after the "We're lost children of the sea" line, we modulate up a full step and do a final chorus a full step higher. We do that ascending line in the "New Final Chorus", harmonized with a descending line. The second verse being a full step higher should end on an "E" (technically a D), which makes it easy to pop back to the A (technically G) for the "LOOK OUT!!!" outro part.

I haven't played through it that way, and I hope my explanation makes sense. I could knock together a shitty guitar-only recording of the idea tonight if my description sucks as bad as it quite possibly might.

I think I pretty much got your point, not exactly but I did get that you want to do a final chorus one step up and then go back in a wierd way that seems to work in your head hahaha

If you have Guitar pro you can work it into it like Jesse did with his extra solo, or if not well try to do a crappy sounding guitar track and sing over it to demonstrate your point
I'd be really happy to have other people doing the harmony parts.

As far as doubling the last chorus, what if we did the "regular" last chorus (like the studio version) without doing the little ascending line that happens right after the line "And it just had to be"--then, after the "We're lost children of the sea" line, we modulate up a full step and do a final chorus a full step higher. We do that ascending line in the "New Final Chorus", harmonized with a descending line. The second verse being a full step higher should end on an "E" (technically a D), which makes it easy to pop back to the A (technically G) for the "LOOK OUT!!!" outro part.

I haven't played through it that way, and I hope my explanation makes sense. I could knock together a shitty guitar-only recording of the idea tonight if my description sucks as bad as it quite possibly might.

Hold on a second ...

we're doing this song in D because it would be easier for you to hit the higher parts with power but the part of the song with the highest vocal parts you want to modulate up a 1/2 step higher than where you were uncomfortable to begin with??? :goggly:

Did we just divide by zero?
I'll try fucking around with that idea but I have to be honest, I'm not feeling too good about it right now ... if we double up the chorus that leaves plenty of room to intensify things ... ie - drums get more intense, orchestral shit, additional harmonies, keys, etc ... and I think that could be more than enough to really put our mark on the tune but far be it from me to not at least try so let me see how it sounds when I mess with the scratch tracks cool?

Tryin to throw another wrench in there or what? :D hahaha
Just got done recording the acoustic parts. Currently uploading to dropbox, so links are pending.

I didn't know what map we were following exactly, so I went off the original track for tempo sake. I hope that isn't going to fuck everything up. I did 4 measures of lead in at 147bpm, which is what the first 8 measures of the song are in (before the vocals kick in). After that, the tempo is all over the place...slows down some from there, then slows down again when the drums come in...after that, I stopped trying to map it and just followed along.

I did 3 tracks (SDC pointed towards pick attack, LDC in front of sound hole, and direct out of the internal preamp/bridge piezo). I'm going to let whoever mixes this decide how they want to blend that.

If it's terrible...when I finally get the links up...just let me know and I'll run at it again. If I need to do it again, we should agree on a tempo to follow since the original is kinda randomly floating above and below 145bpm.

Also...it's in D (whole step down from standard). I'm assuming that's what was agreed upon as final verdict. Kinda hard to tell once the vocal variation stuff began being explained.

Finally, I did some extra acoustic parts. These can be used or tossed. I decided to do them for added effect, thought it would be cool. It's a part on each chorus, and a part for the bridge before the solo (after 2nd chorus.) Again, I hope they are useful but it won't break my heart if they aren't gonna fit.
Can't listen to it right now Kev, but it's great to see you finished all your parts, I'll give it a listen later! About the mapping, well I don't know what to say about that, I guess then Carlos would have to do the scratch tracks (If he hasn't yet) to the original song so the drummer can record it, but he'd need a click track too so someone would need to map out the song anyways
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/7371244/Dio-acoustic1(sdc).wav = Small Diaphragm

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/7371244/Dio-acoustic2(ldc).wav = Large Diaphragm

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/7371244/Dio-acoustic3(int).wav = Direct


Just to give you an idea on how I did it. All 3 are without any processing at all. Figured I'd leave that for whoever is mixing.
All 3 are from the same takes, just 3 different sources for your mixing/blending needs. Hope they are good enough.

Hey Kevin

I'll give these a listen a little later but just so you don't have to worry about anything I know the tempo floats around a bit .. I discovered this yesterday while working on learning the tune. If you did it at the same tempo as the original, thats fine ... I have to set up the click track for Antto so I was planning on going with a solid 140 for the verses and maybe push it up to like 144-145 for the chorus' ... the best part is that you did some extra stuff too cause I was gonna ask you if you could also do some simple 1 strum accents for the chorus chords ... something to blend in later as a sweetener maybe

Yes, we decided on "D" standard as the tuning so no problems there :rock:

What does Antto want as a click sound? Only click I have that I can print is the standard PT one which is why I thought it might be more enjoyable for him to have maybe a super basic drum beat to play along to instead. If he's really insistent on just a click and has a sound preference can you let me know cause I'm gonna get ready to map out the tempo tonight or tomorrow and then track my scratch guitars right after. Sorry for the bit of a delay but I was busy for a large part of the weekend finalizing some vocal shit for Jesse's band. Oh another thing, I'm gonna record the scratch guitars in "E" standard cause that where my main axe is setup at the moment but once I have the finished drum tracks and have done any editing I'll obviously be doing my real takes in "D". These scratch tracks will be VERY basic cause I'm still figuring what I want to do on the guitars but it'll be suitable for the parts

Just let me know about the click thing as soon as you can
