Non-metal Themed Mixtape Game

Queen - Death on Two Legs 7/10
Shellac - Prayer to God fucking amazing. 9/10
Puddle of Mud - She Fucking Hates Me fuck off and die. 1/10
Final Fantasy IX - Kuja's Theme 7/10
Dicks - Hate The Police good song but too thematically safe in my opinion. 6/10
GG Allin - You Hate Me and I Hate You same complaint but I'm a die hard GG fan so bias comes into play. 8/10
The Birthday Party - Sonny's Burning crushing. 8/10
Anathema - Empty angsty. 6/10
Modest Mouse - Doin' the Cockroach at first I thought it portrayed hatred well, but by the end that feeling had gone. 6/10
Brainbombs - Die You Fuck one of the greatest bands when it comes to expressing hate. 9/10
Richard Cheese - People Equals Shit this is what I was interested to hear, a different take on hate and it nails it. 9/10
Brotha Lynch Hung feat. Tech N9ne and Hopsin - Stabbed can't say this isn't hateful, pretty good musically too. 7/10
Those Poor Bastards - Chemical Church I appreciate the folk meets psychobilly meets country sound and it's different take on the theme. 7/10
Star Wars: The Imperial March how is this not hate? Imagine a genocidal military force led by it's homicidal religious warrior priest marching forever until all life is snuffed out. 10/10
The Grey Wolves - Pure Hatred this is probably what goes through a serial killer's head moments before he goes on a rampage. 7/10

I regret not submitting this for the lols.

The discovering part was painful and involved a lot of trial-and-error. The actually-enjoying-it part is nice but I'd give up my sexuality for the optimism and creativity of childhood any day.

same, although i'm not sure puberty was much of a catalyst for me. maybe it was. what i miss about childhood is connecting to stuff with way less filters and self-awareness, viewing everything with more wonder and excitement, everything being novel, being able to disappear into my/our own world with little in the way of responsibility or stress. i mean i was a pretty anxious and messed up kid at times but the positives massively outweighed the negatives for me. i did have a traditionally good childhood though, we were kinda poor but it never seemed that way and i've always been close with my parents.
Queen - Death on Two Legs
somehow manages to be 100% spiteful and 100% fun. couldn't be more perfect for the list. 9/10

Shellac - Prayer to God

i'm e-fistbumping whoever chose this one right now. legendary song. albini rules. 9/10

Puddle of Mudd - She Fucking Hates Me

perfect for the list in that it taps into deep wells of hatred within my soul. i actually like a couple of pudd songs a bit, but this one is the fucking worst. this youtube comment tho:
Fusurugi1 year ago
Hate? Hate just means they acknowledge you in a way. It's worse when you're totally ignored. /foreveralone

Final Fantasy IX - Kuja's Theme

nobuo is a god but this isn't one of his more interesting tunes. i actually do feel the hate a bit though, it's bubblin'. i never got into 9 as much as some others and i can barely remember it now, maybe a stronger association to the character would help. 7/10

Dicks - Hate The Police

i'll just paste my RYM capsule: a lot of punk ain't particularly happy; a small portion of punk bubbles forth from blood-red scars; but only the dicks' angst has soaked right through to the bone. far from the maniacal snot-gobbing pseudo-anarchy the genre mostly trades in, these chords are poised, calm and certain, hanging in the stillness like a corpse's accusatory stare. best punk single ever. 10/10

GG Allin - You Hate Me and I Hate You

punk rawk classic. 8/10

The Birthday Party - Sonny's Burning

hell of a fucking fevered trip right here. love that nervous drumming and guitar squealing. gives me the sweats. 9/10

Anathema - Empty

you're really pushing my hate buttons now. kill all scousers immediately. 1/10

Modest Mouse - Doin' the Cockroach

i would never have thought to choose this even though i really like it and i do think it fits the theme. either way, even when they're being fairly groovy modest mouse are more apocalyptic and eerie and anxious than literally all post-rock (or indie for that matter) i've ever heard, and i echo pompey's plaudits for the guitarwork. 9/10

Brainbombs - Die You Fuck
genuinely convincing, unnerving serial killer music. that riff nags at you until before you know it you're slicing up someone's sternum with an electric chainsaw. 8/10

Richard Cheese - People Equals Shit

familiarity with the slipknot original makes this vaguely amusing. would never choose to listen to it tho. 4/10

