Dio Tribute "Rainbow in the Dark" Song Discussion

Yeh right after the chorus at about 1:51 where it's just the main riff and the drums are doing the "floor tom pound".. maybe just single track that part one time through the riff then have the second guitar come in with a pick slide or something?


Allright, I think I've managed to do that.. Check this out and tell me how it sounds with drums..

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1558788/Rainbow In The Dark.mp3 :wave:

Here's the re-recorded guitar track :

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1558788/Rainbow Guitars.wav
It's on time now, but there are some moments in which I guess you played some "unwanted notes". Is it just me?

Not really. If there's any, they would sink into the mix cause they're really minor mistakes..
It's definately on time now, the only thing is that the dropout is right before the last chorus/outro instead of right before the solo.. Though, it could work out pretty well, maybe just drums, keys, and bass or something?

But I was trying to say at about 1:51 after the second chorus do just the right or left guitar track playing through once then have the second guitar come with a pick slide.. but the drop where it is could be kinda cool aswell...

Up to you guys..

It's definately on time now, the only thing is that the dropout is right before the last chorus/outro instead of right before the solo.. Though, it could work out pretty well, maybe just drums, keys, and bass or something?

But I was trying to say at about 1:51 after the second chorus do just the right or left guitar track playing through once then have the second guitar come with a pick slide.. but the drop where it is could be kinda cool aswell...

Up to you guys..


I think we're fine now.. it'll sound okay with this way too.. with the bass and keys & vocals only without guitars in that part...

Unless if you do the part which is missing! Your solo guitar playing the riff first, then my guitars slide into it...
Well as it is the guitar drops out right after the solo section, I could still play the riff there and it'll give a "bridge" kinda ending feel to the solo and then it'll kick into the third verse.. could be a nice dynamic.. Mephisto/Jacare what do ya'll think?

Well as it is the guitar drops out right after the solo section, I could still play the riff there and it'll give a "bridge" kinda ending feel to the solo and then it'll kick into the third verse.. could be a nice dynamic.. Mephisto/Jacare what do ya'll think?


I agree. anyway i'll be able to modify that. If you can record the solo and the bridge part i can make a scratch and we can vote which one sounds the best for all of us

Not really. If there's any, they would sink into the mix cause they're really minor mistakes..

About that part, I guess that the Rhythm guitars should be back with a slide at 2:47 (when the drum roll starts), and yes, it definitely needs something there besides bass/ drums. If not the guitar solo, then the Rhythm guitars should do that part as well, IMHO.
Spamds: Great tone man... which amp are you using?
I'll record a once through of the main riff after the i come out of the solo and see if it works.. I'll probably do that in a second track as well so that it's easier to A/B.. I've got a lot of time this weekend to work on the solo for this and kill the king so I (should) have it done by Saturday Evening..

When I do it I'll post for tone/arrangement suggestions.. I figured out the part I'm gonna do over the pre-chorus riff but the main part of the solo I haven't quite figured out just how much I want to keep from the original and how much I want to add..

About that part, I guess that the Rhythm guitars should be back with a slide at 2:47 (when the drum roll starts), and yes, it definitely needs something there besides bass/ drums. If not the guitar solo, then the Rhythm guitars should do that part as well, IMHO.
Spamds: Great tone man... which amp are you using?

I used Mesa Boogie Studio Preamp into 295 Simul-Class power amp.. then into my 2x12 with v30's...

And Paulie, I think it would be cool if you would play that "rhythm" section with solo guitar. Since it's panned in the center (mono), it would sound rad when my stereo guitars kick in... :loco:
Yeah, the more I think about it the more I kinda like the idea, haha..

Definitely, the time given to record the bass tracks should have been enough especially when it comes to so simple song. Severu asked me for drum tracks to record bass on few days a go. Looks like he never made it to this thread. Maybe he's busy but he should keep us informed (although you can record bass with one take, shouldn't take too long.) How's the keys doing? And who's up for mixing?