Non-metal Themed Mixtape Game

Occultism Playlist


Van der Graaf Generator - White Hammer
Blue Öyster Cult - Unknown Tongue
Exuma - Mama Loi, Papa Loi
My Chemical Romance: Early Sunsets Over Monroeville
Goretex Elohim - Inverted Churches
Coven - Black Sabbath
Deep Purple - Listen, Learn, Read On
John Zorn - Necronomicon: I. Conjurations
The Mars Volta - Goliath
Cliff Richard - Devil Woman
Van der Graaf Generator - White Hammer

Nice and groovy for the bulk, and the outro is as heavy and ominous as Black Sabbath’s eponymous released the same month (but more terrifying with the freak-out sax and everything else). 9/10.

Blue Öyster Cult - Unknown Tongue

Good stuff. 7/10.

Exuma - Mama Loi, Papa Loi

I’ve known that there was a cult following behind this band for a while but I never bothered to check them out. Everything about this far exceeded expectations. 10/10.

My Chemical Romance: Early Sunsets Over Monroeville

Musically this was tolerable for some reason, sappy/dramatic but I kinda liked it. I had to Google to figure out that this was about zombies. Doesn’t seem to be explicitly occult zombies vs viral zombies though. 4/10.

Goretex Elohim - Inverted Churches

Decent. 6/10.

Coven - Black Sabbath

About as obligatory as you can get for the non-metal playlist, but still a great song. 8/10.

Deep Purple - Listen, Learn, Read On

I haven’t heard one note of 60s Deep Purple prior to this, clearly a mistake. High energy, high spookiness, very cool stuff. 8/10.

John Zorn - Necronomicon: I. Conjurations

I was briefly into Zorn but got kinda sick of him, or at least a lot of Naked City and etc, was expecting some tiring free jazz wank but this also was a positive surprise. Didn’t love it, but as far as more abrasive classical stuff goes this is what I prefer, riffy and to the point. 6/10.

The Mars Volta – Goliath

I thought accusations of them being a repackaged King Crimson copy were unfair on the basis of their first album, but this, lol. I mean I can’t complain too much, still has its own thing, and I’m enjoying it. Could have been a little shorter though. A lot shorter actually, the last two minutes were worthless. 4/10.

Cliff Richard - Devil Woman

Average. 5/10.
Excellent playlist this time around. Good job guys.

Van der Graaf Generator - White Hammer
VdGG on the whole goes a bit too far into theatrical excess-end of the prog spectrum for me, but they peak pretty damn high when they want to. This flags a bit compared to their best work but it's still fucking great. I don't know of any rock band before or since that has integrated saxophone into their sound not only so naturally but also to such great effect, and Hammill of course is a fucking god and highly relevant to any metalhead as he was a colossal influence on Halford.

Blue Öyster Cult - Unknown Tongue

Fuck Atomic Rooster, this is how you make music that sounds sinister in spite of its tacky, dated hard rock sound. EDIT: Bumping this up to a 10 because I can't stop listening to it.

Exuma - Mama Loi, Papa Loi

This is too far removed from anything I listen to to really comment on, but I like it.

My Chemical Romance - Early Sunsets Over Monroeville

I have enough pain in my heart to feel an emotional connection with whiny emo music, so maybe I could be kind to this if anyone explains how it's remotely on theme.

Goretex Elohim - Inverted Churches

Pretty heavy. I dig it.

Coven - Black Sabbath

When I first heard this album I was very surprised that it had so much more going for it than its gimmick value. As I recall this isn't even the best song on it.

Deep Purple - Listen, Learn, Read On

Deep Purple has always been my favorite of the "unholy trinity" and that has a lot to do with their early prog/psych rock output. Their work from this era has an exuberance that makes even the less notable songs work, such as this one.

John Zorn - Necronomicon: I. Conjurations

I don't even fucking know. In the spirit of avant-garde, I shall rate this with a randomly generated number.

The Mars Volta - Goliath

Interesting, grating and overlong in equal parts.

Cliff Richard - Devil Woman

God damn these verses groove. Don't want this to end.
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in the mcr song his loved one turned into a zombie. not saying it was me that picked it tho
I don't see how that makes it on-theme unless it's specifically a voodoo zombie which zombies nowadays usually aren't.
Van der Graaf Generator - White Hammer
Not too bad but a tad long in the tooth and a little too tame. 5/10.

Blue Öyster Cult -
Unknown Tongue
These guys are always dope. Need to listen to an album proper. 8/10.