Brotha Lynch Hung feat. Tech N9ne and Hopsin - Stabbed

production is fun i suppose but i prefer stuff that's more layered 'n subtle, less flowery. hopsin's verse is kinda lame but tech n9ne kills his. 6/10

Those Poor Bastards - Chemical Church

i can imagine this potentially working better in the context of a concept album, an ironic interlude between something more serious. not sure what to do with it by itself though. 3/10

Star Wars: The Imperial March

impossible to separate from its source, which is what makes it a genius pick. 8/10

The Grey Wolves - Pure Hatred

i'm not really a noise guy but again this is fairly convincingly disturbed/hateful. 6/10
Queen - Death on Two Legs 9/10

I've always been surprised by how vicious and angry this song is. It's quite an eloquent type of hatred. I think this was a really good opening song. You can tell that this song was part of some serious bad blood when you hear Mercury sing it.

Shellac - Prayer to God 6.5/10

I've always found this band to be a little bit angsty and immature lyrically, but this is a pretty good sing. It's pretty hateful and it fits the theme perfectly. I expected to like it less.

Puddle of Mud - She Fucking Hates Me 1/10

Fuck this. This song is just shit.

Final Fantasy IX - Kuja's Theme 4/10

I've never played this game and I don't know who Kuja is. I assume that he is an antagonist. I really don't get a very hateful vibe from this track and I think it was a bad choice because it probably doesn't have a broad enough fan base to get the point across.

Dicks - Hate The Police 8/10

This had a fun sound. I enjoyed it a lot more than I expected to. The lyrics were pretty serious but the vocal delivery made them come across in a unique way. It's also a welcome change from people picking overly long songs that barely fit the theme.

GG Allin - You Hate Me and I Hate You 8/10

This was another short, fun song. I thought that it fit the theme excellently without really warranting a deeper examination.

The Birthday Party - Sonny's Burning 8/10

I like this band. I thought that this was a good pick that I wouldn't have ever expected. The vocal performance is absolutely insane and the screaming of "Flame on!" Is a highlight for me.

Anathema - Empty 3/10

I thought that this was bad.

Modest Mouse - Doin' the Cockroach 5/10

This was a lot better than I remember Modest Mouse being. I did feel like it overstayed its welcome a bit. It didn't have enough to keep me interested for the entire song, even though it wasn't too long compared to a lot of other songs.

Brainbombs - Die You Fuck 7/10

This was weird and kind of cool. I thought that it was one of the more unique inclusions. I really didn't understand exactly what the song was about, but the title gives me enough to determine that it fit the theme.

Richard Cheese - People Equals Shit 2/10

Novelty music is dumb. It's better than Puddle of Mudd.

Brotha Lynch Hung feat. Tech N9ne and Hopsin - Stabbed 5/10

This was decent. I didn't feel like I connected very strongly with it, but it may just be that I'm not really into this style of music. It wound up being better than I expected.

Those Poor Bastards - Chemical Church 9/10

I figured that I would think this was stupid, but I wound up enjoying it a lot. This was the biggest surprised in the playlist for me. I plan to check out more music by this band.

Star Wars: The Imperial March 4/10

Maybe it's due to commercial oversaturation with this song in everyrhing related to Star Wars, but I feel very apathetic about it. This seemed like a gamble that won't pay off. It was themed properly.

The Grey Wolves - Pure Hatred 7/10

This was weird. I thought that it was a good outro for the playlist and it seems to be pretty hateful to me. I liked it well enough.
Queen - Death on Two Legs

Man, he is fuckin pissed! Powerful beginning. Shame it didn't maintain that rage through the rest of the song. It just turned into something pretty. Good enough though. No commentary otherwise.

Shellac - Prayer to God

I hate the vocals. This is gonna be one of those songs where the music itself is pretty cool, and the lyrics are pretty cool, but a fucking 12 year old is singing. Yep, that's what's going on. Severe disappointment. Someone tuck that kid into bed until he's old enough to sound like an actual man please.

Puddle Of Mudd - She Fucking Hates Me

This song blows for the theme and it's no masterpiece. But fuck all yall, I totally owned the Buzz 90s CD's when I was a kid. I would go so far as to say the 90s had some of the best truly mainstream music of any decade, what with the heavy grunge influence. Yeah, I fucking said it. This is not a terrible song.

Final Fantasy IX - Kuja's Theme

Eh, very pretty music as all the soundtracks are, but I don't get a hate vibe here and they've released better. I feel more like a haunted mansion kinda deal.

