Non-metal Themed Mixtape Game


Gustav Holst - Mars, The Bringer of War
R.A. The Rugged Man - Uncommon Valor
Blue Oyster Cult - Veteran of the Psychic Wars
Elend - Sunwar the Dead
José Feliciano - Masters of War
Scraping Foetus Off the Wheel - I'll Meet You In Poland Baby
The Cranberries - Zombie
Organized Konfusion - Prisoners of War
Redgum - I Was Only 19

Yes - Harold Land
Pink Floyd - Goodbye Blue Sky
Krzysztof Penderecki - Threnody for the Victims of Hiroshima

Gustav Holst - Mars, The Bringer of War
I am a fan of classical music, and this is sounding pretty epic. Almost Star Warsy at times. There's a decent sense of foreboding. 7/10.

R.A. The Rugged Man -
Uncommon Valor
I couldn't look away from the video. 3/10.

Blue Oyster Cult -
Veteran of the Psychic Wars
Nothing to dislike here. Not as compelling as much of their output that I'm familiar with but none too shabby. 6/10.

Elend -
Sunwar the Dead
Elend are a class act. Love the cinematic wall of sound with the soprano touch. Exotic too. 8/10.

José Feliciano -
Masters of War
Great buildup in this one. Like the military drums and urgency. 8/10.

Scraping Foetus Off the Wheel -
I'll Meet You In Poland Baby
Well this one sure is interesting. Had potential but I didn't really think it delivered. 5/10.

The Cranberries -
You might as well have submitted Rooster. Make an effort, dude. 2/10.

Organized Konfusion -
Prisoners of War
Pretty damn good rhymes. 7/10.

Redgum -
I Was Only 19
Fan of the accent. A nice folk tune. A little sappy. 6/10.

Yes -
Harold Land
Organs are cool. Vocals are nice at times and annoying at others. Musically very sound. 6/10.

Pink Floyd -
Goodbye Blue Sky
I def need to watch The Wall. 7/10.

Krzysztof Penderecki -
Threnody for the Victims of Hiroshima
The Shining's atmosphere was drenched with this music. Quite similar but fucking awesome. 8/10.
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Gustav Holst - Mars, The Bringer of War 8/10

Perfect opener.

R.A. The Rugged Man - Uncommon Valor 9/10

Pure craziness. R.A. is one of the best forever.
Even more appropriate that he looks like Timothy Carey from Paths of Glory.

Blue Oyster Cult - Veteran of the Psychic Wars 8/10

Great song, possibly my favourite from this album even.

Elend - Sunwar the Dead 6.5/10

Interesting, not exactly blowing me away. I feel like this song will make much more sense in an album context.

José Feliciano - Masters of War 7/10

I'm fucking tired of this Dylan song, but at least whoever submitted this submitted a cover. Quite a cool one too.

Scraping Foetus Off the Wheel - I'll Meet You in Poland Baby 7.5/10

J.G. Thirlwell is a maniac.

The Cranberries - Zombie 2/10

This song fucking stinks. Jesus Christ the 1990's was the single worst era for non-metal vocalists. I'm actually a huge fan of Dolores O'Riordan, her solo career rules, but this shit is just embarrassing.

"Animal Instinct" shits all over this wailing mess.

Organized Konfusion - Prisoners of War 8/10

Old school Pharaoh Monch was such a beast! Prince Poetry rules too of course.
If you don't make it to Monch's second verse you're missing out.

Redgum - I Was Only 19 7/10

Classic Australian song, I never get tired of hearing it even though it is on the radio a lot. Probably suffers today due to the general distaste for patriotism and the demystification of military service.

Yes - Harold Land 8.5/10

This album seems to be really underrated or something. Fantastic tune about the idea that; just because you survive a war, it doesn't mean you actually make it home.

Pink Floyd - Goodbye Blue Sky 5/10
Okay song but really the greatness of this is in the animation and visuals, so it feels weird rating it highly. But this is a fucking mixtape after all and if I were blind I wouldn't give a shit would I?

Krzysztof Penderecki - Threnody for the Victims of Hiroshima 7/10

And perfect closer, never heard this one before though unlike the first song on this list. I feel as if it captures the horror of Hiroshima's fate rather well too, especially that winding down around the middle, then some silence, then pure chaos.
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Gustav Holst - Mars, The Bringer of War
The power of the dark side is very strong here. 8/10

R.A. The Rugged Man - Uncommon Valor

Not bad but not great. Good flow but I don't like his voice and the music is pretty meh. 5.5/10

Blue Oyster Cult - Veteran of the Psychic Wars

How many Blue Oyster Cult songs do we need in this game before I hear one I like? ELEVENTY HUNDRED APPARENTLY 3/10

Elend - Sunwar the Dead

Pretty huge but I feel like it could've ended in half the time and accomplished what it needed to 6/10

