Non-metal Themed Mixtape Game

Metallica - Mama Said
not one of my favourites on the album nor one of their better ballads, but those are both actually quite high bars for me. i find it pretty affected and borderline embarrassing in its wannabe countryness, particularly when watching this video for accompaniment, but it's still a decent tune and the climax is kinda perfect. 6.5/10

Pink Floyd - Matilda Mother

the day i get into barrett-era floyd will be the day i drop a fuckload of acid. that is not this day. 4/10

Swans - Mother Of The World

hypnotic soundscape stuff has to have really dense and mysterious texture/atmosphere for me to get into it these days, but this isn't bad aside from that asinine humming in the middle. 6/10

Lightnin' Hopkins - Coffee For Mama

limited/generic in the way a lot of blues is, but also alive and cool sounding in the way a lot of blues is. 6.5/10

Subhumans - Somebody's Mother

dat bass. 8/10

Sufjan Stevens - Fourth Of July

admittedly i'm a sucker for dead parent stuff for whatever reason, but i find this to be a simple, intimate and sincere expression of grief. less precious and/or batshit insane than most sufjan i've heard, although 'i walked' (and mentally ill-era sufjan in general) is still tops. 9/10

Birth Control - Believe In The Pill

ingenious choice for the theme, and that cover art ist krieg. 8/10

Nat King Cole - My Mother Told Me

too standard for me. 4/10

Puscifer - Momma Sed

pretty cringeworthy, but yeah michael mann would probably make it work lol 3/10

Olivia Hussey - Ave Maria

Eloy - Incarnation Of The Logos

that's me on the cover. 9.5/10

O'Death - Angeline

it's nice enough and the production really helps, but i want something more raw, earthy, haunting. basically it needs more folk/goth/whatever and less generic mid-'00s indie catharsis. 7/10
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Grumbles always capitalizes the word "mother" even when it's not at the beginning of a sentence, that's how you know he's referring to a parental figure and not a song or album.
Metallica - Mama Said


This isn't great but it really is better than I remember it being. I should revisit some later Metallica music.

Pink Floyd - Matilda Mother


This isn't very interesting. I've never really understood the love for Pink Floyd.

Swans - Mother of the World


There are some cooler moments but a lot of the duration is really annoying. A fair bit longer than it should be too.

Lightnin' Hopkins - Coffee for Mama


Not the best blues, but I'm a sucker for this type of thing. I like it.

Subhumans - Somebody's Mother


I really thought that this was very good. I've never heard of this band before. Can anyone recommend some similar music?

Sufjan Stevens - Fourth of July


Maybe I'm missing something but this wasn't for me.

Birth Control - Believe in the Pill


This was a good song and a good take on the theme of the round.

Nat King Cole - My Mother Told Me


I used to listen to this song a lot. It's pretty good.

Puscifer - Momma Sed


This is actually worse than Tool. I gave it an extra point because of how impressive that is.

Olivia Hussey - Ave Maria


This is a good version of a standard that I don't really care for at all.

Eloy - Incarnation of the Logos


This was a good prog thing. I haven't heard of the band. I like the mood of this song. I will listen to a bit more of this band.

O'Death - Angeline


This is annoying. What type of music is this exactly?
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Metallica - Mama Said
Not bad. Melodic and chill. Just could never get big on his vocals. 6/10.

Pink Floyd - Matilda Mother
I dig the vibe. Very tranquil. 7/10.

Swans - Mother Of The World
I love Swans. This intro is killing me. Honestly I haven't checked this album yet and this tune might certainly fit in the grand scheme of things but as a standalone? The ending came too late. Meh 5/10.

Lightnin' Hopkins - Coffee For Mama
Nice bluesy tune but nothing too explosive to captivate me. 5/10.

Subhumans - Somebody's Mother
Finally something with a fucking tempo! But other than that mediocrity prevails. 5/10.

Sufjan Stevens - Fourth Of July
Kinda liked this one. Minimalistic goodness. 7/10.

Birth Control - Believe In The Pill
Lots o'fun, this one. 7/10.

Nat King Cole - My Mother Told Me
Nooooooooo thank you. Really? 3/10.

Puscifer - Momma Sed
Cool yet too simple. But I ain't hating. Dig the atmosphere. 6/10.

Olivia Hussey - Ave Maria
This is the shizzle. 8/10.

Eloy - Incarnation Of The Logos
The synths! Interesting song. Not quite hitting the mark for me but it ain't shabby. 6/10.

