Non-metal Themed Mixtape Game

just replaced the beatles vid for a second time, the one you linked is comparatively shitty quality imo. this one does have a horribly loud intro and awfully transcribed lyrics in the vid though lol
Pink Floyd - Time
a song that was always stuck between its aspirations toward existential anxiety and its aspirations toward commercial rock superstardom. i do think floyd were good at the existential stuff when they committed to it, but this dreary, groovy, comfortable thing doesn't deliver on the promises of the intro, and the lyrics are embarrassingly on-the-nose in places (not to mention those cringily pretentious soul backing vocals). it's also one of the most famous songs ever, with the exact same title as this theme, and you're losing points for that yo. 3/10

Ultravox - All Stood Still

never heard this one before. like a lot of new wave stuff it's too quirky and slight and 'danceable' for my tastes, but it's fun, eerie, cleverly constructed and a creative pick for the theme. 7/10

Low - Time Is the Diamond
bland alt-rock put under a general anaesthetic. the idea of slowcore appeals to me and i do like some of the other staples of the genre, but i've never been impressed by this band, and this hasn't changed that. the bluesy vocal lines rub me the wrong way in this context and it never does anything interesting. 4/10

Kult - Komu Bije Dzwon

bim bom ba be be be bom. darken probably hums this while he's bathing 14 year old girls in his wooden tub. 8/10

The Kinks - All Day and All of the Night

obviously better than the song it's often (very dubiously) accused of ripping off, but i'm more of a 'waterloo sunset' kind of guy. actually, fuck it, i'm more of a stooges kinda guy (and there are half a dozen songs on pretty much every garage nuggets comp that i like more than this too). still good though. not convinced it really fits the theme. 6/10

Of Montreal - The Past Is a Grotesque Animal
i knew some asswipe would pick a 12 minute song. i don't mind the hook or the synth noodling at the end, but the lyrics are insufferable hipster garbage. is this a mort pick? 4/10

The Beatles - Yesterday

for all its overexposure this remains a pretty lovely song, the understated arrangement really brings out the despairing nostalgia and a lot of bands (coughOFMONTREALcough) could take some lessons about economy from this. i considered downgrading for obviousness but i actually wasn't expecting anyone around here to pick this so w/e. 7/10

Huey Lewis and the News - Back in Time

lool i should've known someone would pick this. i haven't seen this movie in so long, i should really do something about that. song is glorious '80s trash ofc. 7/10

Joy Division - Twenty Four Hours

lmao i love the transition from that to this. i think joy division were a hopeless pop band. 'love will tear us apart' is drivel. they weren't very good at punk either for the most part. but this... this album and this song are something else entirely. this is pure despair, resignation. it's the music of a man who's already dead inside, already going cold, already 'watched it all slip away'. some of the most personal, dark and downright broken music ever, perfect to the very last note. possibly my second favourite song of the game so far after lee moses. "just for one moment, i heard somebody call... looked beyond the day in hand, there's nothing there at all..." 10/10

Uriah Heep - Traveller in Time

love the heep! if you don't then sort your life out m8s. 8/10

Iannis Xenakis - Metastasis

pretty cool concept i guess, and it's unstable and apocalyptic in a way i can dig, but i don't feel like i have the frame of reference to differentiate it from a lot of other more atonal music. more fundamentally i just don't care about music on a theoretical level, and when you start composing based on rules of maths or probability you're always gonna lose me. 6/10

Hawkwind - We Took the Wrong Step Years Ago

not one of the songs i like on that record. typically great '70s production helps, but it's just too navel-gazey and generally too familiar aside from the tacked on spacey effects. 5/10

The Rocky Horror Picture Show - Time Warp
i'm actually really ignorant of rocky horror, my exposure to this is almost entirely through school discos. i quite like it, it's endearingly nutty and i don't mind camp that knows it's camp. 6/10

Chelsea Wolfe - The Way We Used To

i quite like the chelsea wolfe i've heard, and i like this more than any of that. her voice is suitably ethereal and that 'hook' is like something warm and homely being recalled from a place of loss and emptiness, turned eerie by its new context. 8/10

Peeping Tom - Five Seconds

i thought we'd managed to make a non-metal playlist that didn't contain anything truly terrible, but no. 2/10
Pink Floyd - Time

Maybe its unfair, but I have heard this song at work 100000 times so fuck this shit

Ultravox - All Stood Still

Pretty enjoyable, fun and upbeat

Low - Time Is the Diamond

Love the subdued feel of the song leading to the not really ... energetic, but perhaps...intense (?) climax only to slowly fade away

Kult - Komu Bije Dzwon
pretty catchy, i'm going to find myself humming "bim bom ba bim bom" all through work tonight...

