Non-metal Themed Mixtape Game

Metallica - Mama Said
Pink Floyd - Matilda Mother
Swans - Mother Of The World
Lightnin' Hopkins - Coffee For Mama
Subhumans - Somebody's Mother
Sufjan Stevens - Fourth Of July
Birth Control - Believe In The Pill
Nat King Cole - My Mother Told Me
Puscifer - Momma Sed
Olivia Hussey - Ave Maria
Eloy - Incarnation Of The Logos
O'Death - Angeline
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Metallica - Mama Said: Obviously a terrible song, but has a certain lol factor that makes it more listenable than I suspect much of the rest of the list will be. 5/10

Pink Floyd - Matilda Mother: Generally speaking I dislike Pink Floyd, but this was pretty good. Better when there aren't any vocals, anyway. 8/10

Swans - Mother Of The World: Freaky and hypnotic and genius. Something to be looked into further – an excellent pick. 9/10

Lightnin' Hopkins - Coffee For Mama: It's blues... what can I say? Like all blues, it's completely mediocre 5/10

Subhumans - Somebody's Mother: Good energy, which is what I generally look for in punk – and intelligent lyrics too. I can't shake the feeling that it's shamelessly ripping something off, though. 7/10

Sufjan Stevens - Fourth Of July: The first ten seconds or so were tolerable. Then the sentimental queerness kicks in. Terrible pretentious lyrics, uninspired composition, just faggy and awful and a waste of my time to listen to. I post on a metal forum to get away from this kind of shit. 1/10

Birth Control - Believe In The Pill: Too much like so many other blues rock tracks to get a really good rating, even if it was one of the more enjoyable tracks here. 6/10

Nat King Cole - My Mother Told Me: I'm not averse to a bit of jazz. But not this kind of jazz... sounded like something from a musical. 5/10

Puscifer - Momma Sed: Not quite as good as Tool, but Maynard James Keenan sure knows how to build an atmosphere. Pretty unique, and one of Puscifier's better songs – I particularly like the vocal layering. Good pick. 10/10

Olivia Hussey - Ave Maria: Flogging a dead horse. 2/10

Eloy - Incarnation Of The Logos: Aside for the amateurish vocals, this is cool stuff. No rush when building atmosphere, and then that bass line that kicks in around 3:30 is mindblowing. The track just keeps on getting better from there. This is a new one for me, which makes me want to uprate it... unfortunately it's not too closely on theme, as the lyrics are more about procreation/beginnings than motherhood (which I take to mean childrearing as well as birth-giving), so I'm going to have to settle for 8/10

O'Death - Angeline : Where did that vomit gif go? Is this folk music? If so, fuck folk music.1/10
Metallica - Mama Said – 6/10

It’s really not a bad song.

Pink Floyd - Matilda Mother – 5/10

Never cared much for this song, or even most of the album tbh. Kind of obnoxious.

Swans - Mother Of The World – 3/10

I skipped this Swans album but heard the adjacent ones, this is actually a bit groovier and more like To Be Kind than I thought this album was supposed to be. Actually this is a lot more repetitive and kind of dumb. The second half wasn’t much better.

Lightnin' Hopkins - Coffee For Mama – 3/10


Subhumans - Somebody's Mother – 9/10

Damn this is good. I can’t remember if they’ve been posted before and I promised to check them out at the time or if that was some other punk band but this is exactly how I like it.

Sufjan Stevens - Fourth Of July – 6/10

I’ve heard this guy’s name before but never listened to him afaik. This sounds kind of like atmospheric dental office pop. That chorus is a slight bit embarrassing to me. Still like it though.

Birth Control - Believe In The Pill – 7/10

Hilarious how direct this song is. It proselytizes like an Anthrax song, but it’s probably because one of them knocked up a groupie and was pissed off over it. I mean they named their band in honor of preventing motherhood. The intensity works for it too.

Nat King Cole - My Mother Told Me – 4/10

More eh.

Puscifer - Momma Sed – 2/10

About as bad as that “V is for Vagina” cover art might have led me to believe, but for different reasons. Sounds like everything wrong with early 2000s radio music EXCEPT for the jumpdafuckup factor, which could have helped this. Incredibly sterile, and I usually don’t even complain about that.

