Non-metal Themed Mixtape Game

Maybe my choice of words were incorrect, lm saying that in the world of geetar masters he's over-rated. It could of course be just me. He never really turned me on the way some of the 70's Gods did.
That's odd, seeing as I find him horrendously underrated. I almost never see him get the credit due to him, especially seeing as the media and most people I see seem to be preoccupied with just shitting on him 24/7 over imaginary character assassination bullshit. That's cool if he's not your thing, everybody has their own guitar heros.
l see plenty of 'my' hero's seemingly underrated as well like Lenny White, Bill Connors, Holdsworth, Skyhooks Dixie Dregs, But they , like Ted are celebrated in their own right. From the outside looking in Ted's a fanatic. He's a bit of loony (a bit full on) and he probably scares yo mama. He's still shit tho. :)
Ted Nugent, redneck music? Please tell me you're not fucking serious.


He's definitely a redneck. So much so, in fact, that he wears Confederate Flag shirts even though he was born in Michigan. It's obvious what his target demographic is, which is further enhanced by the many racist posts that he's made online.

Didn't he recently wind up getting in trouble with the NRA for being a racist too?
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He's definitely a redneck. So much so, in fact, that he wears Confederate Flag shirts even though he was born in Michigan. It's obvious what his target demographic is, which is further enhanced by the many racist posts that he's made online.

Didn't he wind up getting in trouble with the NRA for being a racist recently too?
He's patriotic and politically incorrect, if that's enough to qualify you as a redneck, well then holy shit, there's quite a few more rednecks out there than I thought. Oh, here we go again with the "HE MAKES RACIST JIBES ONLINE, ZOMG" horseshit. The media hasn't come up with a single legit example of him being racist, everything I've ever seen for that case is either just a wildly politically incorrect joke, or an imbecilic misconstruing of his natural lexicon as being racist.
12. Nugent On Homosexuality: "How Can We Offend Guys That Actually Have Anal Sex?" During a 2000 interview on Fox News' Hannity and Colmes:

I got to tell you, guys that have sex with each other's anal cavities -- how can we offend guys that actually have anal sex? Don't you think that might offend some of us who think that's despicable?" [Hannity and Colmes via Nexis, 6/29/00]

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Ted Nugent said that Native Americans are "unclean vermin" because a show on tribal land got cancelled and then he tried to backpedal and apologize by claiming that he has a history of working with Native American tribes.

He also called black rappers "uneducated greasy black mongrels" in an interview about MTV.
Ted Nugent said that Native Americans are "unclean vermin" because a show on tribal land got cancelled and then he tried to backpedal and apologize.

He also called black rappers "uneducated greasy black mongrels" in an interview about MTV.
Ted refers to quite a few people as unhygienic, or verminous, regardless of their race. Read his comments on hippies, he can hardly stop rambling about how he thinks they're unkempt and filthy. The comment about rappers would be bad news, if it weren't for the fact that he routinely, obsessively praises "blackness", and is incapable of closing his yap when it comes to his greatest musical heroes, and the people he constantly cites as having the most respect for... who're almost exclusively black people. He's also been known to use the phrase "No caucasian licks allowed." when describing his guitar style, and stated that he enjoys scaring white people with his guitar.
None of what you said is convincing proof against what I already posted, friend. He looks and acts like a redneck and I will continue to believe that he is.
None of what you said is convincing proof against what I already posted, friend. He looks and acts like a redneck and I will continue to believe that he is.
If you'd like to persist in that perception, be my guest, hardly renders it accurate. He referred to the specific individuals who denied him access to the land the way he did, probably under the ungrounded presumption that he was being denied over what he saw as liberal bullcrap, and he tends to generalize liberals as hippies, and thus, filthy, unclean, and unhygienic. He also constantly exults Fred Bear and Native American spirituality, so I have a hard time believing he views them as inferior.
Ted Nugent respects black people so much and he always makes this abundantly clear.

NUGENT: You know how many times I've watched MTV? Once in my fucking life.

BOB MACK: You got to be on top of these things.

NUGENT: I don't have to. You know what I'm on top of? I'm on top of a real America with working hard, playing hard, white motherfucking shit kickers, who are independent and get up in the morning.

MACK: Aren't there any blacks?

NUGENT: Show me one. Show me one.
What. How is that even a thing?

Also, Ted Nugent is textbook redneck. Calling people unkept and unclean when he looks like he hasn't hit a shower or barber in years. :lol: The irony.
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