Non-metal Themed Mixtape Game

Mozart, Larcrimosa - 10/10, Mozart's unfinished masterpiece, truly haunting orchestration.
Andi Almqvist, Death - 5/10, Meh, it's alright. Strikes me as banal and uninspired though. Plus that kid looks annoying as all hell.
Christian Death, First Communion - 6/10, Decent, but doesn't seem to go anywhere and hangs on the same progression for way too long.
Nick Cave, 'O Malley's Bar - 6/10, Nice funky piano and bass backing to Nick's jittery, absurdist ramblings. Could do itself and a favor and vary the instrumentation a lot more given how prolonged this is.
Alice In Chains, Rain When I Die - 7.5/10, Great song that just oozes Sabbath from the vocals to the guitar and bass.
Eric Clapton, Tears of Heaven - 6.5/10, Nice little ballad from Clapton, a little sappy and vapid though.
Comus, Drip, Drip - 7/10, Bizarre, intriguing cacophony of violin, acoustic guitar, etc. I really dig it.
Queen, Bohemian Rhapsody - 8/10, Normally a 10/10 song, but it doesn't really fit the theme considering it's lyrics have no real meaning and are nothing more or less than utter gibberish according to Freddie Mercury himself.
Man's Gin, The Death of Jimmy Sturgis - 6.5/10, Semi-bluesy ramble-fest, I like it.
Hüsker Dü, Pink Turns To Blue - 7/10, nice poppy, punk number.
Carissa's Weird, Ignorant Piece of Shit - 5/10, Not the worst, but they keep slinking back to the same parts like their being domestically abused by them, and the vocals are barely audible whimpering.
The Rolling Stones, Paint It Black - 10/10, Jumpy pounding, thumping rhythms accompanied by twangy, sweet Middle Eastern-esque guitar playing and impassioned, somber raving from Mick Jagger. Utterly classic.
Rev. Blind Gary Davis, Death Don't Have No Mercy - 9/10, Furious gospel-like vocals, virtuoso guitar playing, an impeccable sense of melody, and, speaking of that, one of the most genuinely, beautifully melancholy melodies I've ever heard with the "You look in the bed and your mother will be gone..." line.
Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, Wenn dein Mütterlein - 8.5/10, Completely inimicable performance from one of the best opera singers ever.
Blue Öyster Cult, Then Came The Last Days of May - 7/10, Great, calm ballad from one of the greatest bands in rock 'n' roll history.
Gravenhurst, Animals - 7/10, Cool ballad, electronic parts remind me of Bowie and Manson.
Tenhi, Tuulenkaato - 4.5/10, Something of a just barely fascinating piece, it doesn't seem to do much.
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It's not just the sound. The lyrics are about death, and it's from his mass for the dead, which he wrote shortly before dying.

Yeah I'm not arguing that it's not on theme. I'd just like to hear something less popular.


Oops. Fixed
Mozart - Probably the finest thing since sliced bread and the tune of the round 9/10

Andi - Gorgeous opening and love the use of modern and trad sounds on this...l did not like the vocals first time round too much but after a few listens this is wicked 8/10

Christian Death - this is some gorgeous dark pop kinda similar to Polyrock(but not) that l posted in another tape game 8/10

Nick Cave - Caves great but l grew up with him shoved down my throat by my big brother and lm a bit numb nowadays - still recognize the talent but,... ugh 6/10

Alice in chains - Never a fan enough to buy a record of these guys but their musics ok...l always thought Jerry was AiC really ..but uh...this is pretty much metal so docked a point 4/10

Eric Clapton - Clapton hasn't done anything remarkable or of note since 1974...this vapid, puny, miserable excuse for a song is so fucking wet you could get clean by standing next to it. Fucking hopeless 2/10

Comus - This is ok, reminds me of some classic old rock/folk/fusion. Loving the fiddle/violin...the more instrumental they become the more l like them. 7/10

Queen - Nothing needs to be said other than it's a bit special isn't it? 9/10

Man's Gin - -1 because this is just wrong

Husker Du - Dirty geetares and pop metal with a 80s sensibility = grunge no? 8/10

Carissa's W.ired - This does not hold my interest at all i'm afraid... eehhhh .... ...quiet college talk ....stop it almost as puerile as Clapton 4/10

Stones - the poor old Stones had to be groovier, sexier and more dangerous that the Beatles could ever be , and they were!! lm a Beatle but the Stones had a venom that could not be ignored. 7/10

.Rev Gary Davis - nothing to see here folks keep moving keep moving 6/10

Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau - So powerful a voice..Glass of red and a book and i'm made 7/10

Blue Oyster Cult - Classic album just a tad overrated? they had THAT song..its ok...6/10

