yeah dude, YouTube music always sounds worse than the real thing, its called compression (data compression, to be specific)
Data compression attempts to be (and typically is, in our situations) lossless. Compressing a song in a zip file (which would be data compression) will not change its quality until you start completely removing information (which is not normally done) so it's not a data compression issue.

yes i know that's why i said video compression aside

anyways, great sounding album. a pretty good album (finally got) but the good production is a shot in the arm. imagine if andy was around doing what he does now in the 80's with the technology available now... wow. one can only wish (...justice???????)
I dunno, I like how the album sounds but headroom! There is none! Megadeth's latest album is yet another victim of the over-eager mastering house and/or producer... It's compressed to shit and as a result, it loses something.

I opened up the first track off United Abominations, and was greeted with (literally) a wall of sound.

Here's the stats from Audition:

	Left	Right
Min Sample Value:	-32768	-32768
Max Sample Value:	32767	32767
Peak Amplitude:	.01 dB	.01 dB
Possibly Clipped:	10056	9617
DC Offset:	-.092 	-.107 
Minimum RMS Power:	-60.92 dB	-59.45 dB
Maximum RMS Power:	-4.85 dB	-4.65 dB
Average RMS Power:	-9.43 dB	-9.45 dB
Total RMS Power:	-8.96 dB	-9.01 dB
Actual Bit Depth:	16 Bits	16 Bits

Using RMS Window of 50 ms

-4.8dB peak RMS? WOW. I mean, for crying out loud - this album doesn't sound audibly clipped all the way through like "that" master of The Blackening, but I wish producers and mastering houses would just ease off on making everything hit digital zero. There's still a lot to be said for having stuff peak below 0dBFS, and that goes for every stage including the final mix from the studio. I wish music had more dynamic, old Megadeth albums generally sound so much nicer (and easier on the ears) when compared to Mustaine's remasters because he just squashed the shit out of all his tracks when he remixed them.

Ho hum :/ have to agree though, generally this album gets the thumbs up from me. A couple of dodgy moments but on the whole, glad I got it.
thats peak not average. Around -9 -10 is standard and it's actually alot quieter than alot of cd's out there deliberately, so I'd say this is spot on. It certainly wasn't hit hard in mastering, I suggest you listen as opposed to going on numbers you don't understand.
Ever heard of the album Youthanasia? Compared to the other albums it actually has a good guitartone ;) IMO the best production on any Megadeth album

i'm not gonna lie i haven't listened to megadeth nearly as much in my life as i have my other favorite thrash outfits (testament, metallica, overkill, etc.) though i do own every megadeth album except the world needs a hero but i mean i was very very suprised how some of the tracks i heard previews of (particularly "a tout le monde") sounds

i think you have to be out of your mind to knock the production or try to compare it to arch enemy. that is like trying to make an argument that eating 20 lemons doesn't taste bitter. while it still has some sort of subjectivety to it it is still pretty obvious that it is bitter. but i mean how this related to music is that it is obvious that no two bands can sound alike. mixing only evens out and dynamically enhances whatever was tracked. so since every band is going to use different gear, playing styles, mics, etc. it will sound different.

also don't forget the different musical styles. so i don't know how anyone could've expected anything better than what i've heard so far on the album. it was dave's decision to use crappy line 6 amps, but i mean whatever. all in all i'm going to buy the album by the weekend to judge it for myself but so far from the couple songs i heard the mixing sounds unbelievable. you can hear everything, which was never the case for megadeth. the gutiars have plenty of attack without being too buzzy and the vocals sound very good. you don't need to be a music professor to hear that mike portnoy isn't the drummer so the drum production naturally cannot stand out but it still sounds better than anything megadeth has done on a sonic level.
thats peak not average. Around -9 -10 is standard and it's actually alot quieter than alot of cd's out there deliberately, so I'd say this is spot on. It certainly wasn't hit hard in mastering, I suggest you listen as opposed to going on numbers you don't understand.
yeah he seems to be thinking that maximum RMS is the same as average RMS when the labels are right there!!!! And this album is very obviously not smashed. thank god.
Song wise it's half good, half ok. Dave's voice sounds great. The guitar tone kicks my ass. The drum playing is rather mundane. I mean it's good and tight, there's just nothing special happening there. I have to admit I'm a little disappointed but in no way would say that "Dave is done".

I don't really have a problem with "A Tout la monde". I like it but it should be a bonus track at the end 'cause it seems weird to have a cover of his own song as a part of a new album especially since it doesn't sound much different than the original. That's just what I think.
Dave's voice sounds better than ever, as far as I'm concerned. The new version of that song seems to take on a different role in this album, I'm still not sure what to think about it.

I have a Question, if i remember Right, when they were tracking drums Shawn Drover post in somewhere that they were using a john Bonham kick, so the question is if in the end they use at least a sample of that kick ?.

Anyways The production is AMAZING ¡¡¡
I have a Question, if i remember Right, when they were tracking drums Shawn Drover post in somewhere that they were using a john Bonham kick, so the question is if in the end they use at least a sample of that kick ?.

Anyways The production is AMAZING ¡¡¡

i wondered about that aswell