Non-metal Themed Mixtape Game

Pokémon Theme Song - 10
i bet Mort submitted this. it's actually a very proficient 80s powerpop-inspired song. it's got cheesy synth, sweet vocal harmonies and a cool guitar solo!

TV On The Radio - Wolf Like Me - 6
good for what it is i guess

Roky Erickson - Night Of The Vampire - 7
not sure what kind of music this is but i kinda like it

Garmarna - Varulven/The Werewolf - 9
reminds me of Eluveitie, i love it! i just wanna fuck an unwashed, hairy armpit celtic/slavic/nordic/gaulish tribeswoman in the wilderness right now

Dvořák - The Water Goblin - 8
im a cultured individual therefore i can appreciate classical music

Hola Ghost - Chupacabra - 6
a bit noisy but ok

Wishbone Ash - Persephone - 9
this is nice

Bert Jansch - Reynardine - 6
a bit boring but ok

The Deadfly Ensemble - Polymelia And The Satyr - 7
i see what they're going for and it couldve been executed better

Shub-Niggurath - J'ai Vu Naguère En Peinture Les Harpies Ravissant Le Repas De Phynée - 4
wow this sure is high-artsy-fartsy shit and it succeeded in weirding me out

Amebix - Fear Of God - 5
has potential but ends up being annoying overall

Pagan Altar - The Erl King - 6
very soothing/calming song. i like the female singer a lot. but the guy brought it down by 2 points
Pokémon Theme Song
personally i'd prefer if the video was the actual pokémon opening, because the song is clearly designed to go with the video and they complement one another absolutely perfectly. i still get shivers watching it and i genuinely think it may be the most brilliantly designed opening to any tv show ever. genius choice, too. in conclusion, fuck you. 10/10

TV On The Radio - Wolf Like Me

this is a rly good song that i'm very familiar with, but i'm not super impressed with the werewolf picks. werewolf is so commonplace it could be its own theme, it's probably the first port of call here you populist schmucks. it is technically eligible though so i'll only knock off a point. 7/10

Roky Erickson - Night Of The Vampire

i love roky erickson and this song, but i love vampires even less for this theme. if they can even be classed as a mythical 'beast', they're possibly the most obvious of them all. 7/10

Garmarna - Varulven/The Werewolf

this is at least concerned with the myth of its subject, i'll allow it. it's pretty great, hits the same kinda untr00 spot as tyr for me i guess. 7/10

Dvořák - The Water Goblin

didn't grab me. i love that insanely catchy motif in his most famous symphony where it's like diddly diddly diddly diddly derderderderderderderder diddly diddly dudududududu. you know the one. 5/10

Hola Ghost - Chupacabra

not exactly reinventing the wheel but stuff like this is always fun, and it's one of the most thematic choices. 7/10

Wishbone Ash - Persephone

you do realise wishbone ash have a great on-theme song called 'phoenix', right? if you're gonna pick a god at least pick one that takes some kind of bestial form, not a walking fucking pomegranate. nice erotic cover art though. 6/10

Bert Jansch - Reynardine

the best bert jansch song, the best version of this song, and one of the most evocative folk tunes ever recorded. 10/10

The Deadfly Ensemble - Polymelia And The Satyr

has that comus thing going on where the wackiness would be too much if it didn't have a certain pagan authenticity to it. it's also just really satisfying sonically. 8/10

Shub-Niggurath - J'ai Vu Naguère En Peinture Les Harpies Ravissant Le Repas De Phynée

too atonal for me but the production carries it. 6/10

Amebix - Fear Of God

i'm not a big fan anyway, and this is the most off-theme choice in the round. 3/10

Pagan Altar - The Erl King

sorry but i don't listen to fake music by fake bands 8/10
Garmarna - Varulven/The Werewolf - 9
reminds me of Eluveitie, i love it! i just wanna fuck an unwashed, hairy armpit celtic/slavic/nordic/gaulish tribeswoman in the wilderness right now

But would you lick the asshole of such an individual?
then i would search the globe far and wide for the proper counter-runes and tattoo them on my tongue
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Debatable, from what I've heard they're a blues based hard rock band. Real metal is not blues based. It's a big part of what made black sabbath's early metal songs so different from the other rock bands of the 70's.
Not true. Metal, while part of what makes it metal is the elements of classical and, or jazz, definitely has some blues-based nature to it. Black Sabbath is representative of this in particular, just listen to the debut, there's plenty of blues stuff there. Not to mention there is such a thing as blues metal, something exemplified in some Motörhead and Danzig.
Not true. Metal, while part of what makes it metal is the elements of classical and, or jazz, definitely has some blues-based nature to it. Black Sabbath is representative of this in particular, just listen to the debut, there's plenty of blues stuff there. Not to mention there is such a thing as blues metal, something exemplified in some Motörhead and Danzig.

The song Black Sabbath is clearly not blues based, and those songs on the debut that are bluesy are much more like rock songs than metal songs. Most of Motorhead is not blues based not sure where you're getting that from. And if there are bluesy Motorhead songs then those are more like rock songs than metal songs.

