Non-metal Themed Mixtape Game

I had to look up Daria to see what it was.

I read your posts in the voice at the beginning of this video, so it's all good, my man.

Someone showed me this years ago and I still think it's funny.
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i have a voice for almost everybody, like effeminate beta male, angry outback ruffian, several variations of pretentious douchebag, drunken fatass, limey asshole, etc

I read your posts in the voice of the City Wok guy from South Park, which makes them especially hilarious when your posts are about sniffing buttholes and ranting about immigrants and poor people. :lol:

What's your voice for me?
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Tommy Emanuel - Lewis & Clark - 6
quite nice but no climax

Team America - America, Fuck Yeah - 10
nothing exemplifies america more than this

Ted Nugent - The Star Spangled Banner - 5
he noisily jacked off to the national anthem

Virginia - Tori Amos - 8
pretty voice

Chuck Berry - Back in the U.S.A. - 7
makes me wanna drink a milkshake and dance the swing with a colored girl

Johnny Winter - Dallas - 5
his guitar needs tuning

Dead Kennedys - California Über Alles - 4
fuck punk

Nina Simone - Mississippi Goddam - 3
stop yammering woman

Skeleton Crew - We're Still Free - 3

Frank Black - Los Angeles - 6
grungey shit with some ok parts
Tommy Emmanuel - Lewis & Clark 6.5/10
Metrosexual Aussie dad wanks around on guitar part 1. Shame there weren't any accompanying lyrics because the Lewis and Clark expedition is interesting stuff.

Team America - America, Fuck Yeah 7/10
It's difficult for me to downvote this troll choice, because I actually love ridiculously patriotic American songs for how over the top they always are, also I'm a lifelong Matt and Trey fanboy. "Fake tits! Fuck yeah! Sushi! Fuck yeah! Taco Bell! Fuck yeah!"

Ted Nugent - The Star Spangled Banner 2/10
I like Ted, but meh.

Tori Amos - Virginia 4/10
I've never understood her appeal. Her voice is very overrated.

Chuck Berry - Back In The U.S.A. 7.5/10
Ridiculously classic tune!

Johnny Winter - Dallas 8/10
"There's so much shit in Texas, you're bound to step in some."

Dead Kennedys - California Über Alles 7.5/10
Another classic tune, never been a huge fan of Dead Kennedys or anything but when they're good they're really good.

Nina Simone - Mississippi Goddam 7/10
I love Nina Simone. Not one of her best tunes though in terms of performance.

Skeleton Crew - We're Still Free 7.5/10
This was very interesting, if I'm not mistaken that sample was a Ronald Reagan speech? Cool, need to follow up on this band for sure.

Frank Black - Los Angeles 6/10
Haven't heard this song in friggin ages. Wasn't this on Tony Hawk's Pro Skater or something? It's okay.


Somewhat disappointing playlist, this theme had potential. I'm not even very satisfied with my own pick. It was a rushed submission because I spent so long looking for a metal pick in confusion. Gah.
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Tommy Emanuel - Lewis & Clark
I remember this guy from children's tv here when I was a kid. Nicely played. 6/10

Team America - America, Fuck Yeah


Ted Nugent - The Star Spangled Banner


Virginia - Tori Amos

Not a fan of her really but this is nice enough 6/10

Chuck Berry - Back in the U.S.A.

Cool 7/10

Johnny Winter - Dallas

Good but nothing remarkable 5/10

Dead Kennedys - California Über Alles

Classic DK 10/10

Nina Simone - Mississippi Goddam

I like some of her songs. This isn't one of them 4/10

Skeleton Crew - We're Still Free

I know Fred Frith from Naked City, and like Naked City this is interesting weirdo NYC experimental stuff. 7/10

Frank Black - Los Angeles

Not a fan of much of his solo stuff that I've heard, but this rules. Clip is awesome also. Shame about the sound quality. 9/10
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H.P l know you play geetar and l know you know l do...Nugent is a sloppy feedback king is all.
l love his older stuff but it was never groundbreaking or particularly brilliant. He can never rival the Gods of his day.
uh mate, l don't intend to fall out over music and that's a decent clip but,,,
Proved my point ....plays chords, a few licks,,,rudimental stuff..there's nothing special or new that Ted did. It's alright.
nothing more
Tommy Emanuel - Lewis & Clark

Team America - America, Fuck Yeah
Demerits for not muting the clips used for the video.

Ted Nugent - The Star Spangled Banner
Points for not being 9 whole minutes of nothing but variations on the Star-Spangled Banner, like I worried it would be.

Virginia - Tori Amos

Chuck Berry - Back in the U.S.A.

Johnny Winter - Dallas

Dead Kennedys - California Über Alles
Fun fact: I once mistook the line "Your kids will meditate in school" for "your kids will never date in school," which doesn't really make sense when you're trying to paint the picture of a hippie dictatorship.

Nina Simone - Mississippi Goddam

Skeleton Crew - We're Still Free

Frank Black - Los Angeles
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Maybe my choice of words were incorrect, lm saying that in the world of geetar masters he's over-rated. It could of course be just me. He never really turned me on the way some of the 70's Gods did.