Non-metal Themed Mixtape Game

What virgin weeaboo hentai-lite bullshit are you referring to? My avatar isn't from a hentai drawing if that's what you're referring to. I'm not really big into ecchi or hentai stuff either. I won't say I've never fapped to it, I'm a well-fapped man, but I mostly just like fairly ordinary school comedy anime with some adventure stuff mixed in. Virginity is a way of life, not a meme.

Don't pretend you don't memepost, particularly on the /pol/ side of things. I know you and a few others were the first to use "soyboy" on this forum, another 4chan export.
I'm 99% certain that a few months ago, you, rms, and maybe Dak all used something like "soyboy" around the same time. I can't find a single instance of anyone using it on this forum now, however, so either it was some derivative or maybe it was deleted in the middle of some TechBarb argument.

But whatever, here's backup, you were the first person to use "cuck" on this forum in a political context:

Watching him host a live feed destroying some cuck trying desperately to white knight for that squid's twat Anita Sarkeesian.

If you think a western leader trying to censor people's speech online as well as asking the CEO of facebook to censor people around the world's speech is just a commonplace thing to do, then I guess you're privy to information I'm not.

She's quite exceptional in how terrible she is, whether we have old laws or not. But I said we're like a European state here because we're a disarmed populace that loves our nanny government and is scared by the prospect of doing anything on our own. We have such a massive government at this point that if an American small government conservative lived here for awhile they might commit suicide, except they'd have no gun to do it with and in death they'd probably get fined for not taking their own safety seriously enough.

But that doesn't mean that I think we're so similar to a European state that our freedom of speech would get sold out because a bunch of economic migrants decided to molest some women, fortunately we still have loud mouth politicians here that haven't fully been purged by the European style PC cuck pussies.

Though that cunt Andrew O'Keefe could well be a sign of the future, I hope he drowns in his own leeking brain fluid.
I have used "low T" several times, maybe that's what you're thinking of?

Also "cuck" is a funny word to me.

That's probably it, thanks, the search engine would never be able to find that.

I agree tbh that it is a great sounding word. Rhymes with fuck, shares consonants with cock, starts like cunt. Has both racist and sexist connotations. It's the perfect slur. Don't pretend it didn't come straight out of 4chan though.
I agree tbh that it is a great sounding word. Rhymes with fuck, shares consonants with cock, starts like cunt. Has both racist and sexist connotations. It's the perfect slur.

Also in my defense, other than that rant you quoted, every other time I've used "cuck" on here was in a joking way. I don't take the word very seriously even though it's funny.
Lynyrd Skynyrd – Trust – alright but nothing spectacular, not a fan of the piano, 4/10

Robin Trower - The Last Time – should have begun a fade-out around 3:30, has the elements of a good 80s cheese song but too skeletal overall, 4/10

Leonard Cohen - The Stranger Song – alright, 5/10

Comus - Song To Comus – unlike anyone else, 10/10

Kenny Rogers – Lucille – if I have a kind of country at all, this isn’t it, 3/10

Deus Ex - Enemy Within – Conversation – fuck Sephiroth killing Aerie or whatever, this is where it’s at, 10/10

Eminem – Kim – what in the fuck is this, I mean nothing about this is remotely non-shit but that chorus especially, holy fuck I literally can’t think of anything as embarrassing and stupid as this, and CASSETTEISGOD needed to white knight for these shit lyrics? hahahahahaha, 0/10

She Cries Alone - Skeletal Family – one of the weakest on the album but still pretty cool, a bit typical of goth rock but they had a harder edge to it, 6/10

Daughtry – Traitor – this was fucking amazing, actually listened to it twice, what even is this? some kind of pop R&B post-grunge fusion? 9/10

James Carr - The Dark End of the Street – great way to close things out, 7.5/10
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Reactions: Satanstoenail
Lynyrd Skynyrd - Trust


Inoffensive. Not one of their stronger songs and it also seems unnecessarily long.

Robin Trower - The Last Time


This is okay.

Leonard Cohen - The Stranger Song


One of the best songs by Leonard Cohen. I think that the lyrics are great and his vocal performance is so deliciously cynical.

Comus - Song To Comus


I can't say no to Comus. I wasn't aware that there are other Comus fans here.

Kenny Rogers - Lucille


This was better than I thought that it was going to be.

Deus Ex - Enemy Within - Conversation


Maybe I should play this game because the music seems cool.

Eminem - Kim


Eminem is overrated and boring.

She Cries Alone - Skeletal Family



Daughtry - Traitor


Better than I expected. Surprising.

James Carr - The Dark End of the Street


Great closer to a mostly great list. Really captures the right mood for this theme in a truly sincere way. Great pick.
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Reactions: Satanstoenail
I'm doing my morning roll back and forth on the bed and Facebook and dick around on the phone.... But I will make my way to the computer soon.
Yeah I’ll tally this tonight if I get time. Tired of waiting.
I didn’t get time and tonight I’m too drunk. Those that didn’t rate, you have until I find the arsed to tally to get your shit together or so help me I’ll yell at clouds until I make the weather patterns change for the even worse.
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1. Comus - Song To Comus 9.25 - @Omni
2. James Carr - The Dark End of the Street 8.625 - @no country for old wainds
3. Leonard Cohen - The Stranger Song 7.75 @Black Orifice
4. Deus Ex - Enemy Within - Conversation 6.75 @HamburgerBoy
5. Kenny Rogers - Lucille 5.625 @Sirjack
6. Robin Trower - The Last Time 5.25 @RadicalThrasher
7. Skeletal Family - She Cries Alone 5.00 @Serjeant Grumbles
8. Lynyrd Skynyrd - Trust 4.75 @CASSETTEISGOD
9. Daughtry - Traitor 4.25 @arg
10. Eminem - Kim 3.00 @Carpe Mortem

Fucking dismal effort from most this round and I feel disappointed and ashamed to have had to host it. Thanks to those that made the effort. Those that didn't, you should all have a long think about what you've done here and know that my soul is eternally blackened and my heart is crushed by your flippant disregard for the legacy of this great game.

The new theme will be LITERATURE! Submissions can be about any type of literature, as long as it's the clear inspiration behind the songs.

If you don't plan on attempting to rate the playlist, don't submit anything because you're just wasting everyone's time.

That said, you're welcome to rate the playlist even if you haven't submitted anything.
I hope you guys are planning on submitting something. I don't think that this is a tough theme.
I'm struggling with this one because as usual I'm a shitbag that rarely pays close attention to lyrics, let alone researching their origins. I'll try and Google something though.
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Reactions: Omni