Dio Tribute "Children of the Sea" Song Discussion

Okidoki guys

Here's the breakdown. This is not even a rough mix, its just "faders up". Basically no EQ and comp on drums except for some pussy crushing on the room mic. The drums are 95% all natural. Antto and Jussi did a fantastic job tracking the drums and they just sound great as they are. I added an extra snare track with one of my own samples just to bring out the extra "epicness".

I purposely kept things loose in spots... this tune needs to breathe. So if you hear some odd bits here and there don't sweat it. 1/2 of those spots will be fixed later and the other 1/2 will be left as they are to keep some feel in it all and besides, once I'm done layering this bitch up you'll never hear it ;)

I went with 2 rhythm tracks instead of 4. I tried to get a tone that is reminiscent of Iommi without sounding like a clone and adding a bit more modern heaviness (hopefully). Yes there are still some small things I still need to do, such as a volume swell in the beginning and other little details. I also have multiple melody guitars to record, not just the little phrases that are obviously missing but some original compositions as well (Dan knows what I'm talking about)

So thats it for now. Here's an mp3 of the tune
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/594184/Children Sea Rough Draft.mp3

and here is the 24 bit wave of the tune for you guys to track your parts to.
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/594184/Children Sea Rough Draft.wav

I'm gonna PM everyone involved so they know to check the thread

Dan, I'm gonna need to send you a very small bass tab note for the section before the main lead break. Its a harmonized bit I did but I don't know if you'll be able to clearly figure out what I did cause it moves quick. I'll have that out to you later

Start listing the opinions guys. Hopefully you dig the arrangement I came up with for the tune

Well, you certainly got that Iommi sound going there! :D Good playing, sir!
It is a bit muffled, but nothing you couldn't handle in a mix, I think.

I really like the spank of the snare sample, care to share? ;)

But wait, where's my choir???
^ I haven't even touched any keyboard stuff yet Jussi ;)

Don't worry, I have your keyboard file in the session. Its sitting next to the 10 keyboard tracks I've been messing with :D

Yeah I didn't do much with the guitar tone cause I'm waiting for bass. Once I have the bass and an idea of how its gonna sound next to the drums I'll tailor the guitars a little more to fit

You want the snare? Be my guest
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/594184/FNF Snare.wav

Its a tama piccolo snare with some verb I processed into it. My brother's snare actually, the one he used on our 1st cd

I hope Antto is happy that I kept pretty much everything he did exactly as it was ... I just added a few extra kick drum hits here and there where the part called for it ;)
I'm here! Been really busy these last days working on preproductions for my band, we're recording a full length, drum tracking starts august 20th and I still have 2 songs unfinished for the drummer to learn hahaha

I was supposed to track the bass to Stargazer so I can concentrate on this song for last, but I haven't because I spent the weekend working on my band. Anyways, I'm downloading to check that track and I'll be ready to track the bass to this song this weekend tops. I'm also gonna need that tabbed part you said to make things easier and I wont be throwing arrows on that part you said haha
Oh Danny Boy

Tab work out ok for you? Do you need any other parts for the tune?

haven't gotten the chance to record it yet, hopefully friday is the day. Unless you want me to play a specific line on any other part of the song, don't need no more tabs I can work it out myself thank you, I'm a grown boy and can do my own lines haha

edit: is this tab for a 5 string, using the low A string? or are you just a retarded guitarist that doesn't know how to tab a bass line? hahahaha seriously though, is the lowest string supposed to be D or A? I have a 5 string so I could do the 5 string no problem, but I'm almost sure that's not what you intended with the tab
Hey FUCK YOU DAN! :D hahahaha

I was fucking tired and burned out, the tab is just a note tab for a guitar part for something else, I just put in the bass notes and never gave any thought to how many lines there were :p

4 string bass, lowest is D

I have no doubts of your bass playing skills my friend, you've already impressed me substantially ...

As you're working on it all, I'm looking at sometime this weekend to track the little melody lead phrases in the beginning and for the section leading into the main solo

After that, whether you're done with your bass parts or not, I'll post an updated version for everyone to scrutinize

As for being a retarded guitarist ... look at what I have written under my screen name ... what does that tell you? ;)
yeah ... I'm "cracking myself up farting in the bathtub" retarded:dopey:

didn't quite get that but left a funny image in my mind.

Hey, I've been listening to the song and I think maybe I should wait for vocals to be done. I need to be sure where I'm putting my bass greatness and where I'm laying down a bit, cause the song is so changed I can't guide myself with the original. So yeah I made an excuse to not record yet hahaaha
^ whatever works best for you man ... The Wrench said he was gonna see if he could get some stuff done this weekend so once I get some vocals I'll shoot off a roughie for you to work out your arrangements

Can you dig it?

and fuck it, I don't care if its OT or not, go check out my song I posted in the Rate My Mix forum and leave some damn feedback :D
I'm still on the road (currently in a library in Wellsville, OH)...thats where I've been. Just got to listen to it. Diggin it. Let me know if anything else needs to be contributed to it. I'll be home after Sept 3rd. I can't wait to hear the finished product.