The Dicks - Hate The Police

I'm not a punk fan for the most part, but this was bearable. Somewhat creepy he's telling his mommy about his bad day though, isn't that like non-punk?

GG Allin - You Hate Me And I Hate You

Awful. Of course the dude had to put on insane stage shows, because the music sucks and it's the only way to keep people there. It did make me feel hatred though so points for that.

The Birthday Party - Sonny's Burning

Lol loved the intro. This was pretty cool, it really sounds like he means whatever he's talking about. Something about some flowers and burning evil running guys. Pure discordant drug-fueled anger.

Anathema - Empty

Anathema is more of a crybaby band than an angry one, which makes this song a somewhat pleasant surprise I guess because he did almost sound mad. I find it immensely ironic that following a series of punk songs was a fucking metal band playing a song whose vox were almost punk. Jeeeeeesus.

Modest Mouse - Doin' the Cockroach

Gross. They should go hang out with Shellac and try to decipher what an orgasm is. Never liked this band, and this song was no different. Didn't sound angry to me either, just sounded gay.

Brainbombs - Die You Fuck

Sounds like someone whispering hatred under their breath but too soft to actually say it loud enough. This was awful. Apparently there's a lot of punk fans here and straight up, I don't get it, it's literally the same terrible thing over and over again, like most of that genre is. Just curious, is there anyone who liked this who didn't spend most of their childhood watching SLC Punk and The Anarchist Cookbook on repeat until they felt like they were damaged and special too?

Richard Cheese - People Equals Shit

I. Fucking. Love novelty music. I've heard this track before, and most of his shit, because one of my favorite things to do is make fun of people who think they're hard. Richard Cheese excels, and because he's making fun of your precious hatred, he's my hero once again. It's always decent lounge music, rarely awesome, but I love the message with this track.

Brotha Lynch Hung - Stabbed

Damn, what a collab. I'm a fan of Tech and Hop and keep meaning to check out BLH, this has verified that decision. I would not say this is very hatred-fueled though, it's more happy hyper murdertime than anything. I blame Hopsin and all his usual whining for that. Really cool disjointed strings in the back samples. Good choice.

Those Poor Bastards - Chemical Church

Hahaha this is hilarious, lovin it. Pirate-tinted and just a whole lot of fun, who doesn't love a good blistering voice with quirky old lady music? The hatred angle was very vague, but it's technically there, and this song was so goofy I'm okay with it.

Star Wars - The Imperial March

Even though this is a classic composition it's not truly hate-fueled, it's calculated eradication. Learn to understand lawful neutral better, damn dude. Only emotional pussies feel hatred. But I suppose a lot of folks who choose to define the empire as the absolute hands down bad guys might see this as a mad song.

The Grey Wolves - Pure Hatred

This reminded me of an Amon Duul at first, but then it stretched what would have been a cool intro or midsection into an entire song. Seriously? I know art is art is art and you shouldn't judge on actual musical talent (huehue) but literally anyone on this forum could have composed this mess. It tries to be ambient, ending up only as a slightly creepy broadcast. Not scary enough, not angry enough, not talented enough to even be on youtube.
I would go so far as to say the 90s had some of the best truly mainstream music of any decade, what with the heavy grunge influence.

I agree with that statement, but that Puddle of Mudd song wasn't released in the 90's. That fact goes a long way in explaining why it sucks gorilla cum.
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Queen - Death on Two Legs

I didn't expect this level of vitriol from Queen. Thoroughly enjoyed it. 8/10

Shellac - Prayer to God


Puddle of Mudd - She Fucking Hates Me

Far and away the worst song from any of the Mixtapes yet. Well done. 0.5/10

Final Fantasy IX - Kuja's Theme


The Dicks - Hate the Police

Simple, convincing hate. 7/10

G.G Allin - You Hate Me and I Hate You

Despite the lyrics this doesn't sound hateful at all. 4/10

The Birthday Party - Sonny's Burning

Perfect amount of demented madness here. Found myself smiling frequently throughout it. 8/10

Anathema - Empty

Anathema sucks. 2/10

Modest Mouse - Doin' the Cockroach


Brainbombs - Die You Fuck

Deranged. 8/10

Richard Cheese - People Equals Shit


Brotha Lynch Hung - Stabbed


Those Poor Bastards - Chemical Church

I don't know what this is supposed to be but I don't like it. 3/10

Star Wars - The Imperial March

Much like the LotR films, I never need to see a single second of any Star Wars film ever again. 5/10

The Grey Wolves - Pure Hatred

I agree with that statement, but that Puddle of Mudd song wasn't released in the 90's. That fact goes a long way in explaining why it sucks gorilla cum.

