Non-metal Themed Mixtape Game

I can't say I'm familiar with many songs about childhood, so I'm not surprised you would get slim pickins with that theme. I imagine there are plenty of kpop and jpop songs about the subject, so I wouldn't be surprised if Mort's pick was one of those.
Doesn't seem like a difficult theme to me and I don't listen to much kpop/jpop.

I mean it's a common theme in fiction so at the very least there's a lot of soundtracks that would work.
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I'll be outta work in 2 hours I can peruse my collection and get you a track then.

Also Ayreon would be an excellent choice for this theme, whatevs haters.
I consider mid 20s + to be old, and H.P Lovecraft is basically a relic of the Stone Age!

I still hope to be rocking out to some black metal at his age, though.
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I've been wondering if we'll see a big development in metal again anytime. Will give us younger ones a chance to live through something like the development of thrash/black/death metal. I don't see it happening, though. But who knows what the future holds.