José Feliciano - Masters of War

Nice 7/10

Scraping Foetus Off the Wheel - I'll Meet You In Poland Baby

Pretty weird, dunno 4/10

The Cranberries - Zombie

Always thought this songs was lame 3/10

Organized Konfusion - Prisoners of War

This is a top 3 best ever hip hop track for me, these guys showed everyone how it should be done back in 91 and this album was criminally overlooked. I only just recently discovered it myself. Flawless rhymes. The war for lyrical supremacy is real 10/10

Redgum - I Was Only 19

This is one of those songs that I heard way too much as a kid and really doesn't stand up too well for me now. I'd have preferred some early Midnight Oil or something. This is just too earnest or sappy as dweller said. 5/10

Yes - Harold Land

I can't get into this. Too fruity 4/10

Pink Floyd - Goodbye Blue Sky

I was expecting that to be 18 minutes long so it very much felt like the intro to something.. good I guess 6/10

Krzysztof Penderecki - Threnody for the Victims of Hiroshima

Pure horror, love it 8/10
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Gustav Holst - A bit of a cop out no? i'm sure we've heard this before in a mixtape game for war or something's fucking brilliant but because it's soo obvious it's gonna lose a couple of points 6/10

R.A. The Rugged Man - Pleeeeeasse we like metal. and stuff that is not rap that is not metal. lm dying here . crap shoddy stench 1/10

Blue Oyster Cult - Too much over produced pomp with dried out ideas. feeble resurrection of their former glory 4/10

Elend - A tired mess. What's the double bass drums doing there? calm down and make it sweet 4/10

Jose Feliciano - Yes this knows, the burning is burning for your future so show some respect! a terrific war song 7/10

Scraping Foetus Off The Wheel - Another tired diatribe. Showing my disdain for industrial sounding tunes here. This sucks 3/10

The Cranberries - God l hated this song when it came its 2017 l can appreciate it more no? no 1/10

Organised Konfusion - Upbeat shite like this l appreciate more so than that RA tune and l can get the sample from Dyke and the Blazers.
like l would appreciate Public Enemy sampling Slayer, but it's still non-essential listening to me 4/10

Redgum - kinda like the Jose Feliciano tune as it probably is the truth, but it means wanting to believe in this day and age, and we don't have a clue about real war unless you're in the middle east or...etc etc 8/10

Yes - Have not heard much of early Yes, but this is cool, will seek this out 7/10

PInk Floyd - Never was scary or particularly war like to me this song from one of the greatest bands ever 5/10

Penderecki - there's loads of horror movie soundtracks out there that do this kind of thing but this is brilliant. double the whole thing and add some reverb and melodrama and you've got it 7/10
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Gustav Holst - Mars, The Bringer of War – this might be my first time hearing this properly and not quoted in some shitty soundtrack or prog rock format, but unfortunately I think the damage has already been done for me, I just don’t really enjoy this, 5/10

R.A. The Rugged Man - Uncommon Valor – this was pretty cheesy, I liked the samples and overall sound, but this is like the post-reunion Iron Maiden lyricism of hip-hop, I didn’t dislike it though so much as I thought it wasted potential for enjoyment, 5/10

Blue Oyster Cult - Veteran of the Psychic Wars – despite its classic status I never really got into this song and think it’s why it took me a while to get into BOC, the synth line is pretty cool and it’s respectable that they could instill some epic atmosphere into an otherwise basic anthem rock song, but eh, 5/10

Elend - Sunwar the Dead – what the fuck is this? I think they’ve been posted before (name is ringing some kind of bell), but this isn’t what I expect from neoclassical memewave, heavy lurching weirdness is what I’m always looking for, will check this album out, 9/10

José Feliciano - Masters of War – I was going to say that I didn’t think people with Hispanic names were genetically capable of dark folk music not about dancing, but then I realized that I was just tricked into enjoying a Bob Dylan song, nice ruse, 8/10

Scraping Foetus Off the Wheel - I'll Meet You In Poland Baby – dedicated in loving memory to EspaDa’s sister’s husband’s grandma, 9/10

The Cranberries – Zombie – took me a minute to remember this song, was going to give it a 4/10 but nostalgia always wins when it comes to 90s alt rock, 7/10

Organized Konfusion - Prisoners of War – I cheated yesterday and gave this one an early listen, this grooves so fucking hard, 8.5/10

Redgum - I Was Only 19 – too folksy and cute, I could see the appeal it would have for others but not my thing, 4/10

Yes - Harold Land – never listened to the first Yes album, this was a little proggier than I expected but also a little worse, 5/10

Pink Floyd - Goodbye Blue Sky – pretty good, 6/10

Krzysztof Penderecki - Threnody for the Victims of Hiroshima – I do not like this kind of modern classical, needs more riffs, 3/10

Pretty good playlist overall, definitely discovered some interesting stuff through it.
Gustav Holst - Mars, The Bringer of War (10)
Masterpiece. Haven't heard it in forever, and it's amazing to be reminded of the numerous movie/game soundtracks I love that are obviously derived from it, almost a century after the fact.

R.A. The Rugged Man - Uncommon Valor (3)
Sorry if this sounds racist or elitist, but hip hop is just not my thing. I often imagine how obnoxious it would be to actually meet these people in their musical personas, and get stuck in a one-way conversation where I'm bombarded by endless self-aggrandizements or political rants. Most songs in the genre have at least a few cringe-worthy lines too, and this one's no exception: "Bullets is spraying, it's heating up a hundred degrees / The enemy's the North Vietnamese, bitch please"

Blue Oyster Cult - Veteran of the Psychic Wars (6)
Good for an *80s* BOC song, but it doesn't touch their best material from the 70s. It's embarrassing to hear them jumping on the bandwagon of 80s overproduction and cheesy synths.

Elend - Sunwar the Dead (6)
Interesting, but the hectic tempo kinda weirds me out. "Extreme neoclassical" doesn't seem to work as well as extreme metal.

José Feliciano - Masters of War (8)

Hey, a vocalist who conveys the tragedy of war with actual emotional depth! Only took five songs.

Scraping Foetus Off the Wheel - I'll Meet You In Poland Baby (9)

Never heard something like this before. I love industrial, so naturally the industrial elements appeal to me here, and they're well arranged. More vocal personality than most industrial too. I will definitely check this band out.

[Update: I listened to the album that Foetus song's from. Twice. This is my most exciting musical find in months, many thanks submitter!]

The Cranberries - Zombie (8)

I don't know any other Cranberries songs (not a genre I'm into), but the previous negative ratings strike me as an overreaction, especially given the tendency of people on this forum to prefer a band's more "consistent" material over those few unique and memorable songs. Obviously a talented vocalist here, the lyrics hold my interest more than most in the genre, and the instrumental buildup and release works on me.

Organized Konfusion - Prisoners of War (7)

A point for the funky bass lines, another for some truly clever word plays. Guess I'm not a total hater of hip hop after all.

Redgum - I Was Only 19 (5)

Not sure if I'm just biased against the accent, but these vocals seem a bit tongue-in-cheek / sing-songy for a serious war song. I'm docking a point for that, but it's canceled out by the catchiness.

Yes - Harold Land (9)
I rarely stray outside a handful of Yes albums, cause prog is exhausting to process, but I've clearly done this song a disservice - it stands up well against my favorites. The melodies are just delightful.

Pink Floyd - Goodbye Blue Sky (8)
Kind of a sleepy song for Floyd, but the sleepiness juxtaposes well against the darker elements. It's not often you hear a synth that menacing. A bit too short ultimately.

Krzysztof Penderecki - Threnody to the Victims of Hiroshima (8)
Presumably intended to represent a nuclear detonation and its effects on human victims. This style is kinda the domain of horror movie tropes today, unfortunately. I don't know if I can credit it for originality either, since it came out the same year Psycho did. I prefer to be forgiving, though - it's pretty damn scary, after all.
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Gustav Holst - Mars, The Bringer of War - 8
this is majestic as fuck

R.A. The Rugged Man - Uncommon Valor - 4
not the worst ive ever heard but

Blue Oyster Cult - Veteran of the Psychic Wars - 5
hipster shit but listenable

Elend - Sunwar the Dead - 5
not sure what this is but it's interesting enough

José Feliciano - Masters of War - 6
quite nice

Scraping Foetus Off the Wheel - I'll Meet You In Poland Baby - 3
what a shitsickle

The Cranberries - Zombie - 10
legendary song. simple yet effective riffs and drums and beautiful distinctive voice

Organized Konfusion - Prisoners of War - 4

Redgum - I Was Only 19 - 5
it's fine

Yes - Harold Land - 5
old people music

Pink Floyd - Goodbye Blue Sky - 5
overrated band

Krzysztof Penderecki - Threnody for the Victims of Hiroshima - 4
some rather terrifying parts but drags too long and loses impact
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Gustav Holst - Mars, The Bringer of War

R.A. The Rugged Man - Uncommon Valor

Blue Oyster Cult - Veteran of the Psychic Wars

Elend - Sunwar the Dead

José Feliciano - Masters of War

Scraping Foetus Off the Wheel - I'll Meet You In Poland Baby

The Cranberries - Zombie

Organized Konfusion - Prisoners of War

Redgum - I Was Only 19

Yes - Harold Land

Pink Floyd - Goodbye Blue Sky

Krzysztof Penderecki - Threnody for the Victims of Hiroshima

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