Hey Colonel thanks for the rectifier settings!! Sounds great with my roadster!

Do you have any pics of Adam or Joel's pedal settings for the Maxon, or the ISP, NS-2, etc??

Do you know what delay they use??
Hey Colonel thanks for the rectifier settings!! Sounds great with my roadster!

Do you have any pics of Adam or Joel's pedal settings for the Maxon, or the ISP, NS-2, etc??

Do you know what delay they use??

Right now I believe the dudes are back on the maxon delay train... Joel tried using other ones I remember him using a line 6 dl4 at one point. the only setting i know for sure on adams and joels maxons are NO overdrive. if you get an overdrive and want to boost start with overdrive 0. tone at 12 o clock... then level/balance at 12 o clock and push the balance up until it sounds good, then adjust the tone knob if needed (If you want to keep your amps same settings you might end up running the maxons level/balance at maybe 1 o clock, 2 oclock... or maybe run it full and just pull down the gain on your head... what im getting at is if you're going to crank the output on the maxon you might not want to keep your heads gain where it used to be before the maxon because things might get fizzier then pepsi)

Joel's isp pro rack G settings are visible in teh picture and write up i made on page 8... as far as Adam D's isp decimator pedal that thing has one knob and don't worry lol if you buy one set it to where evers good my friend. This is the delay adam and joel seem to always go back to

and this compressor for there clean amps

adam and joel used to use both of those pedals when they both ran fender twin reverbs but with joel using his fuchs clean machine now im not sure if he still compresses but im pretty sure they still rock the maxon ad9 delay.

If you guys got any more questions I'll try and answer but next time KsE comes through your city get some tickets and go a few hours early and find where the buses are... wait outside if you want or just remember where they are and after the show rush towards there. Mike and Justin and the gang WILL come out if there's a crowd around the bus.
For studio mics Stroetzel says Sm57 in the center of the dust cap on axis about 4 inches back from the speaker... after that they creep in a condenser mic off to the side off axis. That's what the starting point usually always is he said. Then depending on how it sounds, if they plan to double track or quad track, they'll make mic and or settings adjustments. This is a cool interview... When Joel records his own demos he does the same thing (excluding the whole condenser mic thing) he just puts a sm57 dead center of the dust cap about a few inches back and full pans 2 tracks left 2 tracks right usually with 2 amps. 1 track amp a left. 1 track amp b left. and then 1 track amp a right. 1 track amp b right (he works that hard on quad tracking just for the demos that the band emails each other before they hit the studio)
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I've reasearched the mics on the cab there, the one above is a shure sm7b offcourse, and the one below seems to be a heil pr 40.

Anyone tried the pr40 on guitar?

I've reasearched the mics on the cab there, the one above is a shure sm7b offcourse, and the one below seems to be a heil pr 40.

Anyone tried the pr40 on guitar?

could also be a PR30 I think.
I have one and I know many ppl really like it..I always found it too fizzy and somewhat "hollow" sounding.
Where's that pic from?
that picture is from they took pictures of KsE's gear..
"The Mesa Boogie is found understage, miked with a Shure SM7 and a Heil PR 40. " - Adam's guitar tech.
(Oh, and the standard rectifiers sound like GARBAGE compared to the traditional rectifier / stiletto rectifier cabinets)

Woaaa, did I read this right?
I only just read this page just now, but I'm about 100 per cent certain the Oversized/Standard cab is one of the most preferred cabs around this forum.
There's enough great clips out there to confirm the Standard/OS sounds anything but shit.
I do. For general rhythms (take the beginning of take this oath for instance)
1 5150 left.
1 dragon left.

1 5150 right
1 dragon left

(full panned.) when you full pan you usually get that separated feel but with 4 tracks you get the nice separation but still it doesn't feel too separated (if that makes any sense:P).

and for rose of sharyn a cobra instead of the dragon.

Hey, you seem to have some excellent Killswitch knowledge dude! I'm a massive fan myself...

How on Earth do you know the panning for the guitars on the EoH?! is it the same panning for all the tracks?

And do you have any further knowledge about fine tuning of mic placements?

(I've read the entire of this thread).

(EoH: sm57 and AKG C3000B)... Joel says they place in front of the dust cap about 4 inches back and the AKG as close to this as possible.

But I only have an SM57. Which i run into Protools LE 8.0 via an MBox2.

Use my Peavey 5150 mk1 (signature version) into a Framus 2x12 cab (which has Celestion Vintage 30's as Joel personally told me to get for their tone!) and i bought a Framus Cobra top from ebay but the seller has turned out to be a fraudster :(. I use the same 5150 settings as seen in their 2010 studio pictures.

In front of the 5150 i have my Boss NS2 with the Maxon OD808 in the loop (just boosting) but i still can't seem to get their awesome tone.

(Adam is obviously a genius but this still isn't getting as close as i would like it to be! maybe im just not very good with protools/mic placement/eq-ing?!)

...can anyone help? any amazing producers out their fancy imparting some wisdom :)
Amps were completely stock you'll be happy to know.:cool:We'll except for a change of the tubes if you're counting that as a mod..
Whoever wants the answers to the gear mysteries just message me.:kickass:

I want answers to the gear mysteries! and i've PM'd your good self - but haven't gotten a response, would you kindly reply :)
Hey Nevvy.
please use the "edit" function to add something to your post, way easier for people to read the forum if you're not creating a new post for every sentece.
and to answer (some) of your're using an ampsetting you saw on a studio video of a production that didn't even have the 5150 on it....that setting wasn't used....
and even if it would have been used, you're using a cmpletely different cab (and gutar and fingers etc), it makes ZERO sense to just copy least if you want a similar tone.
Also: that 808 belongs in front of the amp, not in the loop!
AND: you'll NEVER get an awesome tone by copying someone else's settings on your equipment....if you want an awesome tone you'll have to learn to dial in your own amp so that it sounds awesome in YOUR room with YOUR guitar, YOUR cab, YOUR playing etc