Olivia Hussey - Ave Maria – 8/10

Is it weird that as famous as this is, I don’t feel remotely burned out on it? *shrug*

Eloy - Incarnation Of The Logos – 9/10

I was expecting a song from this album on the ocean theme and probably would have picked Poseidon’s Creation had my Townes van Zandt pick not been available, nice to see them pop up here. I usually don’t even go for this style of prog rock, I like my stuff a bit more angular and wanky, but these guys had a great sense of how to write an epic that builds and contributes exactly what it needs with no excess. The synths and that fucking bass guitar sound absolutely gorgeous too.

O'Death – Angeline – 7/10

Feels a bit too cute and try-hard, like that banjo is just too much, but still enjoyed it quite a bit.
Metallica - Wow i'd forgotten this tune entirely. Banished it from memory. That said it has that quaint Page-like string bender thing going on. And l didn't mind Hero of the Day. But fuck this ain't the Hetfield l ever wanted, id never want it if it was someone else either 4/10

Pink Floyd - Barrett had so much gong on in his music its a wonder they got stuff on tape half the time. Early Floyd was so different from what they did later and most of it a lot better imo. ground breaking stuff 8/10

Swans - Reminds me of how Cobain supposedly made Nirvana play the opening riff to SLTS for about 4 hours to 'get it'. This is of course totally different but much more enjoyable in my book. Cool 7/10

Lightnin Hopkins - My girlfriend says 'The lyrics lack diction, l cant understand what hes saying' l thought the vocals were too loud, but the riff was boring anyway. But that's old blues..Hopkins had more exciting tunes 5/10

Subhumans - Never really impressed me this band. Not much of an original riff anywhere...they're ok and l wouldn't skip but..yeah 6/10

Sufjan Stevens - Nah 2/10

Birth Control - Solid Hard rock/blues with some nice extra touches. l like it. It ain't top tier but it ain't second rate.7/10

Nat King Cole - Subtle, clever, humble and sweet. Great choice 8/10

Puscifer - Knew l'd hate this as soon as it started. Fully retard stuff 2/10

Ave Marie - l'm glad l don't get to hear this that often, because, maybe that unfamiliarity feeling would be lost, and for such a beautiful tune id hate that .9/10

Eloy - Fantastic prog from zee motherland. The guys above summed it up, but it would be amiss not to grant comment on such a genre defining track. Probably their best album imo and this tune is a solid testament to their place within the top of Prog. 8/10 great pick

o'Death - l was like zzzzz but they can play! yeah this is ok but l get too much folk crap in my local and it blurs too much. 6/10

good fun as always to do these cheers
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Metallica - Mama Said
I have a brother who plays in a country band that tries hard to sound as american as possible (to the point that they're often classified as 'americana') and stylistically, this isn't that different from something they'd play. It's weird to me that anyone would ever aspire to be a redneck and it's weird to me that Metallica is doing the same thing. Anyway, this is ok.

Pink Floyd - Matilda Mother
There's psych rock that seems self-consciously druggy and weird and there's psych rock that's warm and mystical and genuinely otherworldly and whatnot. This is a bit of both, but I like it and I'll take it over pretty much anything on DSotM.

Swans - Mother of the World

Is this a legitimate song or a Family Guy gag?
Oh here we go. Actual music.
You know what, I have too many brain cells for this shit.
What are the odds Elric picked this?

Lightnin' Hopkins - Coffee for Mama


Subhumans - Somebody's Mother

Cool song. Vocals remind me of something on a post-Nothingface Voivod song.

Sufjan Stevens - Fourth of July

As I'm listening to this I'm thinking it might not be a great loss if everyone not named 'Nobuo' was disallowed from ever touching a piano.

Birth Control - Believe in the Pill

As an anti-natalist, I can get behind this.

Nat King Cole - My Mother Told Me

Puscifer - Momma Sed

Not even remotely a Tool fan but this is pretty cool actually. Been watching a buncha Michael Mann movies lately and I could totally see this on the soundtrack of one, both for the stoic theme and because it's just the kind of shitty alt rock he'd use.

Olivia Hussey - Ave Maria

Eloy - Incarnation of the Logos

Well that's an... unusual take on the theme. But it works, I guess. Song's great, but then Eloy's always been top-tier prog as far as I'm concerned.

O'death - Angeline
I haven't submitted anything to this game because I don't want to run the risk of having to host both games at the same time. If I do submit a song, you can expect it to be something like early blues, country or rock and roll as those make up most of my non-metal listening time.

I will keep rating this playlist but I probably won't submit a song unless the theme is absolutely perfect.