O'Death - Angeline
I love everything about this. Gothic bluegrass hits the mark for me baby! 10/10.
Ill rate this soon. maybe today

Edit: Ratings

Metallica - Mama Said 4/10

Ugh Hetfield's voice is quite possibly the most annoying thing when he's trying to sing. The exaggerated "AHHH-YA!" flares he adds to the end of his notes are too much. Has no one told him that sounds bad? Anyways, I suppose I'm not over here dying but if I ever wanna hear something soft and sing-songy it wouldn't be this.

Pink Floyd - Matilda Mother 6/10
I wanna say I almost get it, but then that's a lie. But I sorta get it. They do cool things with sounds sometimes.

Swans - Mother of the World 4/10
Didn't someone submit this already or is that my imagination? I don't like this song; it's too much of a wtf is going on here for me to enjoy whatever is happening.

Lightnin Hopkins - Coffee for Mama 6/10
Bahh this is so simple. I'm embarrassed. :X Ah well, SIGH. I think it's good background music though, and I do appreciate the simple/emptiness of this.

Subhumans - Somebody's Mother 5/10
Ehh I dont think i'm much into this type of music. Is this pop-punk? Totally could see this being played on the radio stations back in the days. They have funny accents.

Sufjan Stevens - 4th of July 8/10
This is really cool. I feel like its the mother's spirit talking to the child and reminiscing on things. It's actually quite beautiful.

Birth Control - Believe in the Pill 6.5/10
Ha, I totally believe in the pill but my insurance is another thing.

Nat King Cole - My Mother Told Me 4/10
Almost put me to sleep.

Puscifer - Mamma Sed 3/10
Nahh... seems a bit try hard for me.

Olivia Hussey - Ave Maria 3/10
Ughh. I am NOT in the mood for opera or whatever this is. Uncultured American rating right here.

Eloy - Incarnation of the Logos 7/10
This is kinda cool. I wasn't into it at first but i like the main... melody? I guess that's what you can refer to that as.

O'Death -Angeline 6/10
Ehh okay, I guess. The vocals have no life to them, he needs more energy! Can i just grab him and shake him?

Alright, I'm hungry and need some booze. Cheers.
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Metallica - Mama Said
Earnest Hetfield does country. It's not a bad song really but the vocals are so cringe. I'd be interested to hear it done by an actual country band. 5/10

Pink Floyd - Matilda Mother

Pretty crappy early psychedelic nonsense. 3/10

Swans - Mother Of The World

Awesome, love the buildup and release of tension. Must explore more Swans. 9/10

Lightnin' Hopkins - Coffee For Mama

Nice old blues is suiting my Sunday morning. Love the big airy production and tone of his guitar. 7/10

Subhumans - Somebody's Mother

Cool old punk stuff, haven't heard these guys before. Liked it a lot. 8.5/10

Sufjan Stevens - Fourth Of July

Too feelsy or something. I wasn't feeling the feels. 4/10

Birth Control - Believe In The Pill

This was pretty great. Rocking as all get out. 7.5/10

Nat King Cole - My Mother Told Me

Eugh. Yuck. 2/10

Puscifer - Momma Sed

Tryhard wank. Maynard is such a tosser. 3/10

Olivia Hussey - Ave Maria

I have zero interest in opera. 3/10

Eloy - Incarnation Of The Logos

Pretty annoying prog. 5/10

O'Death - Angeline

Kinda hipsterish but I didn't hate it for some reason. 6/10

Some cool shit in here, cheers.
Metallica - Mama Said - 5
boring. weak melody

Pink Floyd - Matilda Mother - 3
artsy fartsy pretentious bullshit

Swans - Mother Of The World - 3
sounds like a cigarette taking a rooster in the donkey

Lightnin' Hopkins - Coffee For Mama - 5
has melody but would not listen again

Subhumans - Somebody's Mother - 4
happy riffs and obnoxious vocals

Sufjan Stevens - Fourth Of July - 7
this is kinda nice

Birth Control - Believe In The Pill - 3
happy riffs and obnoxious vocals and fucking ugly cover

Nat King Cole - My Mother Told Me - 8

Puscifer - Momma Sed - 9
voice, guitar, atmosphere, all good

Olivia Hussey - Ave Maria - 10
only unsophisticated neanderthals dislike this. no wait i think cavemen would actually like this. so you're worse than them

Eloy - Incarnation Of The Logos - 6
they could have cut out the first 3:45. the rest is an interesting enough listen

O'Death - Angeline - 8
take note metallica this is how you make country music
This playlist