The Kinks - All Day and All of the Night

I don't mind The Kinks much, but god I cannot stand this song

Of Montreal - The Past Is a Grotesque Animal
It started out okay, but halfway through I found myself struggling to give a shit anymore

The Beatles - Yesterday

don't care too much for the beatles, but i'd not be upset if someone put this song on. pleasant enough

Huey Lewis and the News - Back in Time

at least it isn't 'i want a new drug'

Joy Division - Twenty Four Hours

i need to listen to this album more, its damn near perfect

Uriah Heep - Traveller in Time

pretty solid

Iannis Xenakis - Metastasis


Hawkwind - We Took the Wrong Step Years Ago

pretty boring, just didn't care for it

The Rocky Horror Picture Show - Time Warp

loses something out of context, but still a fun song

Chelsea Wolfe - The Way We Used To

doesn't keep my attention that well, but pretty okay

Peeping Tom - Five Seconds


not mike patton's strongest moment (I do like some of peeping tom, but just that song is pretty bad)
Pink Floyd - Time - 10/10

Ultravox - All Stood Still - 6//10

Low - Time Is the Diamond - 4/10

Kult - Komu Bije Dzwon - 5/10

The Kinks - All Day and All of the Night - 8/10

Of Montreal - The Past Is a Grotesque Animal - 3/10

The Beatles - Yesterday - 9/10

Huey Lewis and the News - Back in Time - 8/10

Joy Division - Twenty Four Hours - 10/10

Uriah Heep - Traveller in Time - 7/10

Iannis Xenakis - Metastasis - 10/10

Hawkwind - We Took the Wrong Step Years Ago - 8/10

The Rocky Horror Picture Show - Time Warp - 6/10

Chelsea Wolfe - The Way We Used To - 7/10

Peeping Tom - Five Seconds - 7/10

Another great list, with the exception of a few, especially Of Montreal. Thanks for the introduction to Joy Division!
Long fucking day. Here's mine.

Pink Floyd - Time
What can I say. Classic. 8/10

Ultravox - All Stood Still I love Ultravox. 7/10

Low - Time Is the Diamond Did nothing for me. Points for theme. 4/10

Kult - Komu Bije Dzwon Same as the last song. Just going to assume it was thematically sound. 3/10

The Kinks - All Day and All of the Night One of my favourite bands growing up. Makes me wish someone chose "Summertime" or "Time Of The Season" by The Zombies. Anyway, awesome choice. 8/10

Of Montreal - The Past Is a Grotesque Animal I was surprised by how much I enjoyed this. Krautrock worship or something? So cool. 8/10

The Beatles - Yesterday I think I've heard this song too many times. It felt dragged out regardless of it's length. It is a good song though. 7/10

Huey Lewis and the News - Back in Time This is so fucking white. I feel like I'm watching an Emilio Estevez film or something. Catchy though. 6/10

Joy Division - Twenty Four Hours One of the best for me so far. Beautiful. 9/10

Uriah Heep - Traveller in Time One of my all time favourite bands, ever. Bask in my bias. 10/10

Iannis Xenakis - Metastasis Amazing. Reminded me of something that would fit in the War Of The Worlds. 9/10

Hawkwind - We Took the Wrong Step Years Ago I love this song. What can I say. 9/10

The Rocky Horror Picture Show - Time Warp Ha! Awesome choice. I'm a huge fan of musicals and I adore this film and it's soundtrack. "Time is fleeting." 9/10

Chelsea Wolfe - The Way We Used To Didn't do much for me, the minimalist approach I guess. At any rate I don't dislike her music though. 5/10

Peeping Tom - Five Seconds Not at all one of the Peeping Tom tracks I like. Irritating with brief moments of sexy funk. 4/10
nah ignore me lol, i was confused because apparently there's two different issues of the debut with different titles and some different songs on.
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Shorter descriptions because quite a few songs aren't really my thing.

Pink Floyd – Time – 6/10

Unlike most of you I’ve heard this song maybe three times now, at maximum. I like it, but don’t love it. The intro is my favorite part tbh, every time I hear a balladic 70s track with that ba bum-bum bass line I get a little bored.

Ultravox - All Stood Still – 9/10

A great rocking new wave song on its own, but it has special value to me in the context of the album. Just has a kind of weird juxtaposition following the title track and some of the other more mellow and instrumental stuff, a Duran Duran would save that for the end but Ultravox puts the simplest and most movable song there instead, and writes it about everything stopping, like I don’t enjoy To Live is To Die and Dyer’s Eve nearly as much as I used to when I was 13 but at the time there was something so captivating about how it picked me up and then just cuts out at the very end leaves me contemplating shit.

Low - Time Is the Diamond – 5/10

This was alright, bordered on I-don’t-get-it.

