Dio Tribute "Children of the Sea" Song Discussion

cool, good luck with those vocals then, can't wait to hear it dude

On another note, you should know I did the bass like 3 days ago and sent it to Carlos, and he thinks I'm so damn good I need to tone some parts down cause it's just overshadowing his shitty guitar playing so I have to re-record a couple parts, but it's pretty much done so this song should be ready to mix in no time

P.S. joking about the shitty guitar playing part, I do need to redo a couple parts where the lines are a bit too busy for the rest of the mix, I totally get that
Travis just so you're up to speed on some things ... as a "Plan B" I did contact my vocalist after your last post and have been working with him on getting vocals down. We're actually due to track for real very soon .. this is not a reflection on you, was to cover some bases and have options. He'd already tracked a couple chorus sections a couple months ago so this was no big deal. If you able to finish your tracks, we'd love to hear them. If you're not comfortable with them or your pc is unreliable or whatever, you don't have to sweat it cause that's covered

just making sure everyone's on the same page
Travis just so you're up to speed on some things ... as a "Plan B" I did contact my vocalist after your last post and have been working with him on getting vocals down. We're actually due to track for real very soon .. this is not a reflection on you, was to cover some bases and have options. He'd already tracked a couple chorus sections a couple months ago so this was no big deal. If you able to finish your tracks, we'd love to hear them. If you're not comfortable with them or your pc is unreliable or whatever, you don't have to sweat it cause that's covered

just making sure everyone's on the same page

Fuck yeah, George is awesome!
Travis just so you're up to speed on some things ... as a "Plan B" I did contact my vocalist after your last post and have been working with him on getting vocals down. We're actually due to track for real very soon .. this is not a reflection on you, was to cover some bases and have options. He'd already tracked a couple chorus sections a couple months ago so this was no big deal. If you able to finish your tracks, we'd love to hear them. If you're not comfortable with them or your pc is unreliable or whatever, you don't have to sweat it cause that's covered

just making sure everyone's on the same page

Hey, that's cool. I'll see what I can get done here this week (still haven't had time to test the interface, but at least the PC isn't shutting down every 3 minutes).

What's Jesse's status?
What's Jesse's status?

Monkey-shit crazy as far as I can tell

to give you an idea, you can read his latest misdeeds here

I don't know .. he told me he would have something off to me a couple weeks ago. I've been staying on him about it but last time I spoke with him he said he didn't even have an interface yet

Unless I get something from him this weekend I'm guessing I'll probably have to compose a lead now for this tune as well

reason I'm getting everything in line now is cause I'll have limited time over next several weeks to do things like edits and starting the mix ... I'll be lucky to get a 1/2 hour in every few days here and there so its gonna be dragged out but it'll be worth it
Monkey-shit crazy as far as I can tell

to give you an idea, you can read his latest misdeeds here

I don't know .. he told me he would have something off to me a couple weeks ago. I've been staying on him about it but last time I spoke with him he said he didn't even have an interface yet

Unless I get something from him this weekend I'm guessing I'll probably have to compose a lead now for this tune as well

reason I'm getting everything in line now is cause I'll have limited time over next several weeks to do things like edits and starting the mix ... I'll be lucky to get a 1/2 hour in every few days here and there so its gonna be dragged out but it'll be worth it

If you like, I can take a stab at the lead once I know my interface is working. Do you want straight-up DIs, or? My singing ends when my 3-year-old goes to bed, but I can still do guitar stuff after that.
If you like, I can take a stab at the lead once I know my interface is working. Do you want straight-up DIs, or? My singing ends when my 3-year-old goes to bed, but I can still do guitar stuff after that.

go for it man! That would totally save me time and let me just focus on the bass stuff with Dan

you have the most recent backing tracks?
ooops ... sorry

ummm, gimme both if you can. If you have a processed lead tone you like then by all means, go with it but always good to have the DIs for backup in case something needs tweaking later

I also just started messing with the little keyboard section you had done ... very nicely done sir!

The end cuts off just a little too quick but I can extend that so no worries there. Only thing that was weird was for some reason where you started was a whole measure behind? I moved it up with no problem but it was just strange cause your file was rendered from the start of the timeline.

Anyway, great job to both of you. Now I have a shit ton of keyboard things to do myself for the tune.

I'll post a little clip with Travis' lead in the mix (even though its not a "mix") so you guys can all hear it in context

just give me a few minutes to do that.
I'm here buddy. Got your stuff on email, still waiting on the chorus part you said rite?


Dan, I told you a couple times now .. I wanted your feedback on the part I sent you already BEFORE I go and do anything with the chorus parts. There's no point in me trying to rework the other parts in the same fashion as the bridge/solo section if you don't even like or agree with the ideas I already sent you :loco:

I've been waiting to hear back from you for several days now before I go fucking around with anything else