Non-metal Themed Mixtape Game

This round's theme: DRUGS

I'm rather surprised this hasn't been a theme yet. I'll trust the list HBB posted a few pages back.

The theme is intended to be interpreted broadly. Club drugs, pot, psychedelics, things you inject, or even blood pressure meds. Fun context and partying or addiction and death. Directly or indirectly related. Whatever. I'll accept submissions with alcohol as the theme as well, but because alcohol has already been a theme once, try to avoid it. We should be able to get a pretty diverse playlist out of this.

@Satanstoenail @Funerary_Doom @no country for old wainds @arg @Vegard Pompey @Omni @Serjeant Grumbles @Slayed Necros @Sirjack @RadicalThrasher @Burkhard @dwellerINTHEdark @Krow @HamburgerBoy @The Butt @Carpe Mortem @EspaDa @zabu of nΩd @Talos of Atmora @Dazed and Brutal

Happy choosing!

edit: if any of the newbies who have stumbled onto the board in the last couple of weeks want in, I encourage you to submit something.
Mad River - High All the Time



Neil Young - The Needle and the Damage Done


A classic. Don't do heroin, kids.

The Sisters of Mercy - Amphetamine Logic


Average goth rock fronted by a Thin White Duke wannabe.

Depeche Mode - Sweetest Perfection


It's easy to see that so many bands ripped off Depeche Mode.

Drunks with Guns - Drug Problem


Wow. I love it.

Luv Machine - Witches Wand



Hank III - Pills I Took


Absolutely none of the charisma of his grandfather. Let's hope that there's no Hank IV.

Jefferson Airplane - White Rabbit


Trippy, man.
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P.S. @Black Orifice

You have a really gay name and we have a very random mutual friend on Facebook. I was wondering who you were when I saw you as a suggested friend.

Whoa, who? I only know a handful of people in Florida. I can't say I've seen your cat face in my suggested friends. Facebook is too busy tracking down strangers I randomly meet in bars and then never see again.

Didn't you say your FB was only for keeping up with your online friends? :p
Yes, you are correct. That said, our mutual friend is Matthew Knight of Eternal Winter. I know him because he sent me a free copy of his musical Clark Ashton Smith audiobook.

Yes, you are correct. That said, our mutual friend is Matthew Knight of Eternal Winter. I know him because he sent me a free copy of his musical Clark Ashton Smith audiobook.

Haha, no way! I've known Matt for a loooong time. Eternal Winter's based out of the same town I'm from and they headlined the first metal show I ever saw. It happened to be the same night that half the band decided to ditch Matt and the bass player Gordon, so it was a two-piece power metal show without a drummer :lol: It was great in any case and turned me into a fan. I ended up playing in a blackened death band with Eternal Winter's rhythm guitarist a few years later, and a different band of mine recorded at Matt's studio back in 2012. Matt's a really great guy.

You might find it interesting to know that Eternal Winter's first recordings were black metal, also with Matt on vocals.
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Mad River - High All the Time


Didn't hit me too heavily the first time around. Might be a grower.

Neil Young - The Needle and the Damage Done


Big Neil Young fan and this is among his best.

The Sisters of Mercy - Amphetamine Logic


The better of the first two full lengths. Andrew Eldritch's vocals get a little grating after a while.

Depeche Mode - Sweetest Perfection


Solid reminder that I need to check out more of Depeche Mode's music.

Drunks With Guns - Drug Problem


Gotta love degenerate noisy punk like this. Especially love the solo.

Luv Machine - Witch's Wand



Hank III - Pills I Took


Hard to take seriously.

Jefferson Airplane - White Rabbit


Not a fan of much 60s "hippie" rock but I always liked this song.
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Mad River - High All The Time
Pretty yawnworthy 60's rock with annoying wailing vocals 5/10

Neil Young - The Needle and the Damage Done
Great song but a pretty obvious choice 7/10

The Sisters Of Mercy - Amphetamine Logic
Goth rock still isn't for me 4/10

Depeche Mode - Sweetest Perfection
This is cool 8/10

Drunks With Guns - Drug Problem
I expected to like this more but there were a bunch of Aussie bands doing this sort of dark sloppy punk much better in the 80's 6/10

Luv Machine - Witches Wand
Cool as fuck, groovy as hell 9/10

Hank III - Pills I Took
Pretty shit 3/10

Jefferson Airplane - White Rabbit
Another great but obvious as hell selection 7/10

This could have been a great list if anyone gave a shit anymore. Nice broad theme with the potential for lots of cool obscure stuff. This game is pretty much cooked.
Mad River - High All the Time
I can get on board with this. I like the croony vocals. 7/10.

Neil Young - The Needle and the Damage Done
Hits me in the feels. 9/10.

The Sisters of Mercy - Amphetamine Logic
Practically everything on this album: 10/10.

Depeche Mode - Sweetest Perfection
I think I've only checked out one album properly by these guys. I shall explore further. 7/10.

Drunks with Guns - Drug Problem
Well that's a muddy production. Entertaining enough. 6/10.

Luv Machine - Witches Wand
Psychedelic and danceable. 7/10.

Hank III - Pills I Took
Originally a song by Those Poor Bastards. Been meaning to check out Hank III. This is OK. 6/10.

Jefferson Airplane - White Rabbit
Who doesn't love this song? 9/10.
Mad River - High All the Time

I was going to submit this to spite no wainds after he fucked up the Taramis submission but figured he would have still beaten me to the punch. I would have submitted Amphetamine Gazelle though, this song is pretty uninteresting. 5/10.

Neil Young - The Needle and the Damage Done

It’s ok. 5/10.

The Sisters of Mercy - Amphetamine Logic

This is digestible by itself, though his singing particularly in the chorus still sounds really false and terrible. Nah still struggling actually. Oh fuck that singing in the end. Disgusting. 2/10.

Depeche Mode - Sweetest Perfection

Never got into them but this was pretty good. 6.5/10.

Drunks with Guns - Drug Problem

Sounds like a bad Killdozer song with 30 bucks of recording equipment. What a fucking ripoff. 3/10.

Luv Machine - