Non-metal Themed Mixtape Game

Van der Graaf Generator - White Hammer - 5
not sure what to think about this
Blue Öyster Cult - Unknown Tongue - 8
Exuma - Mama Loi, Papa Loi - 8
My Chemical Romance: Early Sunsets Over Monroeville - 10
hesitating to shoot your girlfriend-turned-zombie in the head. i like how pleasant it starts and how the desperation gradually mounts
Goretex Elohim - Inverted Churches - 5
sick beats saved this
Coven - Black Sabbath - 7
Deep Purple - Listen, Learn, Read On - 7
John Zorn - Necronomicon: I. Conjurations - 8
quite sinister sounding
The Mars Volta - Goliath - 5
noisy cacophony
Cliff Richard - Devil Woman - 7

Van der Graaf Generator - White Hammer 10/10

I'd never actually heard anything from this album. This is fantastic! I loved every single second of it. It went into the next level when the saxophone came in.

Blue Öyster Cult - Unknown Tongue 7/10

Another album I'd never heard anything from. I love BÖC so I need to follow this up asap. It is missing some of the edge I am used to with BÖC but I still enjoyed it.

Exuma - Mama Loi, Papa Loi 8/10

I adore Exuma, this song is so powerful and tribal. He always, as a singer, reminded me of Richie Havens.

My Chemical Romance - Early Sunsets Over Monroeville 4.5/10

Actually this surprised me by how not-that-bad it was. After around the 3 minute mark it really flirted with faggotry though. But I don't see how anybody who likes old school emocore/post-hardcore/etc could then go ahead and hate this. Not sure how it fits the theme though.

Cry me a river though pussy.

Goretex Elohim - Inverted Churches 8/10

"I get stupid, deviant doofus. My fans aren't even fans, they're students." This is actually a very solid modern hip hop album.

Coven - Black Sabbath 9/10

I prefer Blood on the Snow but this album is of course a classic. It's like they took Jefferson Airplane's early blueprint and made it much more genuinely dark. No OCCULT playlist would really be whole without them.

Deep Purple - Listen, Learn, Read On 10/10

I feel as if 1960's Deep Purple is underrated these days, doesn't get enough appreciation. I love this album, right up there with Deep Purple from 1969 in my opinion. Perfection.

John Zorn - Necronomicon: I. Conjurations 8/10

For some reason I've held off getting into John Zorn. I have a huge CD box set, but I'm yet to delve in. This was inspiring! I feel as if this would be what it's like to exist inside the head of an actual occultist. This is Aleister Crowley's mind's inner furnishing.

The Mars Volta - Goliath 6.5/10

Never been much into this band, but they have some cool moments.

Cliff Richard - Devil Woman 7.5/10

Radio classic that I'm actually not burnt out over, but still a little obvious which is hard to do given this is the non-metal mixtape. :lol:

Anyway, I think most men can relate to this song! :D;):saint:

This was actually a very fucking enjoyable playlist...

I realise now how foolish I was, when this was a metal theme, I should have submitted this:

Van der Graaf Generator - 7
Blue Öyster Cult - 6
Exuma - 2
My Chemical Romance - 3
Goretex Elohim - 1
Coven - 5
Deep Purple - 6
John Zorn - 10
The Mars Volta - 7.5
Cliff Richard - 5

Since the other two haven't evinced an intent to rate soon, I am advancing the deadline up to Wednesday - that is to say, today. Unless I'm given good cause to keep it till Thursday.
Van der Graaf Generator - White Hammer

Blue Öyster Cult - Unknown Tongue

Exuma - Mama Loi, Papa Loi

gotta love how this playlist has slowly built up the fevered intensity so far. i wonder how they'll top exuma! 10/10

My Chemical Romance: Early Sunsets Over Monroeville


great, it's the worst band ever. fucking ar--but wait, this is actually great? i don't even give a fuck if it's not on theme, stop being mean to arg all the time. as this song proves, he's a sensitive soul who just needs a companion that'll love him and stand by him and fart on his disgusting asian tongue. 8/10

Goretex Elohim - Inverted Churches

does exactly what you'd want from a hip hop tune on this mixtape. 8/10

Coven - Black Sabbath

i agree with CiG about the jefferson airplane comparison with the caveat that i don't like jefferson airplane or that '60s psych sound in general. lightweight shit innit. the bass makes this pretty cool though. 7/10

Deep Purple - Listen, Learn, Read On

John Zorn - Necronomicon: I. Conjurations

i'm really more of a pre-modern classical kinda guy but it suits the theme nicely enough. 6/10

The Mars Volta - Goliath

soundscapes this dense and tightly played are satisfying on some fundamental level, but ultimately i need more conflict and tension here. 6/10

Cliff Richard - Devil Woman

definitely a paedophile. 5/10
Van der Graaf Generator - White Hammer : 9/10

Blue Öyster Cult - Unknown Tongue : 9.5/10

Exuma - Mama Loi, Papa Loi : 8/10

My Chemical Romance - Early Sunsets Over Monroeville : 4.5/10

Goretex Elohim - Inverted Churches : 8/10

Coven - Black Sabbath : 8.5/10

Deep Purple - Listen, Learn, Read On : 8/10

John Zorn - Necronomicon : I. Conjurations: 7/10

The Mars Volta - Goliath: 8/10

Cliff Richard - Devil Woman
: 7/10

Pretty cool playlist, guys.
The Results
  1. Deep Purple - Listen, Learn, Read On @Vegard Pompey 8.000
  2. Coven - Black Sabbath @dwellerINTHEdark 7.650
  3. Van der Graaf Generator - White Hammer @HamburgerBoy 7.450
  4. Blue Öyster Cult - Unknown Tongue @Talos of Atmora 7.250
  5. John Zorn - Necronomicon: I. Conjurations @Baroque 7.200
  6. Exuma - Mama Loi, Papa Loi @no country for old wainds 7.100
  7. Cliff Richard - Devil Woman @Sirjack 6.450
  8. The Mars Volta - Goliath @Satanstoenail 6.200
  9. Goretex Elohim - Inverted Churches @CASSETTEISGOD 5.600
  10. MCR: Early Sunsets Over Monroeville @arg 4.300
@Vegard Pompey wins.
It's 'cause it's that hippity-hop music. You know, they calls it hippity-hop, but it don't make me wanna go "hippity-hop!"