Non-metal Themed Mixtape Game

l thought l was anal..

So did your boyfriend.

Devo - Devo rarely did wrong. Always entertaining, a bit bizarre and catchy as fuck, they had more ridiculous songs than this tho, including their biggest hit 'Whip it' Whoever choose this did not think hard enough 7/10

Or they went with the less obvious choice.
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DEVO, Smart Patrol/Mr. DNA - 8/10, Distorted electronica, jaunty rhythms, surrealist lyricism, amazing guitar, quirky, unique vocals. Fits the theme.

Current 93, The Seven Seals Are Revealed At The End of Time As The Seven Bows - 5/10, Rambling, comedic, pseudo-prophetic soliloquy over white noise, cool. Interesting stuff, I'll give it that. More instrumental elements enter towards the end, which is well-performed. Thematic as hell.

Procol Harum, Something Following Me - 6/10, Classic psychedelic rock, jazzy drumming, 60's ballad rock piano, distorted, trembling guitar solo, etc. Not quite as thematic as it could be.

The Residents, N-ER-GEE (Crisis Blues) - 8.5/10, "Nobody but me, HAW, HAW, HAW!" A stone cold classic and landmark album in avant-garde music. It floats abrasively yet seamlessly from one musical idea to the next, each jarringly imprinted on your mind one after another. Whichever of the the anonymous members of the band put this together, they demonstrate a wholly prodigious compositional ability. Ruthless, yet musically calculating bashing of the piano, avant-jazz, spoken word chanting of social satirism, subtly inserted reimagined snippets of hit 60's pop tunes, this has it all. Thematically proper.

Tom Waits, Everything You Can Think Of Is True - 7/10, Instrumentally, this song is like Middle Eastern music mixed with a waltz, mixed with detective show music, while on acid. Waits sounds like military-enlisted, chain-smoking Cookie Monster, which is golden in its hilarity and adds a lot to the song. Thematically apt.

The B-52s, 52 Girls - 5/10, Bouncy, good tone guitars and bass, reminiscent of surf rock if it were more chord-based and had a much slower tempo. Good singing. Not thematic.

Gangstarr, Above The Clouds - 7/10, Kickass beat, exotic instrumental samples, erudite, eloquent lyrics, awesome flow. Kinda thematic.

Melt-Banana, Shield For Your Eyes, A Beast In The Well on Your Hand - 7.5/10, The bass has one mission on this song: be funky as fuck, wild, tonally screechy guitar, shite vocals remind me of jumped-up sugar high preschool girl. Thematically apt.

Eminem, 3 A.M. - 4/10, Holy guidos Batman, I didn't realize Eminem had a second job as the kingpin of the Super Mario syndicate. I think this is an offer I can afford to refuse though. Repetitious as hell. Very thematic.

Captain Beefheart & His Magic Band, Neon Meate Dream of A Octafish - 9/10, Yet another stone cold classic/landmark piece of avant-garde and musical history. Ingenious bluesy, free jazz, classical avant-garde histrionics with a time-signature more irregular than a colostomy bag patient's bowel movements, rushes you like an attack dog hyped up on speed, while the Captain himself rants about random craziness. Does this fit the theme? Is a squid eating dough in a polyethylene bag fast and bulbous?

Steve Vai, Little Green Men - 6.5/10, I enjoy the beat, sort of Latin, Vai was clearly drawing a lot of inspiration from his mentor here, this is evident in the artificial high pitch of the vocals and the comedic spoken word narration. Subtle, but good guitar. Some of these melodies would fit right in on a Nintendo soundtrack. Thematically congruous.

Mr. Bungle, The Desert Search For Techno Allah - 8/10, Speedfreak beat and beat changes, cool electronics, very polyrhythmic in certain parts, Mike Patton's commanding low register performance adds a lot, huge number and variety of different instruments melded so perfectly into the same arrangement. Insanely thematic.

Radiohead, Idioteque - 5/10, Percussively bizarre number, passable vocals (they're nauseatingly whimpering), too samey to justify the 5 minute run time. Thematic.

Samwell, What What (In The Butt) - 3/10, Mindnumbingly repetitive, immemorial melodic sensibilities, and crappy lyrics. Even the hooks fail to be as efficaciously hooky as they could be. Fits the theme.

