[quote="Evil" Aidy;7439291]Question for Andy or anyone else that knows!

What amps were they using on the Another Lesson in Violence Live album?

Modded Marshall?

Maybe they were re-amped after the gig through something else for the CD...[/quote]

This live album is just awesome and got me into Exodus. The guitar tone and the tone in general are crushing. I still find this live album way better than the latest stuff, both in terms of songwriting/performance and production. Just my opinion.
Does anybody know how the JCM 800 on Tempo was modded?
Since I have a JCM 800 and Tempo has probably the best metal tone ever, I'd like to do a similar mod to mine.
Does anybody know how the JCM 800 on Tempo was modded?
Since I have a JCM 800 and Tempo has probably the best metal tone ever, I'd like to do a similar mod to mine.

Search the thread, because I THINK I remember Andy or someone mentioning where Gary got his mod done.... I think.
I've just come across Bonded by Blood up on youtube,.. did Andy do the mix? I've just read that Gary did all the production (and engineering?) on the record..

Doesn't make a mention of who mixed it.
If I'm not mistaken (please correct me if I am), out of the recent albums, Exodus recorded guitars on their own for SHKM and LTBB. And I kind of prefer those guitar tones to the other two Sneap produced records. I don't know what that means.

By the way, this new bonded by blood fkn rulz!!