Non-metal Themed Mixtape Game

i actually have no idea who's gonna win this one. nick cave? talking heads? steeleye span? something else? seems like one of the closest rounds we've had.
Hmm, last I checked there was a clear winner but it got savagely downrated by arg so maybe that changed things. Fuck it, I'll just tally this now though I won't do my own ratings until later.
In spite of arg giving it a 2/10, the winner is indeed @Satanstoenail with Talking Heads - Memories Can't Wait!

1. Talking Heads - 7.62 (Satanstoenail)
2. Steeleye Span - 7.35 (no country)
3. Scarlet Leaves - 7.08 (Serjeant Grumbles)
4. Nick Cave - 6.81 (dwellerINTHEdark)
5. Larry Lurex - 6.62 (Omni)
6. Regina Spektor - 6.50 (funerary_doom)
7. Michael Jackson - 6.38 (arg)
8. Dag Nasty - 6.34 (HBB)
9. Prince - 6.23 (Baroque)
10. Johnny Shines - 6.08 (H.P. Lovecraft)
11. Free - 6.04 (CiG)
12. The Offspring - 5.69 (EspaDa) ex aquüeöauogh Elliott Smith - 5.69 (Black Orifice)
14. Porcupine Tree - 5.38 (unknown)
15. Defiance, Ohio - 4.65 (Mort Divine)
16. Ayreon - 3.50 (Carpe Mortem)
Listened to it again and felt the same. Lol people like that shit?
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I found the ratings for my choice that said it sounded just like Queen confusing, since it's compositionally unlike their songs and has massively different production. I didn't expect to win, but that puzzled me.
Here are my own ratings as host, which naturally were not counted;

Elliott Smith - Memory Lane

I like Smith in a purely musical sense but I have difficulty connecting with his lyrics. This is very pretty though and I'm surprised it ranked so low.

Ayreon - Day Ten: Memories
I can't even imagine how normal a life you must've had to be able to relate to any of the imagery in this song. And the video looks like it was edited together from commercials.
The storyline of this concept album is super ironic or something; it ends with a twist revealing that the entire album was actually just a simulation run by an alien entity in order to understand human emotion.
(...I know this because I used to be an Ayreon fan)

Michael Jackson - Remember the Time
I like/respect MJ but I don't like this kind of funk. I just find this sound really gross.

Free - Remember

Prince - Purple Rain
If you didn't want to cause us any sorrow you shouldn't have fucking died :(

Steeleye Span - All Things Are Quite Silent
I haven't listened to Steeleye Span before because "folk rock" isn't exactly a genre tag that excites my interest, but I love this. The song that auto-played after this one when I was making the playlist was also really good (I forgot its name) so I definitely need to hear more of this band.

Porcupine Tree - She's Moved On

The Offspring - The Kids Aren't Alright

Even though I've seen The Faculty I've no memory of hearing this before. Anyway, I really liked this and ended up returning to it more than any other song on the playlist. In fact it's probably my 2nd most played discovery of this mixtape game (#1 being Alice Cooper - Steven).
Much better than the only other song I've heard from this album which is Pretty Fly (For a White Guy)

Defiance, Ohio - Oh, Susquehanna!
God I'm sick of spelling that song title.

Dag Nasty - Never Go Back
HBB's picks for this game are consistently excellent, the guy deserves a win already.

Johnny Shines - Sweet Home Chicago

Talking Heads - Memories Can't Wait
I predict this'll win.

Scarlet Leaves - Images of Memory

Regina Spektor - The Flowers

Nick Cave - Where Do We Go Now But Nowhere

Larry Lurex - Goin' Back
I had no idea this existed, but I'm very happy to find out it does.

Bonus: This is the song that inspired me to pick this theme, and the one that I would've picked if I was participating;

I don't know how good it is outside the anime it serves as the opening to, as I can no longer isolate it from it, but it gives me the feels.
yeah, i like it though haha. already got a few ideas.

@CASSETTEISGOD my dad raised me on steeleye span from the age of about three, so i'm pretty much designed to be a fanboy. that's a song i discovered later though, one of their loveliest.
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I picked the best and most ridiculously absurd song that I can think of, even though I doubt that it has any chance of winning.
it's the "hilariously" part that i'm gonna struggle with here because i don't really look for comedy in my music. there's plenty of absurd/surreal stuff i love though.
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Yeah, I could only think of one artist that I enjoy who met that description and there was one song in particular that needed to be the one.
Zappa is awesome but he is totally mild in comparison to quite a few artists in the ridiculousness and absurdity department.
there's a fairly obvious song i checked for on youtube and couldn't find, so i recommend you guys all check yours before submitting. well, i recommend that for every round but yknow.
Cool theme, I have some ideas already.

Zappa is awesome but he is totally mild in comparison to quite a few artists in the ridiculousness and absurdity department.

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