The only major genre of metal I can think of that is often blues based is Stoner Doom and that's questionably metal by many also. Also called Stoner Rock.
They're more akin to rock than metal, but they still qualify as metal. Motörhead has plenty of bluesy stuff, just listen to Bomber or Overkill, there's blues elements coming out the wazoo.
Every time I saw Motorhead, Lemmy said "We're Motorhead, and we play rock and roll", so there's that. Overall I'd call them a hard rock/metal band, but yeah there is some blues in the guitar work listening again... Still this is not typical of metal. I mean the way a lot of people define the genre shift from rock to metal was the song Black Sabbath, with its lack of blues influence which produced a heavier feel. After the debut Black Sabbath shifted even further away from blues, some exceptions aside.
Motörhead always had strong blues roots, whether it be the scales they used or Lemmy's bass playing, which was heavily grounded in old rockabilly backbeat rhythms. Tracks like Step Down personify it best, where it's clearly a metal song, but with overwhelming blues elements. Or hell, the whole Another Perfect Day album. Motörhead played an assload of different genres and subgenres, so it's tougher to pin them to even a couple (punk rock, speed metal, hard rock, blues metal, thrash metal, country blues, rockabilly, even a little prog rock/metal on Another Perfect Day, especially on Marching Off To War). I agree it's not ultra-typical of metal, particularly given subgenres like thrash, prog, speed, power, death, and black metal, which encompasses quite of bit of the genre, which don't generally if at all lend themselves to much bluesiness. And metal started diverging from it early, so it's harder to pick up on, primarily starting with Judas Priest who I'd argue were the ones who began introducing the classical elements much more strongly. Sabbath had already initated it with stuff like Orchid, and were blatantly jazz-influenced as well, which is particularly flagrant in Bill Ward's drum patterns and techniques. But Sabbath had plenty of blues influence. What made the song Black Sabbath heavy was lighter strings, the guitar being plugged into the bass socket of the amp, the phrasing of everything overall, the use of the devil's tritone (a key component of blues guitar), and an introduction of classical influences in addition to the blues influences. Considering the main riff itself is based around a blue note from the standard blues pentatonic scale and the Mars movement of Gustav Holst's The Planets, I'd say there's definitely a strong blues element to even that song. What characterized the shift from blues rock, hard rock and all the music, Sabbath's contemporaries, was the addition of jazz and classical to the existing blues elements. Sabbath's blues influence was always very much present during the Ozzy era, stemming mostly from Tony's guitar playing. Being that most doom metal stems largely in part from this era of Sabbath, doom metal overall at least has a general, tacit blues component to it. On top of that, like I said there is a blues metal subgenre, personified generally by Danzig and Motörhead.
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Blue note.. it was the tritone or flat 5 or augmented 4th or 5th step of the locrian mode long before that. Being part of a blues scale does not make it blues. Then you could say every octave and minor 3rd and perfect 4th are blues based.. It's clearly being used as the devil's note not as a blue note in that song. You already knew this while writing that though.

I don't believe there is enough blues metal to call it its own subgenre. When was the last time any metalhead mentioned "blues metal" as their favorite subgenre. There simply isn't that much of it and those metal bands that do use blues are the exception not the norm, or they are actually rock bands.
What you're saying is partially true. Yes, it does have an original classical underpinning, as does the devil's tritone. As I said though, the Devil's tritone is a key facet of blues guitar, and has been a prevalently used interval in the genre for the longest time. That is where the blues basis of it comes in. Perhaps, there isn't enough for a subgenre, so maybe I misspoke. But most stoner metal, stoner doom metal, or doom metal bands owe a significant debt to Sabbath, and ergo, a significant debt to the blues.
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Pokémon Theme Song
This was pretty good overblown cheese pop-rock nonsense. Good interpretation of the theme as well. 8/10

TV On The Radio - Wolf Like Me
This is perfect indie rock. 10/10

Roky Erickson - Night Of The Vampire
This was ok but it didn't do a great deal for me plus vampires suck hurrr hurrr 6.5/10

Garmarna - Varulven/The Werewolf
UM does Eurovision. This is overblown cheese in a bad way. 4/10

Dvořák - The Water Goblin
I can't listen to all of this. Not my thing. 4/10

Hola Ghost - Chupacabra
Yeah nah. 5/10

Wishbone Ash - Persephone
Cool. Liking this a lot. Need to check out more of this band. 8/10

Bert Jansch - Reynardine
I'm not into folk at all but this is really nice. The guitar work is beautiful. 8/10

The Deadfly Ensemble - Polymelia And The Satyr
Goth nonsense is a no. 3/10

Shub-Niggurath - J'ai Vu Naguère En Peinture Les Harpies Ravissant Le Repas De Phynée
Liking this a lot. Will look into this band. 8/10

Amebix - Fear Of God
Eh. Not great and not on theme. 3/10

Pagan Altar - The Erl King
Yaaaawwwwwnn. 4/10
I regret not submitting something marginally fitting for this theme seeing how bad some of these submissions are.

Pokémon Theme
Even as a kid I was only ever a fan of the games, not the show, so this doesn't have enough nostalgic appeal for me to give it a 10. Not bad though.

TV on the Radio - Wolf Like Me

Roky Erickson - Night of the Vampire

Garmarna - Varulven

Dvorak - The Water Goblin

Total neophyte when it comes to classical, but the New World Symphony is my favorite work. Might have to do with it being prominently featured in both my top two animes. This is not prominently featured in any of my favorite animes, but I like some parts here and there. I feel like I'd need to listen to this a few more times to really assess it, but it's 21 minutes so...
Also, the fact that you picked a 21 minute track suggests you were either really low on ideas or just plain sadistic so -1 point for that.

Hola Ghost - Chupacabra
Somewhere in between fun and cringeworthy.

Wishbone Ash - Persephone
Fuck, this is amazing. I haven't listened to There's the Rub in forever but I instantly remember this. This was probably my favorite song on that album. Explain to me how it fits the theme and I'll give it a 10.

Bert Jansch - Reynardine
I want to live in this song.

The Deadfly Ensemble - Polymelia and the Satyr
Idk. Bit messy but I liked some bits.


Amebix - Fear of God
I could've accepted a song about god for this theme if it was at least about the wrath of god. This is more anti-church than anything. Cool song though.

Pagan Altar - The Erl King