My bad. Guess you're more knowledgeable on this flavor of gorilla cum than I am, could have sworn it was a 90s track.
Queen - Death on Two Legs 7/10
Good song, but I've never been a huge Queen fan.

Shellac - Prayer to God 4/10
Sorry don't see the greatness in this, repetitive and not very convincing. Do not feel the hatred.

Puddle of Mud - She Fucking Hates Me 3/10
This sounds really 90s and in that sense it feels kind of nostalgic even though I don't think I've heard the song before. Not very good though.

Final Fantasy IX - Kuja's Theme 7/10

Pretty awsome but the hate is kind of dubious.

Dicks - Hate The Police 7/10
Not a punk fan but I't worked.

GG Allin - You Hate Me and I Hate You 4/10

Nah not really, sounds pretty lame especially compared to the guy's reputation.

The Birthday Party - Sonny's Burning 7,5/10

Best song yet, weirdly disturbing.

Anathema - Empty 5/10

Not the worst song on the playlist but too controlled and soulless for this theme.

Modest Mouse - Doin' the Cockroach 7/10
Started out really good but the guitars from the middle and onwards were abit annoying.

Brainbombs - Die You Fuck 6,5/10

This probably suffers from being late on the playlist. I feel I've been burned out on this kind of shouted vocals by now. I liked the noisy music though.

Richard Cheese - People Equals Shit 1/10
This was... bad.

Brotha Lynch Hung feat. Tech N9ne and Hopsin - Stabbed 5/10

I liked the apocalyptic beats but thought the rapping was mediocre.

Those Poor Bastards - Chemical Church 2/10
See the Richard Cheese comment for details.

Star Wars: The Imperial March 8/10

I'm a pretty big Star Wars fan so rating for fanboyism.

The Grey Wolves - Pure Hatred 9/10

Classic act and pioneers of death industrial. Disturbing noise filled with hatred.
Ok I gotta stop participating in 3 of these at once.

Queen - 9.5/10 Always been a Queen fan, since my earliest music listening years. Very familiar with this song.
Shellac - 2/10 Horrible lyrics, poorly fit to music.
Puddle of Mudd - 3/10 At least it's catchy?
Final Fantasy IX - 8/10 idk what other people are talking about I can feel hatred/anger in this.
The Dicks - 4/10 Not really hatred, just a whiny douche. "I had a bad day daddy" he literally says this.
GG Allin - 6/10 Better lyrically but still too upbeat.
The Birthday Party - 5/10 Eh. Boring.
Anathema - 4/10 yawn.
Modest Mouse - 3/10 Just awful. In no circumstance would I wish to listen to this again.
Brainbombs - 2/10 Pretty much shit.
Richard Cheese - 6/10 it's not too bad actually.
Brotha Lynch Hung - 0/10 nuff said
Those Poor Bastards - 1/10 crap. garbage.
Star Wars - 9/10 "let the hatred flow through you"
The Grey Wolves - 0/10 sigh.

Hatred is something that really just works best in metal. Punk doesn't even capture it right. Can't believe people listen to some of this stuff. Or maybe everyone is just screwing around at this point. Either way I think I'm out next round.
I'll be honest, part of the reason why I didnt submit was because I couldn't think of a good "hate" song that is a bit creative. I like this though, and I did listen to the playlist. I'm just too lazy to rate it (and don't really feel inspired to, if i'm being totally honest).

This game is still cool, but a topic that's a little in line to what we're doing here would be more helpful.
so far in this thread i've picked two songs i like more than virtually any metal actually.

i liked the topic choice. the idea that 'hatred' doesn't have a whole ton of overlap with 'non-metal' is outrageous to me.
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so far in this thread i've picked two songs i like more than virtually any metal actually.

i liked the topic choice. the idea that 'hatred' doesn't have a whole ton of overlap with 'non-metal' is outrageous to me.

But what kind of hatred? When musical hatred has become associated in one's mind with shit like this:

How can this non-metal playlist come off as anything but whiny?

The classical and Queen worked for me though.
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I'm reading the lyrics to that Exmortus song and am barely getting any actual hatred vibe. Like, some evil dude failed at doing evil stuff and is now angry that he's burning in hell? How short-sighted. The apocalyptic fantasy equivalent of a child angry at mommy for being sent to his room after hitting his brother.
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