Kult - Komu Bije Dzwon – 6/10

Google Translate helped me a little here. Kind of cute in a way even though a relatively masculine Polish dude making clock-ticking noises isn’t my usual concept of cute. Kind of has a nostalgic Christmas vibe in a good way.

The Kinks - All Day and All of the Night – 6/10


Of Montreal - The Past Is a Grotesque Animal – 2/10

The title aside this doesn’t seem that time-related. Drags and drags. Holy fuck I’m only halfway through? I despise people that find this enjoyable or relatable.

The Beatles – Yesterday – 5/10

Yeah it’s the Beatles whatevs.

Huey Lewis and the News - Back in Time – 9/10

Now this is a real classic. Bonus point for Back to the Future.

Joy Division - Twenty Four Hours – 8/10

I don’t like Closer very much, definitely less than Unknown Pleasures, but this is my favorite song from it. Great dynamics, never paid attention to the lyrics before but in a weird way I’m almost getting a kind of spacy/sci-fi vibe from it now, how expansive it sounds when it fades and you get the robotic scrapy bits underneath, don’t know how to describe it but this is really enjoyable to me now. Extra point for new appreciation.

Uriah Heep - Traveller in Time – 6/10

I don’t listen to enough Uriah Heep, although for some reason this isn’t grabbing me as much as I feel it should.

Iannis Xenakis – Metastasis – 4/10

Not a fan of any Xenakis I’ve heard iirc, but this was ok.

Hawkwind - We Took the Wrong Step Years Ago – 6/10


The Rocky Horror Picture Show - Time Warp – 1/10

Couldn’t last more than a minute, not happening.

Chelsea Wolfe - The Way We Used To – 6/10


Peeping Tom - Five Seconds – 5/10

Lol, I got an immediate “sounds like something Mike Patton would do” without realizing he’s actually singing. Kinda neat at first but started to get annoying, especially the part 2 minutes in.
Pink Floyd - Time
Classic of course but just so obvious a choice and it's one of those songs that I've just heard way too many times. Also Pink Floyd have many far superior songs. 6/10

Ultravox - All Stood Still

Guessing this is HBB's pick. The only Ultravox song I've ever heard is Vienna so I was surprised with this upbeat little number. Really dug it and will look more into their stuff. 8/10

Low - Time Is the Diamond

Huge. I've never heard this before. I just listened to it twice in a row I liked it that much. 8.5/10

Kult - Komu Bije Dzwon

I don't speak Polish unfortunately. This was very European. Possibly Polish. 5/10

The Kinks - All Day and All of the Night

Perfect rock and roll. Proto Punk as all get out. Love the solo. 9/10

Of Montreal - The Past Is a Grotesque Animal

I thought I was going to like this but I ended up hating it. The music is nice enough but the vocalist is an intolerable cunt. Got better again after he shut the fuck up. 4/10

The Beatles - Yesterday

One of McCartney's good songs. Simple, inspired and lacking in the excessive schmaltz that a lot of his stuff suffers from. Another one that I've heard way too many times though. 7/10

Huey Lewis and the News - Back in Time

Slick. 7/10

Joy Division - Twenty Four Hours

I can appreciate that this band are very influential and the movie about Ian Curtis was great but I would never go out of my way to listen to this. 4/10

Uriah Heep - Traveller in Time

I'm not averse to 70s prog, but this is way too happy and cheesy for me. 5/10

Iannis Xenakis - Metastasis

Very dramatic. If this had had some sort of amazing animation to go with it I'd have rated it higher. But it didn't. 2/10

Hawkwind - We Took the Wrong Step Years Ago

Damn hippies. The middle part is pretty cool though. 6/10

The Rocky Horror Picture Show - Time Warp

Argh I hate musicals 3/10

Chelsea Wolfe - The Way We Used To

I like some of her stuff more than her other stuff, but this is pretty good. I prefer when she has a guitar or band behind her though. 6.5/10

Peeping Tom - Five Seconds

I haven't listened to this in ages. I've been going though a pretty anti-Patton phase for a while now, his obnoxious cunt personality is very noticeable in his singing and it really bugs me these days. 6/10

Surprised no one picked this:
Google Translate helped me a little here. Kind of cute in a way even though a relatively masculine Polish dude making clock-ticking noises isn’t my usual concept of cute. Kind of has a nostalgic Christmas vibe in a good way.

It was written for their drummer who died because of chewing gum choke while sleeping.
just replaced the beatles vid for a second time, the one you linked is comparatively shitty quality imo. this one does have a horribly loud intro and awfully transcribed lyrics in the vid though lol
Jesus. Just watching the new link now. You didn't mention the awesome font and the unexplainable blue floaty thing
Pink Floyd - Time 5/10
Interesting parts mixed with very dull ones.

Ultravox - All Stood Still 6.5/10
I don't know what to say about this, it's not something I'd ever find myself listening to but I somewhat enjoyed it.

