Non-metal Themed Mixtape Game

Plus one still has a chance, should keep it open until they have the winning average
By my count half the people haven't rated yet, including myself.

Though my ratings are finished, I just haven't posted them yet. Just want to see a deadline to move things along.
Okie doke.

Public Service Broadcasting - Go!

Good opening track, and makes me curious about this band though the song on its own seems just decent. Kind of reminds me of how OMD opens the Dazzle Ships album, which I love, but here I like the concept more than the music itself. 6/10.

P.E.P.E. – Shadilay

There’s Italo-Disco more appropriate than this, but still a good song and I get cosmic vibes even if it’s more of a spiritual journey through space than a physical one. 7.777777/10.

Last Flight Out - Plus One

Lol. The guy at 1:20 is giving me the biggest homosexual vibes I’ve ever gotten from music. Still OK though. 5/10.

Pere Ubu - 30 Seconds Over Tokyo

First time hearing this particular Pere Ubu song, it’s funny seeing the goth comments because I never really could hear it even though I’ve read many statements about Pere Ubu’s influence on it, but now it makes sense. Cool, creepy stuff. 7/10.

The Gathering - Liberty Bell

Sleep-inducing. 2/10.

Hot Snakes – LAX

I downloaded this album years ago and never got around to listening to it. This isn’t encouraging me, riffless and repetitious. 4/10.

Egypt - Touch Ground

Painful, holy fuck this sucks, that main riff is disgustingly generic. Stoner rock was a mistake. 1/10.

Catherine Faber - Providence Skies

This was really kitschy but I couldn’t drive myself to dislike it. 7/10.

The Lillingtons - Black Hole in My Mind

Should have been about a minute shorter. Decent otherwise. 5/10.

Air - Seven Stars

This playlist just isn’t doing it for me. Endless buildup to nothing. 2/10.

Emerson, Lake & Palmer - Karn Evil 9 3rd Impression

Not bad, but a good example of why ELP is one of my least-listened of the classic prog bands. Good aggressive start but too much keyboard wank. 5/10.

John Murphy - Sunshine (Adagio in D Minor)

Holy fuck this is sappy. The piano bit 2 minutes in made me laugh. 3/10.

Aside from the Celtic metal mixtape, worst mixtape ever, sorry. I actually went back and gave Plus One a +1 because of how much I hated some of these songs.
Public Service Broadcasting - Fantastic euphoric feel to this, love the 'actual' comms and the music is great. The geetar all over this is class as well. Terrific track. 9/10

P.E.P.E - Non-metal is great but this is dire, dribble from malakas 1/10

Last Flight Out - Pop soft crap like this just makes me cringe like l want to beat these feeble loving fools like theres no tomorrow. Absolute triteshite 1/10

Pere Ubu - Classic Pere Ubu is classic. Real depth of multi flavours and a genuine urgency once it gets going. Proper like. Twisted and full of spunk 8/10

The Gathering - l wanted to like this as the girl's voice is ok for someone who can't really sing, but the music is lame and it goes nowhere. 4/10

Hot Snakes - Repetitive bland microcosm of a tune. The geetars are ok as is the main riff, but this could be any band out of the west coast. 5/10

Egypt - l turned away a tune when it was my turn to host because it was too metal, but this takes the piss. Vegard, where is your ear and authority? 0/10

Providence Skies - Not for me but l could hear this in the way background while drinking and reading. 6/10

The Lillingtons - One could be forgiven for reaching for the 'metal' button if inexperienced here but this ain't metal folks it's college rock of the most typical by-the-numbers kind. The sort of shite loser kids enjoy cause it makes them cum harder. 4/10

Air - l love Air, they can almost do no wrong in my book, and they do it again here. Just when l thought it was flailing, they turn it around and offer a new take on the theme. Heard it before but the rule. 8/10

ELP - Pick of the bunch by a country mile, these boys really knew how to write imo. Love everything about this from the glorious bass work to the dodgy tone of the keys. Not exactly under-rated in the far reaching field of prog, hopefully their candle will continue to burn bright. 10/10

John Murphy - Composition without fault really, but all the too predictable for it. There's not a lot wrong with big well done synth tunes like this except after a while they all start to sound the same. 6/10
It honestly didn't occur to me to exclude the Egypt song, I don't listen to much stoner-tinged metal so it didn't register as metal to me. But listening to it again, yeah I suppose, if early Sabbath is metal then surely this is too. But it is a cool song so I don't mind its inclusion too much. It's certainly nowhere near as egregious as the Avatarium song in some previous round.

Furthermore I think it's the participants' job to determine if something is appropriate for the game. I'm not going to reject anything for being too metal unless it's like, Jag Panzer or something.
The Egypt song didn't sound that metal to me tbh, but the confusion isn't too surprising when some people act like Black Sabbath eradicated blues rock and created metal in one fell swoop.
Surely, when we are playing a game entitled Non-Metal, one would not suggest anything remotely like a doom stoner metal tune and hope to be submitted. Sore ears on both parties
(and l called nobody Shirley)
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The Egypt song didn't sound that metal to me tbh, but the confusion isn't too surprising when some people act like Black Sabbath eradicated blues rock and created metal in one fell swoop.

It's not that we're mistaking it for metal you autisticunt, it's that it's a total cheese choice because it's about as close you could get to metal without being metal.
It's not that we're mistaking it for metal you autisticunt, it's that it's a total cheese choice because it's about as close you could get to metal without being metal.

Well then that's a totally retarded reason. Go smear feces on your government-provided housing, not this playlist, you australoidic dirtfucker.
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It's not totally retarded to call people that submit pseudo-metal to the non-metal mixtape lazy unoriginal faggots with little depth of music taste.

Call him what you want, but if you admit that the song isn't metal, you therefore acknowledge that the song is non-metal. This is the non-metal mixtape game. If we're going to play like that, then anything post-punk that resembles black metal is game for downrating, for example. The Bauhaus song submitted wasn't really much less doomy or "metal" than this Egypt song. Romantic-period classical can be downrated for its obvious appeal to fans of Massacra, as ANUS will happily tell you. Better downvote jazz fusion and prog rock too in case the tech-death fans enjoy it. Hardcore punk? Hell no, too close to thrash.