Well, to me the guitars and drums sound ENTIRELY different.
I honestly can't even hear any similarities there. I'm talking about the sound and the mix here, not the song!

Absolutely. The new Testament has a much rawer, dryer sound and entirely different vibe to it which I certainly dig more than the more processed, polished sound of the Exodus album.
WOW, this mix is one of Andy's best.

I guess, rectifier for the guitars (as used before on Testament albums)?

Did anyone notice how newer Andy's mixes are sounding more massive in the "low end"? Also the change in the drums sound? More massive, fat?
It just rocks!

Heard a 90 sec snippet of the new song. Thought I was listening to Exodus Exhibit B there for a while. The drums, the guitars, the bass. It sounds so similar.

Bought the album yesterday, put it in the CD player in the studio 2 minutes ago and first thing I thought was: damn that's actually true, sound reminds me a lot of the latest Exodus as well, especially the guitars and bass. I wouldn't be surprised if the Testament guys asked for this as a reference. Sounds ace though of course!

I guess, rectifier for the guitars (as used before on Testament albums)?

I don't think so (5150 III I believe).
Just picked it up today. I love the production, the music is very cool, the vocal delivery is awesome, Gene is definitely bringing something new to the table. One minor complaint, the lyrics are just plain phoned in, worse than normal for testament, and my standards are pretty low in this department. I think Ill enjoy it all the same in good time.
the production kind of sounds like a cross between first strike still deadly and the gathering to me... huge in your face sound but dry as hell
I still don't get the comparison, theres much more "bounce" in the testament guitars, they're also muh darker with more low mids than the exodus guitars (to me the testament sounds dark blue, while the exodus sounds light brown).
Drums have much more room on the testament, also seem to have more natural tons, less editing etc.
I honestly thInk the two mixes sound nowhere near similar.
I still don't get the comparison, theres much more "bounce" in the testament guitars, they're also muh darker with more low mids than the exodus guitars (to me the testament sounds dark blue, while the exodus sounds light brown).
Drums have much more room on the testament, also seem to have more natural tons, less editing etc.
I honestly thInk the two mixes sound nowhere near similar.

I get what you mean mate. It's just I listen with my heart for the first 5 seconds and went, "Fuck, that sounds similar to Exodus". I didn't dissect it to within an inch of it's life. It's just what I hear. It's like the Kemper. I go, "Fuck, that sounds almost identical", because I don't dissect it and I couldn't really give a rats anyway. Where others take a scalpel and a blowtorch and pull it apart to an inch of it's life. But it's all cool, 2 different ways of hearing it. I'm more of a songwriter than a producer, so I probably hear things in a different light. Give me a great riff through the Kemper, rather than a shitty riff through the original amp. :)
I agree with Lasse.. especially the guitars are pretty different.. bass sounds quite similar
Really digging the album a lot. Has a real classic vibe. Production is absolutely top notch - my fave Andy Sneap Mix since The Gathering I guess. I also love that it is quite light when it comes to loudness - gives it alot of Room to breath...Great Snare sound, great Guitars, Chuck's great as always and the drumming fits perfect! Killer job!
totally different rigs etc to Exodus, Gary was Engl and Peavey cab with seymours, Eric was Fender 5150 and cab with EMGs, so I guess you are just picking up on the balance and compression etc I tend to go for in a mix. I'm trying to keep things deliberately more natural where possible now.
lead vs rhythm rigs that is I guess, right?

Or different rigs left and right? That would be pretty surprising cause they sound the same to me