Dio Tribute "Rainbow in the Dark" Song Discussion

Considering the completely fucked up comments made by Spamds in the Nergal thread (and his subsiquent[sp?] banning)... I'm taking his rhythm guitar spot.. gonna get them done by this weekend.. Mephisto are you back in for the mix?


So... you'll be doing the Fm guitars? I agreed that if it couldn't be done, that I would step away from thi ssince it did not came out good in Gm and I was the one that told you to track on that range, but if you'll track the guitars I would like to try to sing it.
Just so everyone knows... when I did the solo I beleive I had to tune to Eb to get in the key, not D... I'm not sure if that's correct, but I remember having to change my tuning after I did the Kill The King solo (which was in D Standard Tuning)..

No matter which singer we go with I'll probably re-track the rhythms twice, once in each tuning.. mainly because I don't think the tribute should include a banned member of the forum... but that is really up to all parties involved in this song...

mephisto_loh: you've sent me the proposition to sing on the track. Will you change the tuning and rerecord stuff or leave it all be as on the track you sent me? Cos it's important.

Max, in the event we can't get the track redone in C for Jacare, you would be singing to the current tuning (the retracking is kinda stalled without Severu's response, but I'm doing the guits in both tunings anyways..)

Hey Jussi.. what key did you track the synths in for this? I have this gut feeling that we weren't in Jacare's requested tuning and I don't know why...

OK , So we will take both alternatives.
1. Max will sing the version we already have.
2. Jacare will sing the newer version as long as we have all the tracks in the new tune.
in both cases Paulie will retrack the guitars, and i'll do the mix.
I'm just saying that if you're retracking for the singer's comfort, I'm ok with the current tuning and you don't need to spend precious time - we must finish everything quite soon:)

We are not sure if all the tracks will be retuned before the deadline. So we will be glad if you can track the vocals with the version We already have. Actually this song is one of the "must be in the tribute", the reason we want to finish it as soon as possible.
I mainly want to retrack the Eb/D version because I think Spamds' parts had some major dissonance issues (especially in the pre-choruses).. by all means track to the version you have and I can slide the re-tracking in there... I'm still waiting to hear from Severu on the issue of the bass retracking...

Can't remember, but it's not a big problem, I have the MIDI and the synth patch ready to go when needed.

Cool, I'll get to work on this once the re-tracking of ATFSA is done.. (Between Sunday and Tuesday at the latest for both tracks.. I'll do the C tuning first since Max can track to Spamds guitars)

Gonna have the a guitar/drum mix in C for Jacare to track to by tomorrow night and I'll just PM you the tracks for the current tuning when I finish them.. I think I need to buy some .11 gauges tonight since I'll be in C Standard...

Gonna have the a guitar/drum mix in C for Jacare to track to by tomorrow night and I'll just PM you the tracks for the current tuning when I finish them.. I think I need to buy some .11 gauges tonight since I'll be in C Standard...


Great man!
I am afraid I'm ill again (bloody epidemia here). And we're short on time. With all my efforts I won't be able to do vocals before 22 of September, which is too late. If the deadline will be moved - I'm still in. If it won't be and if Jacare will do fine with C - i'll be happy, cos I feel like I've swallowed the British Steel album.