Low - Time Is the Diamond 4.5/10
Rather dull.

Kult - Komu Bije Dzwon 7/10

I liked this quite a bit. Needs better vocals. Bim bom ba bim bom.

The Kinks - All Day and All of the Night 7.5/10

I was a fan of this band as a kid.

Of Montreal - The Past Is a Grotesque Animal 5/10
I actually liked this to begin with, but then it droned on forever and the vocals are annoying.

The Beatles - Yesterday 7.5/10

Huey Lewis and the News - Back in Time 6.5/10

Super fun.

Joy Division - Twenty Four Hours 9/10

One of the best songs in this non-metal version so far. I've liked this band for ages but I hardly ever listen to them for some reason. Dark and emotional.

Uriah Heep - Traveller in Time 8.5/10
This song is great, I love pretty much everything about it. The part starting at 2:20 is awesome.

Iannis Xenakis - Metastasis 7/10

Totally wasn't expecting anything like this on the playlist. It's weird, dramatic and atmospheric. I like it. Not something I'd listen to very often, but I enjoyed it here.

Hawkwind - We Took the Wrong Step Years Ago 7/10

The Rocky Horror Picture Show - Time Warp 3/10
God, I knew someone would pick this. This brings back horrible memories of learning the dance to this for a play we did at primary school. It's horrible.

Chelsea Wolfe - The Way We Used To 6.5/10

I like her voice a lot but the humming got annoying.

Peeping Tom - Five Seconds 3/10
Parts of this were really, really irritating.
Pink Floyd - Time

Ultravox - All Stood Still

Low - Time is the diamond

KULT - Komu bije dzwon
Nice folkish vibe going on here.

The Kinks - All Day and All Night
Pretty good, even if it is highly reminiscent "You Really Got Me."

Of Montreal - The Past Is A Grotesque Animal
Good atmosphere, but a bit overlong.

The Beatles - Yesterday

Huey Lewis and the News - Back in Time
Not my cup of tea - I don't care if it was in Back to the Future.

Joy Division - Twenty Four Hours
A welcome respite from the previous song.

Uriah Heep - Traveller in Time

Iannis Xenakis - Metastasis
Spookier than a skeleton, which is what you will one day become, after enough time has elapsed.

Hawkwind - We Took The Wrong Step Years Ago
Towards the end was kind of interesting, but it was fairly average otherwise.

Rocky Horror Picture Show - Time Warp
I feel that I wouldn't mind it when watching the actual movie, which I've never seen. The song feels kinda naff just listening to it.

Chelsea Wolfe - The Way We Used To
Good, but I prefer the album version, with instrumental accompaniment.

Peeping Tom - Five Seconds
Parts of it are good, but the chorus kind of wears on the nerves after a while.
Sad to say I didn't like most of this playlist very much. Oh well.

Pink Floyd - Time
Even as a fan of prog and marginally a fan of Floyd (WYWH mostly) I've always found DSotM really boring. Many of you complain about having heard this song too many times already but I feel like I'm hearing it for the first time because it's made that little of an impression on me in the past. That said I'm enjoying it more taken out of the context of that sleeping pill of an album, but it still phases into boring moody dad-rock too often.

Ultravox - All Stood Still

Low - Time is the Diamond

Kult - Komu Bije Dzwon

The Kinks - All Day and All of the Night
Too familiar to do much for me, and not really time-themed in any meaningful sense.

Of Montreal - The Past is a Grotesque Animal
I have a close friend who's reeaaally into Of Montreal so I've been a lot more exposed to their music than I'd like. By and large I find them obnoxious. This song is partly an exception, some bits I still find grating ("THE MOUSY GIRL SCREAMS VIOLENCE, VIOLENCE") but overall I like it quite a lot. I guess that makes me enemies with HBB. And here I thought we were bros, bonded by mutual love for Irae Melanox. Oh well.

The Beatles - Yesterday
What's the fun in picking something this obvious and overplayed? It's like picking Teen Spirit for the Hatred mixtape.

Huey Lewis and the News - Back in Time
I hate everything about how this sounds. I gave up after 2 minutes.

Joy Division - Twenty Four Hours
Honestly, the lethargic vocal performance doesn't do much for me, and contrasts oddly with the rest of the song which is surprisingly high-energy for the genre. Even so, I still like it more than most of the stuff on this list.

Uriah Heep - Traveller in Time
I've loved Heep since childhood.

Iannis Xenakis - Metastasis

Hawkwind - We Took the Wrong Step Years Ago

Rocky Horror Picture Show - Time Warp
Never seen the movie so I don't know the context for this but it's cool.

Chelsea Wolfe - The Way We Used To

Peeping Tom - Five Seconds
I hate the schmaltzy funk verses but the chorus is appealingly deranged.