Gravenhurst - oh dear oh dear oh dear wet, really bad singer, trying to be fucking Coldplay or Radiohead
ug -2

Tenhi - This is powerful but i've heard these riffs before....and the dodgy vocals don't help 5/10
Fair enough. Bohemian Rhapsody is way too overplayed, especially compared to the stuff from their first two albums and late 80s and early 90s output.
Mozart - Lacrimosa
i'm a little mad at myself for not even considering this as it's pretty definitive. too obvious? maybe, but it has to be here. like many people i am fascinated with the question of how much input mozart had on the finished movement - it all sounds of a piece to these untrained ears. 9/10

Andi Almqvist - Death
basically a good song but i can too easily imagine preferring a sparer, quieter, slower arrangement, as is my wont. 6/10

Christian Death - Cavity - First Communion

sounds kinda like a mid-point between the cure and sonic youth (not sure if the latter is a leftfield comparison but there are obvious similarities, coincidentally or otherwise), which is ok by me. can't say it particularly grabs me, but i would like to explore them further. 6/10

Nick Cave - O'Malley's Bar

this is a bit more like it. i like cave when he gets all fevered, which he kinda does here. my late grandad, who listened mostly to mahler, little richard and tina turner, randomly loved this album, profanities and all. 7/10

Alice In Chains - Rain When I Die

i didn't like these stoned out sleazy grooves when sabbath did them either - and it's metal innit. 4/10

Eric Clapton - Tears In Heaven

Your Kid Committed Suicide Because You Suck 1/10

Comus - Drip Drip

i used to find FIRST UTTERANCE super intimidating, but nowadays it's right in my wheelhouse, and this could be the most fucked up song on there. 9/10

Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody

i'm gonna be less harsh about obviousness in the non-metal game, but this is still losing a point. it is pretty irresistable though. mercury was utterly ridiculous, he was like halford and dio all in one. 6/10

Man's Gin - The Death of Jimmy Sturgis

lame nu-grunge masquerading as 16 horsepower. chorus is just straight up puddle of mudd. 4/10

Hüsker Dü - Pink Turns to Blue

fuck the rest of the list, i would happily listen to this over and over. for the record, i never thought i liked husker du 'til right this second, so thanks to whoever picked it, definitely needs a revisit. 9/10

Carissa's Wierd - Ignorant Piece of Shit

i'm not sensitive enough for shit like this unless it's exceptionally good, and this ain't. only scarf-wearing crybabies need apply. 5/10

The Rolling Stones - Paint It Black

among the most worthy of all mainstream rock classics, but i'm docking a point for obviousness. 8/10

Rev. Gary Davis - Death Don't Have No Mercy

YES dude, i salute whoever picked this. real deal. 9/10

Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau - Wenn dein Mütterlein

lol when i mentioned mahler i didn't realise this was here. is my grandfather picking songs from beyond the grave? i'm sorry i said fuck the rest of this list because it's honestly been a really good one. "ach, zu schnell..." 8/10

Blue Öyster Cult - Then Came the Last Days of May

ahhhhh i've never heard this one and i must! 8/10

Gravenhurst - Animals

the vocalist and main songwriter died not long ago at 37 - i know he had bad epilepsy but i wouldn't be surprised to find it was actually suicide. such a bleak, unnerving, quietly psychotic song/album. 9/10

Tenhi - Tuulenkaato

nice enough mood piece, nothing special to these ears. 6/10

all in all a fine list folks! not my most eloquent reviews this time but it's been a tiring week fu
Mozart - Lacrimosa

I know Mozart is supposed to be 'sacred ground' that everyone is supposed to adore, but for some reason I find most of what I've heard of his work really not that interesting. Clearly well made, just doesn't engage me.

Andi Almqvist - Death


not awful, but kinda boring

Christian Death - Cavity - First Communion


I should probably look into Christian Death some more

Nick Cave - O'Malley's Bar


too fucking long

Alice In Chains - Rain When I Die


not my favorite AiC song (we die young), but solid

Eric Clapton - Tears In Heaven


i like some lame sappy shit, but god this is not only sappy but just fucking boring

Comus - Drip Drip


i used to know a guy who was super into comus, he never shut the fuck up about them so i decided to never listen out of spite

turns out i made a bit of a mistake

Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody


its clearly not bad, but come on can people stop with this fucking song already

Man's Gin - The Death of Jimmy Sturgis


sounds like a shitty AiC

Hüsker Dü - Pink Turns to Blue


probably my favorite song on the album, just fucking great in every way

Carissa's Wierd - Ignorant Piece of Shit


probably not my favorite song on the album, still fucking great in every way like the rest of the album (sorry if anyone trips on my tear soaked scarf)