Exuma - Mama Loi, Papa Loi
Bring on that ritualistic sound! I like creepy minimalism. 8/10.

My Chemical Romance -
Early Sunsets Over Monroeville
Went to an emo/ screamo concert a couple days ago to appease my girlfriend. This is worse, much worse. 3/10.

Goretex Elohim -
Inverted Churches
Yeah ok why not. 3/10.

Coven -
Black Sabbath
Love that groovy sound. Occult. 9/10.

Deep Purple -
Listen, Learn, Read On
Really cool tune and atmosphere. 9/10.

John Zorn -
Necronomicon: I. Conjurations
Reminds me of Harry Manfredini's Friday the 13th score. I likes. 8/10.

The Mars Volta - Goliath

This has a lot going on. It's not totally my thing but there's stuff to like. Doesn't sound very thematic. 5/10.

Cliff Richard -
Devil Woman
Cool classic rock tune. Lame occult effort tho. 6/10.
Van Der Graaf Generator - l like these guys usually and for the most part the music is terrific here but, it's just a bit too plodding with the vocals that l can't enjoy it as much as l should. The final riff is stella 7/10

Blue Oyster Cult - One of my least fav songs from this often special band. 5/10

Exuma - l could easily give 10/10 for the beautiful vocals or the tribal feel of authenticity to the rhythm, but this kind of leaves me flat. l can listen to this for a song or two at most then it becomes a solid or a's a have to be there at the moment feel for me... 5/10

MCR - ugh this is way too happy trying to be serious and 'feels' shizenhausen 2/10

Goretex Elohim - 'yawn' 2/10

Coven - Magic all round from this special tune, ..yeah maybe it rips off this and that but it's soo good l don't care 8/10

Deep Purple - Another quality tune from the olden days, much bad special effects and dodgy instrumentation MAKE it! Fantastic bass solo. This is classy writing. Very cool 9/10

John Zorn - Zorn might well be really appreciated in a hundred or so years, but apart from a small cult following his muzak ain't really hit the mark with a lot of folk. l have 2 cd's of his - one with Mick out of Napalm Death and that has its moments but for the most part it's kinda crap er 6/10

The Mars Volta - They don't showcase the major talent of their bass player(presuming he's still in the band) John Alderete once of the brilliant Racer-X half enough. but this is clearly a very well oiled machine, l need to check out more ...7/10

Cliff Richard - This tune is a clever mix or smarts in music and lyrics with a very catchy chorus. Lyrics occultish but tame Go Cliff! 7/10

ugh, shitster list this game
Van der Graaf Generator - White Hammer
Good prog, a bit meandering at times but it goes with the territory I guess. That last section is huge. 7.5/10

Blue Öyster Cult - Unknown Tongue

I really don't like this band. I don't know if it's the vocals or what but something rubs me the wrong way. 3/10

Exuma - Mama Loi, Papa Loi

Shrug. 5/10

My Chemical Romance: Early Sunsets Over Monroeville

AIDS. 2/10

Goretex Elohim - Inverted Churches

Nice. 8/10

Coven - Black Sabbath

Haha this is great 8/10

Deep Purple - Listen, Learn, Read On

I had no idea they used to sound like this, it's pretty like wow far out man psychedelic but very cool and how fucking good is the drumming 8/10

John Zorn - Necronomicon: I. Conjurations

Interesting, not what I was expecting, but then it's Zorn. 7/10

The Mars Volta - Goliath

Doesn't sound very thematic.
It references Jonestown and also:
"On a trip in Jerusalem, Rodriguez-Lopez purchased an archaic ouija-type talking board at a curio shop as a gift for Bixler-Zavala. They would return to their tour bus after shows to play with it during their 2006 tour with the Red Hot Chili Peppers, as it quickly became the band's post-show ritual.[5] Dubbed "The Soothsayer", the board revealed stories, gave names and made demands, as the band was contacted by three different people who appeared in the form of one, who was then referred to as "Goliath". The more the band interacted with "The Soothsayer", otherworldly coincidences began plaguing the band's experience writing and recording The Bedlam in Goliath: Blake Fleming, their drummer at the time, quit mid-tour and left the band with financial troubles; Bixler-Zavala wound up needing surgery performed on his foot due to the shoes he had been wearing, forcing him to relearn how to walk post-surgery;[5] audio tracks sporadically disappeared from the studio's harddrives; Rodriguez-Lopez's home studio flooded and was subject to multiple power outages; and the album's original engineer went through a nervous breakdown, leaving behind all previous work with no notes as to where anything was.[6] The engineer who quit stated to Rodriguez-Lopez: "I'm not going to help you make this record. You're trying to do something very bad with this record, you're trying to make me crazy and you're trying to make people crazy."[7]

