Nirvana - Silver
Although fun, I'm not too big on most Nirvana. They typically go for the easy hooks and easy rhymes, which bothers me. Still not bad. 5/10.
Nozomi Aoki - Longing (Mother in My Mind - Blue Earth)
Very cool lullaby type piece. Strings are spot on. Vocals are haunting. The end wasn't as eerie as the beginning though. 8/10.
The Beach Boys - Surf's Up
A little subdued for a Beach Boys tune. It's pretty cool and all but I'm about to go surfing and this is definitely not putting me in the mood. 5/10.
The Smashing Pumpkins - Disarm
Another one I thought about throwing in but then I'm like hell no, this is constantly rotated on the radio. Ain't nobody gotta hear this in the mixtape game. Good song, points off for overt popularity. 6/10.
NoMeansNo - Dad
Fun punk with some inyourface lyrics. 7/10.
Birdbrain - Youth of America
Along with Red Right Hand, best song off of the excellent Scream soundtrack. Ah nostalgia. 10/10.
The Queers - Ursala Finally Has Tits
I feel this should've been more aggressive for whatever reason but it's a dandy tune. 6/10.
Whitney Houston - Greatest Love of All
Fuck you. 2/10.
Avatarium - Moonhorse
This is a confusing pick. It's not a bad song. Some of it belongs here, but it prolly belongs in that other thread we have loitering around. I'm just gonna go with a 5/10.
LeadBelly - The song formerly known as Midnight Special
Another confusing pick. Stop it! I'm gonna subtract one point for my efforts of getting out of the current playlist to find the intended track and then resuming said playlist. Hey I'm a generous motherfucker. 4/10.
The Cure - A Forest
So we're thematically off, yes? Whatever The Cure is siiick so I can't hold that against the submitter too much. 7/10.
Tom Waits - Kentucky Ave
Tom fucking Waits man. Great pick. 10/10.
Wu-Tang Clan - C.R.E.A.M.
I really never listen to Wu-Tang. This ain't bad folks. 5/10.