Non-metal Themed Mixtape Game


Tommy Emanuel - Lewis & Clark
Team America - America, Fuck Yeah
Ted Nugent - The Star Spangled Banner
Virginia - Tori Amos
Chuck Berry - Back in the U.S.A.
Johnny Winter - Dallas
Dead Kennedys - California Über Alles
Nina Simone - Mississippi Goddam
Skeleton Crew - We're Still Free
Frank Black - Los Angeles
Tommy Emanuel - Lewis & Clark
A nice little sense of adventure abounds. But on the whole not too captivating. Decent background music. 5/10.

Team America - America, Fuck Yeah
Humorous... to a point. Lots of "fuck yeah's". 5/10.

Ted Nugent - The Star Spangled Banner
Patriotic and played with skill. Blah. 4/10.

Tori Amos - Virginia
There's a banjo here, folks. Seductive voice. Awesome background vox. 8/10.

Chuck Berry - Back in the U.S.A.
Should I jump, jive and wail here? It's fine. 5/10.

Johnny Winter - Dallas
Ah we got some dirty old school blues here. I likes. 7/10.

Dead Kennedys - California Über Alles
"California, fuck yeah"! Awesome tune. 8/10.

Nina Simone - Mississippi Goddam
The opening was br00tal but it def picked up. Turned into an enjoyable ditty. But then it drags. 5/10.

Skeleton Crew - We're Still Free
Wow this is really fucking good. Gonna add to the albums to check out list. 8/10.

Frank Black - Los Angeles
Does this dude wanna go to Los Angeles? Interesting and entertaining enough. 6/10.
Tommy Emanuel - Lewis & Clark


Team America - America, Fuck Yeah


Ted Nugent - The Star Spangled Banner


Virginia - Tori Amos


Chuck Berry - Back in the U.S.A.


Johnny Winter - Dallas


Dead Kennedys - California Über Alles


Nina Simone - Mississippi Goddam


Skeleton Crew - We're Still Free


Frank Black - Los Angeles


I'm too busy to write reviews right now but Team America song was a dumb entry. I may listen again later and edit them in.
Fuck off into the hells comrades.

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Reactions: H.P. Lovecraft
I had to look up Daria to see what it was.

I read your posts in the voice at the beginning of this video, so it's all good, my man.

Someone showed me this years ago and I still think it's funny.
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Reactions: CiG
i have a voice for almost everybody, like effeminate beta male, angry outback ruffian, several variations of pretentious douchebag, drunken fatass, limey asshole, etc

I read your posts in the voice of the City Wok guy from South Park, which makes them especially hilarious when your posts are about sniffing buttholes and ranting about immigrants and poor people. :lol:

What's your voice for me?
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