The Rolling Stones - Paint It Black


i'd probably want to kill myself if i heard it as often as i see it mentioned around the internet, but somehow i've avoided being overexposed to it so i can appreciate it still

Rev. Gary Davis - Death Don't Have No Mercy


hey...thats pretty good

Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau - Wenn dein Mütterlein


i'm phoning in my review text at this point because i'm also working on an end of semester project but pretty good

Blue Öyster Cult - Then Came the Last Days of May


not a huge fan of blues rock, but its not bad

Gravenhurst - Animals


reminds me of a - somehow - more depressed jeff buckley

Tenhi - Tuulenkaato


not bad
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Mozart - Lacrimosa - 9

Andi Almqvist - Death - 3
don't get this

Christian Death - Cavity - First Communion - 4
nice atmosphere but singer sucks cock

Nick Cave - O'Malley's Bar - 2
the fuck is this

Alice In Chains - Rain When I Die - 5
lol nu metal

Eric Clapton - Tears In Heaven - 9

Comus - Drip Drip - 1
i clicked through the song hoping to find a redeeming part but it was all garbage

Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody - 6
so sick of this song

Man's Gin - The Death of Jimmy Sturgis - 4
inbred redneck crap

Hüsker Dü - Pink Turns to Blue - 8

Carissa's Wierd - Ignorant Piece of Shit - 9

The Rolling Stones - Paint It Black - 10

Rev. Gary Davis - Death Don't Have No Mercy - 4
not something i would ever willingly listen to

Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau - Wenn dein Mütterlein - 8

Blue Öyster Cult - Then Came the Last Days of May - 9

Gravenhurst - Animals - 9

Tenhi - Tuulenkaato - 5
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I'm not doing anything tonight but staring out the window and watching it snow so I'll try and get mine in.
Sorry guys my brain has been all over the place this week and haven't gotten the chance to post much. I'll put them up tonight. I've already listened to the playlist. :D
Mozart - Lacrimosa 6/10
This is cool, but he does have better material. Or maybe I've heard this many times in shows and movies that its novelty has worn off on me a bit. Probably both.

Andi Almqvist - Death 6/10
I think there's something about the lyrics/vocal meldoy that I don't like... sorta cliche and they are noticeable so it's hard to tune it out. The music was nice though.

Christian Death - Cavity/First Communion 5/10
I've heard Christian Death and thought I liked them more. It's maybe just this one song though. I thought this would be "darker" sounding... idk.

Nick Cave - O'Malley's Bar 7/10
I liked this. It has a sleezy bar sound to it. It's way too long though for what it is.

Alice in Chains - Rain When I Die 7/10
I like Alice in Chains.

Eric Clapton - Tears in Heaven 2/10
This is just beyond corny, boring and not a good song. I don't see anything good about this song whatosever. I don't think I've been so uninsipired after listening to a song than with this. Jesus fucking christ.

Comus - Drip Drip 10/10
I really loved this. Really interesting and I even relisten to it sometimes. I'll have to check this band out more. I do think it could've ended sooner, but I didn't mind the noise stuff they were doing towards the end.

Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody 9/10
I love this song. Who doesnt?

Man's Gin - The Death of Jimmy Sturgis 8/10
I like Man's Gin. They do have that Southern thing, but they don't go overboard with it (at least for me), "but I feel OK, I feel ALRIGHT."

Husker Du - Pink Turns to Blue 9/10
I liked this a lot. Really fun and I liked the guitar tone a lot.

Carissa's Weird - Ignorant Piece of Shit 7/10
The title of this is very misleading. And actually when I think about it a little silly and childish. I was ready for some Alanis Morisette hate, but glad it didn't go that way. This was OK.

The Rolling Stones - Paint it Black 8/10
This song rules. But it's about death? How? Never thought about it being about death, but I really can't be bothered about being a theme nazi right now. LOL I need to get these ratings IN.

Rev. Gary Death - Death Don't Have No Mercy 9/10
I enjoyed this a lot.

Dietrich Fisher - 6/10
This is okay. I'm not really big into operas. I recognize it's good but it doesn't do much for me. I suppose I'm missing the entire story/point just listening to it it like this though. Idk.

Blue Oyster Cult - Then Came the Last Days of May 10/10
This is beautiful.

Gravenhurst - Animals from Fire in Distant Buildings 6/10
Hmm. This is decent. I can't tell if I like it or could just stand it. I'd need to listen to more from them

Tenhi - Tuulenkaato 8/10
I love the slow pacing of this song. This song you really have to sorta listen to it in a different frame of mind. Anytime I have it on, I really pay attention to it and get submerged into it. It's a little odd in this playlist and doesn't necessarily fit but it's a beautiful song. It's actually the perfect yoga song, it forces you to breathe and be aware of things. Maybe I'm speaking for myself. Yeah.
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