Sopor Aeternus, The Urine Song - 6.5/10, Unorthodox phrasing on that guitar, quasi-symphonic in a good way, synths are properly done with a near percussive quality to them, the vocals complete the mad carnivale atmosphere of it all. Good utilization of both English and German. Thematic.

Kiss The Anus of a Black Cat, Argonaut and Magneto - 6.5/10, I adore the acoustic guitar, the vocals have a rather unconventional timbre to them, light, popping drumming, the electric guitar sounds angry and lugubrious all at once. Thematically apt.
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I also don't understand his criteria for something being surreal.

l guess it's an in the moment thing for me. Stoned and drunk and coming from band practise, rating at 2 in the morning is probably not the brightest idea. l'd possible rate several tunes slightly different if l were to do it again but uh, it ain't all that serious is it?
Thanks for using the enter key @H.P. Lovecraft
I figured you guys weren't going to stop kvetching about it anytime soon, so I saved myself the trouble. I admit it looks a lot better too, I was just being an indolent schmuck before. Maybe I'll slip a set of reviews in for a round without using it every once in a blue moon, just to piss you guys off.
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To address the topic issue, I’m going to evaluate on three angles, defined as follows…

Ridiculousness: either silly/intended as humorous, or with value as commentary
Absurd: without easily comprehensible reason, irrational subject
Surreal: without easily comprehensible being, irrational objects

I will then rate the song according to how much I enjoyed it, and multiply it be a half, three-quarters, or one, depending on how many of the above checkboxes are ticked, and then round up.

DEVO - Smart Patrol/Mr. DNA

Ticks all three boxes; I like how the only clear point in the song is that no one understands him. I haven’t given this Devo album as much time as the adjacent ones and it hasn’t fully clicked with me yet, but this was nice and intense. 7 * 1 = 7.

Current 93 - The Seven Seals are Revealed at the End of Time as Seven Bows

I don’t like Current 93 and upon realizing that this was almost 14 minutes long, I quickly skipped ahead a bit to get to something a bit more musical (although I read the lyrics over quickly without considering the music). The last five minutes were the best part, and I bumped the score up a few points because of it. Ticks all three boxes. 6 * 1 = 6.

Procol Harum - Something Following Me

I dunno, taken literally it would seem to be a story about a guy that doesn’t know he has died, taken figuratively I could easily imagine it being a metaphor for fear of death. I’ll give it absurdity, but not the other two. The song was alright. 6 * 1/2 = 3.

The Residents - N-er-gee (Crisis Blues)

Stupid fucking band. 0 + 2 = 1.

Tom Waits - Everything You Can Think Of Is True

I like this more than the other Tom Waits I’ve heard, and so far this is by far the winner in terms of absurdism and surreality. 7 * 1 = 7.

The B-52's - 52 Girls

They’re sing about girls, but if this isn’t absurd, tell me what it’s about. Not surreal though, they seem like perfectly ordinary girl names. Musically it’s fucking awesome. 9 * .75 = 7.

GangStarr - Above the clouds

I liked this a lot, but it seems to just be a song about an ideal view of heaven? Still surreal though. 7 * .75 = 5.

Melt-Banana - Shield For Your Eyes, A Beast In The Well On Your Hand

I had heard of them for years and always thought they were some shitty meme noise band. This was surprisingly enjoyable, fun, and cute. No idea what this is about unless it’s about ejaculation. 8 * 1 = 8.

Eminem -3 A.M.

Enjoyable, not really surreal though. 7 * .75 = 5.

Captain Beefheart - Neon Meate Dream of a Octafish

Obligatory. I’m not crazy about this album, although I have found other stuff of his recently that I really like. Obviously ticks the boxes though. 5 * 1 = 5.

Steve Vai - Little green men

Uh… lol? I knew that Vai used to play in the Zappa band and that he did some weird stuff, but I didn’t know any of his own solo material was so goofball. This was great. 8 * 1 = 8.

Mr. Bungle - Desert search for Techno Allah

One of a few decent songs from an otherwise overrated and gimmicky band. 6 * 1 = 6.

Radiohead – Idioteque

Haven’t gotten into Radiohead yet, but this is the song that I think stuck with me best from Kid A. 7 * 1 = 7.

Samwell - "What What (In the Butt)

The only thing absurd about a homosexual singing about anal sex is the fact he is breathing to do so. 1 * 0.5 = 1.

sopor aeternus -the urine song

Ridiculous, but again, degeneracy isn’t absurd or surreal. I feel dirty knowing someone on this forum listens to this. 1 * 0.5 = 1.

Kiss The Anus Of A Black Cat - Argonaut And Magneto

Not sure what this is about, but the imagery isn’t quite surreal. Enjoyable. 7 * .75 = 5.
DEVO - Smart Patrol/Mr. DNA
nice bleebloops. 7/10

Current 93 - The Seven Seals are Revealed at the End of Time as Seven Bows

not my bag, and totally endless. 3/10

Procol Harum - Something Following Me

that queasy sense of things not being quite right, that dazed sense of surprise when everyday reality (and everyday groovy piano-driven rock) is suddenly juxtaposed with the absurd, that gnawing underbelly of disturbed confusion that vanishes when you try to focus on it and clarify it - that shit is textbook surrealism. like, this is probably the most conventionally surreal song on the list, and certainly the brand of surreal that most appeals to me. beyond that, there's something so appealingly old sounding about procol harum in general, you can imagine them drifting out of a broken radio in fallout, can imagine everyone involved in making this stuff died centuries ago. it's ghostly. this song also reminds me a little of bob dylan's 'ballad of a thin man', which was the song i mentioned before that i couldn't find on youtube, and would also have been more surreal than nearly everything on this list (not that being 'surreal' was a necessity or anything, just saying). 9/10

The Residents - N-er-gee (Crisis Blues)
quite liked the middle section when it builds up some kind of mood for a bit. 5/10

Tom Waits - Everything You Can Think Of Is True

better waits than usual. not sure he'll ever be wholly up my street though. 7/10

The B-52's - 52 Girls

probably my second favourite song so far, but yeah this isn't particularly ridiculous or absurd. even the b-52s themselves have more fitting songs i should think. 5/10

GangStarr - Above the clouds

see above. quality song but it just isn't really on theme. 5/10

Melt-Banana - Shield For Your Eyes, A Beast In The Well On Your Hand
i've actually avoided this band 'cause i didn't think they'd be my thing, but i dig this! 8/10

Eminem -3 A.M.

this isn't that bad really, but he hasn't played to his strengths for a long time now and that's in evidence here. kinda stale and lacking in personality or lyrical ingenuity. 4/10

Captain Beefheart - Neon Meate Dream of a Octafish

not one of the best beefheart songs, but i love those tense, skittish noodlings. 7/10

Steve Vai - Little green men

this is endearingly silly. kinda makes me wish there WAS some zappa on here... 6/10

Mr. Bungle - Desert search for Techno Allah

no idea really. 5/10

Radiohead - Idioteque

easily the best radiohead song and one of my top ten favourite songs of all time. again it's probably not the best radiohead song for the theme, but it's fitting enough and too fantastic for me to downrate. 10/10

Samwell - "What What (In the Butt)

sopor aeternus -the urine song

Kiss The Anus Of A Black Cat - Argonaut And Magneto

i'm not sure this quite fits but i'll give it the benefit of the doubt. 7/10
Was hoping for a new game myself but I suppose I could relisten to some of the stuf on the playlist. Already forgot how a lot of it it sounded

DEVO - Smart Patrol/Mr. DNA - 5
weird and annoying

Current 93 - The Seven Seals are Revealed at the End of Time as Seven Bows - 4
stop talking and suck a dick fag

Procol Harum - Something Following Me - 7
quite good

The Residents - N-er-gee (Crisis Blues) - 4
fits the theme alright

Tom Waits - Everything You Can Think Of Is True - 5
haha sounds like a fucking cartoon character

The B-52's - 52 Girls - 7
pretty enjoyable

GangStarr - Above the clouds - 6
ma n****

Melt-Banana - Shield For Your Eyes, A Beast In The Well On Your Hand - 7
nucking futs

Eminem -3 A.M. - 6
ma w****

Captain Beefheart - Neon Meate Dream of a Octafish - 4
yep this is ridiculous

Steve Vai - Little green men - 5
wow i dunno what to say about this

Mr. Bungle - Desert search for Techno Allah - 9
i like this a lot

Radiohead - Idioteque - 8
pretty rad

Samwell - "What What (In the Butt) - 9
im surprised hbb downvoted this it suits him perfectly

sopor aeternus -the urine song - 9
sure sounds like a freak show

Kiss The Anus Of A Black Cat - Argonaut And Magneto - 9
gives the feeling of trekking in the wilderness in gloomy rainy weather
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