Non-metal Themed Mixtape Game

Yeah I was like "Wtf did that many people really downrate that?"

Didn't expect people to hate the Skeleton Key song so much (I never thought of it as a funk song even if it's obviously funky), definitely wasn't an intentionally obnoxious choice like some of the other stuff I've nominated, but oh well. Looking forward to a new round.
that steeleye span average is definitely way out btw, i count 7.3

I might've fucked up let me check

Edit yep i did. Sorry about that. I fixed it on the original post and I fixed the order, so you actually came in second. I also recounted all of them by hand to make sure there were no other mistakes.That was the only one, and im not sure how that happened. I did it originally on excel and I never use excel except for this game, but i must've typed in the formula wrong or something for that one.
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