Rodriguez-Lopez was on the brink of starting the recording from scratch, but eventually kept on after recruiting Robert Carranza as a replacement engineer, along with assistance from Lars Stalfors and Isaiah Abolin. Midway through the recording sessions, Rodriguez-Lopez broke "The Soothsayer" in half and buried it in an undisclosed location as an attempt to undo the curse and halt the unforeseen tragedies. Rodriguez-Lopez swore never to give away the location of the burial, and also asked the band not to speak of it again during the remainder of the album's production."

I'm not hugely into this band but I think the first album and this album are pretty great. I'd love to see them do it live. It bugs me that Cedrics vocals became more chipmunk-like as they went. 8/10

Cliff Richard - Devil Woman

The people's poet! 6/10
Van der Graaf Generator - White Hammer - 5
not sure what to think about this
Blue Öyster Cult - Unknown Tongue - 8
Exuma - Mama Loi, Papa Loi - 8
My Chemical Romance: Early Sunsets Over Monroeville - 10
hesitating to shoot your girlfriend-turned-zombie in the head. i like how pleasant it starts and how the desperation gradually mounts
Goretex Elohim - Inverted Churches - 5
sick beats saved this
Coven - Black Sabbath - 7
Deep Purple - Listen, Learn, Read On - 7
John Zorn - Necronomicon: I. Conjurations - 8
quite sinister sounding
The Mars Volta - Goliath - 5
noisy cacophony
Cliff Richard - Devil Woman - 7

Van der Graaf Generator - White Hammer 10/10

I'd never actually heard anything from this album. This is fantastic! I loved every single second of it. It went into the next level when the saxophone came in.

Blue Öyster Cult - Unknown Tongue 7/10

Another album I'd never heard anything from. I love BÖC so I need to follow this up asap. It is missing some of the edge I am used to with BÖC but I still enjoyed it.

Exuma - Mama Loi, Papa Loi 8/10

I adore Exuma, this song is so powerful and tribal. He always, as a singer, reminded me of Richie Havens.

My Chemical Romance - Early Sunsets Over Monroeville 4.5/10

Actually this surprised me by how not-that-bad it was. After around the 3 minute mark it really flirted with faggotry though. But I don't see how anybody who likes old school emocore/post-hardcore/etc could then go ahead and hate this. Not sure how it fits the theme though.

Cry me a river though pussy.

Goretex Elohim - Inverted Churches 8/10

"I get stupid, deviant doofus. My fans aren't even fans, they're students." This is actually a very solid modern hip hop album.

Coven - Black Sabbath 9/10

I prefer Blood on the Snow but this album is of course a classic. It's like they took Jefferson Airplane's early blueprint and made it much more genuinely dark. No OCCULT playlist would really be whole without them.

Deep Purple - Listen, Learn, Read On 10/10

I feel as if 1960's Deep Purple is underrated these days, doesn't get enough appreciation. I love this album, right up there with Deep Purple from 1969 in my opinion. Perfection.

John Zorn - Necronomicon: I. Conjurations 8/10

For some reason I've held off getting into John Zorn. I have a huge CD box set, but I'm yet to delve in. This was inspiring! I feel as if this would be what it's like to exist inside the head of an actual occultist. This is Aleister Crowley's mind's inner furnishing.

The Mars Volta - Goliath 6.5/10

Never been much into this band, but they have some cool moments.

Cliff Richard - Devil Woman 7.5/10

Radio classic that I'm actually not burnt out over, but still a little obvious which is hard to do given this is the non-metal mixtape. :lol:

Anyway, I think most men can relate to this song! :D;):saint:

This was actually a very fucking enjoyable playlist...

I realise now how foolish I was, when this was a metal theme, I should have submitted this:

Van der Graaf Generator - 7
Blue Öyster Cult - 6
Exuma - 2
My Chemical Romance - 3
Goretex Elohim - 1
Coven - 5
Deep Purple - 6
John Zorn - 10
The Mars Volta - 7.5
Cliff Richard - 5

Since the other two haven't evinced an intent to rate soon, I am advancing the deadline up to Wednesday - that is to say, today. Unless I'm given good cause to keep it till Thursday.