This is it, will try that settings later but presence off?...


Yeah man! fuck that ish, no one needs that knob hahahaha kidding of course, but I never found any need for it.
the roadster settings probably are the same because the roadsters sound similar... just better in every way so copying those settings onto the roadster (because he owned dual and trip recs before that) would result in win for sure.
If anyone tries those settings don't expect them to sound anything like Adam unless you:
have got a guitar with an EMG 85 in the bridge (back when that photo was taken Adam was still using 85's in the bridge),
a maxon od808,
and are running through a mesa STILETTO or traditional rec (not standard rec) cabinet
The "presence off" technique was something I was told when I borrowed my buddies TR and was on forums trying to figure out how to get a good sound (rather then just playing and dialing it in like anyone with brains) but I was never aware that KsE did it... Joel even still has no presence on his Nitro I know that... (as seen in the picture I posted in this thread)
man I wish someone had recent pics of their Mesa settings. i can't make out the knobs to well in that picture. I will try my best. I don't want to copy their tone, I just want to get close. haha
Figured I'd clear as much as I could...
TEOH is quad tracked.
2 tracks dragon (into mesa traditional 412)
2 tracks 5150 (into vht fat bottom)
the dragon replaced by the cobra for rose of sharyn as we all know.

Does anyone know the panning of these? Like if they used just dragon on one side and just 5150 on the other or if they did half and half on both sides?
Does anyone know the panning of these? Like if they used just dragon on one side and just 5150 on the other or if they did half and half on both sides?

I do. For general rhythms (take the beginning of take this oath for instance)
1 5150 left.
1 dragon left.

1 5150 right
1 dragon left

(full panned.) when you full pan you usually get that separated feel but with 4 tracks you get the nice separation but still it doesn't feel too separated (if that makes any sense:P).

and for rose of sharyn a cobra instead of the dragon.
man I wish someone had recent pics of their Mesa settings. i can't make out the knobs to well in that picture. I will try my best. I don't want to copy their tone, I just want to get close. haha

Broski the settings are
presence off
master 12 o clock
gain 1 o clock
bass 3 o clock
mid 11:30
treble noon
master 9:30

loop active. (because Adam D used to use a dbx rackmount gate in the Triple recs effects loop... and the roadster when he used that a while back)

Now he uses (regardless of amp) isp decimator in the amps fx loop and boss ns2 out front (with the maxon od808 in the ns2's effects loop)

The last time I heard of Adam using his roadster over the nitro (for what ever reason) was rock on the range 2010... which is where I got those pictures from.
Here's what 2 5150's and 2 framus dragons sounds like after adam d is done with them.

So that's the tone they get at the end of the day before adding bass guitar.
Joel and Adam say when they go in the studio they always aim the records tone towards the end of heartache as much as possible because it's the best tone they've gotten thus far.
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This picture I posted is a F'n piss off.
I remember cropping out band members out of the picture so it was taken during the live show.

So we have a Splawn nitro not turned on with a chord plugged in vs. a turned on mesa roadster with no visible cable plugged in.
Oh ya I remember finding that mix online thing.... that was during the 2010 US Rage Tour!
that's up to date except now adam's back on the roadster but I'm still not sure if it's his backup or main head :S
(the pictures I have are more recent)
Is there a mix up in that interview? He says they used "Straight Mesa Boogie Recto 4x12 guitar cabinets" but by looking at the pics of their stage rigs the cabs look more like trad/stiletto cabs.

There's a mix up and it's partly mesa's fault. (for confusing name crap)
Back in pre stiletto days (before the stiletto line was created) the 2 rectifier cabinets mesa sold were:
Standard rectifier cabinet (what people call "oversized")
and Traditional rectifier cabinet.

Then the stiletto line came out and they changed the traditional rectifier cabinet to the name stiletto traditional cabinet (as well as changed the dark gray piping to silver).
So in current day since the only rectifier cabinet is the oversized one when people (like you) hear "rectifier" they assume oversized... but back before 2005 (or when ever the stiletto line came out) when the stiletto line wasn't out the traditional sized cabinet was still considered a rectifier cabinet. Thus why "rectifier cabinet" on it's own doesn't tell anyone anything. But yes KsE uses traditional rectifier cabinets. look at the picture on the mix online thing with adam d's cabinet with mics up to it... dark gray piping right? traditional rectifier. What I'm not sure is if all of KsE's mesa cabs are pre stiletto or they just custom order them to look like the old traditional recitifers because the stiletto's silver piping is terrible looking in my honest opinion.
Traditional rectifier:

Only difference between a traditional rectifier and a stiletto traditional is the stiletto traditional will have silver piping.
Only difference between the traditional rectifier and the standard rectifier is the standard is 32 and 7/8 inches tall and the traditional is 30 and a quarter inches tall. (Oh, and the standard rectifiers sound like GARBAGE compared to the traditional rectifier / stiletto rectifier cabinets)
Thanks for that!, Colonel Sanders!

Do you have any information regarding what mics were used on Guitars,Drums ....ect in the studio? And also name from what album?
