Non-metal Themed Mixtape Game

I truly intended to rate both this and the metal mixtape in a timely fashion but I am dealing with some heavy shit right now. Sorry.
1. Saint Etienne - I Threw It All Away - 8

2. Tame Impala - New Person, Same Ol' Mistakes - 7
hipsterish but cool enough

3. Skeleton Key - All the Things I've Lost - 4

4. Dion - Runaround Sue - 8
fun song

5. Steeleye Span - Little Sir Hue - 8.5
all the instruments and vocals come together really well

6. Modest Mouse - The Good Times are Killing Me - 5
these mice sound pretty lame. i only like the deep voiced mouse

7. John Lennon - What You Got - 6.5
good playing but what is he doing with his vocals

8. Stevie Wonder - Blame it on the Sun - 7.5

9. Blue Pills - Ain't No Change - 8.5
had me nodding my head and tapping my foot alright

10. Smokey Robinson & the Miracles - The Track of My Tears - 7.5

11. Anathema - A Simple Mistake - 8.5
melancholic beauty
Saint Etienne - I Threw Everything Away
Ethereal and bittersweet with lovely textures, this strongly appeals to the same part of me that made me throw that Broadcast song in the last mixtape. Saddened by all the low ratings.

Tame Impala - New Person, Same Ol' Mistakes

Grating, whiny hipster garbage. I generally don't take it personally when people make bad music but I can totally see these guys being yuppie douchebags.

Skeleton Key - All the Things I've Lost


Dion - Runaround Sue

Steeleye Span - Little Sir Hugh

Lovely song but seems a bit tangential to the theme. Would've been a fun, morbid pick for the 'childhood' theme.

Modest Mouse - The Good Times are Killing Me

Sorry for picking MM for the third time, in my defense they're basically a different band at this point. This is my favorite song post-TM&A by a wide margin.

John Lennon - What You Got

This is shit.

Stevie Wonder - Blame it on the Sun

I was all ready to downrate this smarmy dreck but actually the chorus is really lovely.

Blues Pills - Ain't No Change

Not surprised to learn that this band is Swedish, seemingly every time I hear some polished, unexceptional throwback to a genre past its glory days that turns out to be the case. I guess something about our pragmatic mentality lends itself to music like this. That said this is a fun tune, just a bit lacking in personality.

Smokey Robinson & The Miracles - The Tracks of My Tears

Anathema - A Simple Mistake

A journey from C-tier alt-rock to C-tier post-rock.
Saint Etienne - I Threw It All Away – very pleasant, sounds like super hi-def Runescape music with singing, 7.5/10

Tame Impala - New Person, Same Ol' Mistakes – I was gonna say that this was an indie band I took some interest in and then forgot about, but checked my RYM wishlist and remembered it was Neon Indian and not these guys, in any case this was a little groovier than I expected and I didn’t dislike it, 6/10

Skeleton Key - All the Things I've Lost – this is like the best moments of King Crimson’s Thrak only even more energetic and fun, objectively the best song on this playlist, 9/10

Dion - Runaround Sue - ok, 4/10

Steeleye Span - Little Sir Hue – awesome story and instrumentation, 8/10

Modest Mouse - The Good Times are Killing Me – Modest Mouse is a band that somehow made it into all the computer and gaming forums I used to frequent as a target of derision, and I was surprised to discover that I actually liked their earlier stuff to an extent, but this is pretty bleh and now everything makes sense, 2/10

John Lennon - What You Got – as someone that has never listened to a Beatles album and only knows him for Imagine I was surprised to hear an aggressive voice and funky rhythm here, I won’t say this was fantastic but it was definitely enjoyable, 7/10

Stevie Wonder - Blame it on the Sun – great stuff, 7/10

Blue Pills - Ain't No Change – started really strong, didn’t really move enough though and the bridge was predictable, 6.5/10

Smokey Robinson & the Miracles - The Track of My Tears – ok, 5/10

Anathema - A Simple Mistake – this definitely needed to be twice as long as all the other songs on the playlist, 3/10
1. Saint Etienne - I Threw It All Away
kinda has a baroque pop vibe, can imagine these guys like the zombies and vashti bunyan and whatnot. doesn't exactly stand out to me, but it's hushed and ruminative in a way that's very listenable. 7/10

2. Tame Impala - New Person, Same Ol' Mistakes

eh i've only heard INNERSPEAKER, which i recall being bland in a pseudo-psych sorta way, but they obviously let the popularity go to their head 'cause this is pure poseurdom. everyone knows you're gonna get a 9+ on pitchfork if you take black music and sprinkle some white music over the top and amp up the nocturnal dreaminess to 11. not sure what the appeal is myself, but well played i guess. 4/10

3. Skeleton Key - All the Things I've Lost

hints of loads of bands i love in here, from the jesus lizard to ubu to talking heads, but the chorus is too close to full blown funk rock for my tastes. 7/10

4. Dion - Runaround Sue

simple and spare and effortless, a perfect song from before pop lost its innocence. is doo-wop ever not great? 9/10

5. Steeleye Span - Little Sir Hugh

you can imagine how a story like this would haunt me as a 5 year old when my dad played it in the car, and that superficially cheery chorus somehow only makes it worse... but i loved being haunted, presumably always will. i'd argue kicking your ball over the evil jew's wall and then being enticed into the evil jew's house are probably the most fatal Mistakes on this list! 10/10

