Non-metal Themed Mixtape Game

I've been wondering if we'll see a big development in metal again anytime. Will give us younger ones a chance to live through something like the development of thrash/black/death metal. I don't see it happening, though. But who knows what the future holds.
already happened...
The genre has already evolved beyond any musical fad, and has been doing so ever since Black Sabbath knocked it into existence in 1970, but growth has been stunted lately, yes. I don't know if it can overcome that mire it's stuck in or if we'll ever see a legendary subgenre like thrash, doom, black, death, etc. erupt again. Only time will tell. I would hope it would, it'd excite the hell out of an old fart like me to see a new variety of kickass take the scene by storm.
already happened...

I mean I guess you could count these (except grunge which is mostly not metal). But these were just the merging of pre existing genres with outside influences such a hardcore. I'm talking about something that evolves within the metal genre itself, like black and death metal did. They were new forms of extremity, which you can only go so far with I guess.
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Okay, time to get this on a roll. Here's the list

1. Nirvana - Silver
2. Nozomi Aoki - Longing (Mother in My Mind - Blue Earth)
3. The Beach Boys - Surf's Up
4. The Smashing Pumpkins - Disarm
5. NoMeansNo - Dad
6. Birdbrain - Youth of America
7. The Queers - Ursala Finally Has Tits
8. Whitney Houston - Greatest Love of All
9. Avatarium - Moonhorse
10. LeadBelly - Cotton Fields
11. The Cure - A Forest
12. Tom Waits - Kentucky Ave
13. Wu-Tang Clan - C.R.E.A.M.

Here's the playlist:

Happy listening!
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creedence clearwater revival FTW

I've been wondering if we'll see a big development in metal again anytime. Will give us younger ones a chance to live through something like the development of thrash/black/death metal. I don't see it happening, though. But who knows what the future holds.

the longer a genre exists the narrower its possibilities for evolution tend to become. part of that is just that there are finite ways of building on a fundamental idea, and part of it is that the more everything gets blueprinted and categorised and assimilated by the mainstream (a process that the internet age has accelerated) the less impetus there is for growth (i.e. that revolutionary spirit in the air that fuelled the many of the extreme metal movements). even if music can still pack the same punch nowadays that, say, thrash metal did in the '80s, i don't think you're likely to find that within the metal genre.
Nirvana - Sliver
nirvana's early material tends to straddle that fine line between charming slacker quirk and just amateurish simplistic crap. this doesn't fall on the right side. 5/10

Nozomi Aoki - Longing (Mother in My Mind - Blue Earth)

The Beach Boys - Surf's Up

the song which most embodies everything that brian wilson, that mad, desperately vulnerable genius, had envisioned for the beach boys from beginning to end - not only career-defining but career-deconstructing. light years beyond anything the beatles could ever dream up. 10/10

The Smashing Pumpkins - Disarm

yeah nice audio quality there vevo, keep up the great work! there's a weird word association thing happening here where i find it hard to look at that song title and not see 'dream'. this is surprisingly decent in an that earnest nineties kinda way, but i still hate corgan's vocals when he goes into full constipated mode and stuff like this feels kind of obsolete now we have the likes of modest mouse and the arcade fire (where the fuck are they btw? FUNERAL is the first thing that came to mind, i assumed one of you more hipstery cunts would pick something off it). 7/10

NoMeansNo - Dad

more conventional than the nomeansno i've heard before, which is a good thing. gotta love that last line. 8/10

Birdbrain - Youth of America

ahhhh crap, why didn't i pick the wipers? that's an even better song with the same title. this is great though, i'm a sucker for catchy nineties alt. 8/10

The Queers - Ursala Finally Has Tits

you guys really haven't disappointed with these picks lol, alternately pervy and harrowing and cynical. childhood is a time of innocence and wonder you know. 7/10

Whitney Houston - Greatest Love of All

i can't imagine the kind of cognitive dissonance required for a metalhead to enjoy this on any level. less soccer mom positivity and more beatings and rapes please, or our children will never learn to like black metal and vote UKIP. 2/10

Avatarium - Moonhorse

really interesting tune - although for the time being the great non-metal parts are easily the most interesting thing here and the metal parts kinda ruin the vibe for me, which works as a microcosm of my feelings about its inclusion in the non-metal game. 5/10

LeadBelly - Midnight Special

i've liked this version for a while, it's lovely. shame it's completely unrelated to the theme as far as i know. EDITED SCORE: 7/10

The Cure - A Forest

probably the best tune on SEVENTEEN SECONDS - they're gearing up to briefly become the best band in the world. 9/10

Tom Waits - Kentucky Ave

close to the best pick possible for the theme, lyrically speaking - extremely evocative of childhood. overwrought to absolute shit like waits often is, but it's working for me i guess. 7/10

Wu-Tang Clan - C.R.E.A.M.

one of those overhyped canon tunes that's undeniable regardless. 7/10

rly enjoyed this playlist thx
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LeadBelly - Midnight Special
i've liked this version for a while, it's lovely. shame it's completely unrelated to the theme as far as i know. 5/10
Crap, this was my submission, you're right, it's not on theme, I meant to submit his version of Cotton Fields. I mixed it up and didn't give it a second thought. Sorry I had to reveal, but I had to fix this.
Nirvana - Silver 5.5/10
It took me years to appreciate Nirvana, only 2 years ago did anything by them grab me (the Bleach LP).
This song and this kind of song by them isn't a draw for me, but you can't deny the strong connection to the theme.

Nozomi Aoki - Longing (Mother in My Mind - Blue Earth) 9/10

I adore Galaxy Express 999 so this instantly reminds me of my own childhood. I grew up watching a lot of late 70's and 80's Japanese animation and this was one my father brought for me when he was working in the U.S. Just beautiful.

The Beach Boys - Surf's Up 6/10

Not so sure I buy that this song is on theme, but the lyrics are interpretive enough that I guess there's a case for it's thematic accuracy. Anyway, I love The Beach Boys and this is a nice song.

The Smashing Pumpkins - Disarm 6.5/10

I remember when people said this song was about abortion. It's still funny to think this song was essentially dead-aired in England, I'm no huge fan of this band but I like this song for some reason.

NoMeansNo - Dad 7/10

Sex Mad is probably their best album. Domestic violence sucks.

Birdbrain - Youth of America 2/10

Reminds me of Scream. But I can't stand this. Points for theme.

The Queers - Ursula Finally Has Tits 6/10

Hardcore-lite. This band was okay I guess, poppy sleaze tends to go down well with me.

Whitney Houston - Greatest Love of All 6/10

I heard this song way too many times growing up and actually it brings back bad memories. No denying she was amazingly talented though and of course, dat theme. Stay away from crack kids.


Avatarium - Moonhorse 1/10

Wrong game. 1 point for theme.

Leadbelly - Cotton Fields 7.5/10

I love this song, I have it on a Leadbelly cassette compilation somewhere. He was amazing in his day.

The Cure - A Forest 5/10

This is in the top 5 songs by The Cure for my money. But I don't think it's on theme so I have to heavily downrate it, which pains me.

Tom Waits - Kentucky Ave 10/10

Fuck. This is so on theme it hurts and 70's Tom Waits is some of my most favourite music ever recorded. The feeling of a dark, smokey piano bar eating cheap beans and eggs and sipping whiskey tea. This is my vote for winner.

Wu-Tang Clan - C.R.E.A.M. 8.5/10

They were always good at storytelling, this is one of their jewels in their storytelling crown.

"But it was just a dream for the teen who was a fiend, started smoking woolas at 16."