6. Modest Mouse - The Good Times are Killing Me

modest mouse tend to be rly good at track placement, i was right in assuming this is an album closer. it's also more beach boys-derived than i'm used to, but that makes sense as the beach boys were another band whose more populist or pretty elements were often transformed by the way they seemed on the verge of crumbling into something darker or more desperate, even in instances when they didn't actually do so. many possibilities or hidden depths are implied here without their hand ever being shown; rather than resolving it or making sweeping transitions, they complete an emotional puzzle piece by piece with each layer and noodle and subtlety. 9/10

7. John Lennon - What You Got

chorus doesn't really interest me except for its climax, but the verses have a raw and epic quality that's kinda like a pumped up version of BLOOD ON THE TRACKS or something. successful overall, but it's aiming kinda low innit. 7/10

8. Stevie Wonder - Blame it on the Sun

not really feeling the rather disneyfied final line of the chorus, but damn this is a fine arrangement, dense and stormy without being too theatrical. 8/10

9. Blues Pills - Ain't No Change

nothing wrong with this, nor is it particularly notable. 'tis catchy enough. 6.5/10

10. Smokey Robinson & the Miracles - The Track of My Tears

totally exquisite. 10/10

11. Anathema - A Simple Mistake

somehow john lennon isn't the most annoying scouser here. such a dull, artistically bankrupt band, in all their incarnations. 2/10

can't say i paid much attention to theme again 'cause i was kinda rushing to get this done before it got closed. did enjoy the playlist though.
Saint Etienne - I Threw It All Away
This was sort of cute, somewhat reminds me of renaissance music instrumentally. 6/10

Tame Impala - New Person, Same Ol' Mistakes
Not a fan of this style of music 3/10

Skeleton Key - All the Things I've Lost
Funky and weird, it could use just a bit more energy I think, not bad. 6/10

Dion - Runaround Sue
Oh I've heard this before. I think the main guy was off key sometimes. An enjoyable little 50's ditty. 7/10

Steeleye Span - Little Sir Hue
This is the sort of folk hippie music that I never got into. Always gravitated towards the harder stuff. This wasn't bad though. 7/10

Modest Mouse - The Good Times are Killing Me
Maybe I shouldn't have gone on a death metal binge just before listening to this list. This sounds totally weak and lame atm. 2/10

John Lennon - What You Got
My favorite Beatle. Almost seems like he had some inspiration from Elton John in this song. 9/10

Stevie Wonder - Blame it on the Sun
Love me some Stevie. That soul in his voice here, man.. 10/10

Blue Pills - Ain't No Change
This is a fantastic song for modern classic rock but stands no chance to follow up Mr. Stevie Wonder. I'll go 8/10.

Smokey Robinson & the Miracles - The Track of My Tears
Very well done. Nice subtle vocal harmonies. Pleasant melodies. It's good but it doesn't evoke as much feeling as SW to me, so 9/10

Anathema - A Simple Mistake
This sort of just drifted by, unremarkably. I hear Tool and U2 influences but it's not as good as them. 5/10
Alright here are the results! Thanks to a few who didnt submit and still rated @arg. @H.P. Lovecraft you didn't rate and it's the second time you didnt rate my list! :( Yes, i'm that autistic to remember and have the memory of a goddamn elephant. :lol:

1. Stevie Wonder - 8.2 @Talos of Atmora
2. Steeleye Pan - 7.3 @no country for old wainds
3. Smokey Robinson - 7.15 @H.P. Lovecraft
4. John Lennon - 6.75 @Satanstoenail
5. St Etienne - 6.75 @Sirjack
6. Dion - 6.65 @CASSETTEISGOD
7. Blue Pills - 6.6 @Baroque
8. Anathema - 6.1 @Serjeant Grumbles
9. Tame Impala - 5.35 Me
10. Skeleton Key - 5.3 @HamburgerBoy
11. Modest Mouse - 4.5 @Vegard Pompey

Congrats to the winner @Talos of Atmora

Here's my ratings that i obviously didnt include.

1. Stevie Wonder - 8
I really liked this a lot. Easy on the ears, not obvious, and fits the theme. Well done

2. Smokey Robinson - 8
Old school sound. On theme. What's not to like? Short and sweet. A classic

3. John Lennon - 6.5
To me this is like black people music mixed with white people music. Moreso than Tame Impala. Groovy, simple, but enough going on to not be boring. I don't think this has a lot of repeat for me though. Not something I would go back to and listen to.

4. St Etienne - 9
I loved this. Dreamy. Probably my favorite pick from this bunch.

5. Dion - 7
I literally lol'ed. Very creative pick.

6. Blue Pills - 8 Good, fun choice.

7. Anathema - 7
I like Anathema but for some reason this song makes me impatient. i love the dudes voice though, and its a good song.

8. Tame Impala - 8
I like this track. It's not my type of music but i could recognize when music is done well. I knew this wouldn't be most people's thing here, and tbh its not really my thing. But its groovy enough.

9. Skeleton key- 5.5
This guy's voice is a little annoying. I like the music behind it though.

10. Steeleye Pan - 4
I think that it's cool take on the theme because its about a murder. I didn't know that. Something about the vocals reminds me of church (like catholic )music though, so i couldnt get into it. This really reminds me of high school listening to the choir sing, and me being just bored or half asleep.

11. Modest Mouse - 4
Never liked this band for some reason. Again cool take on the theme though.
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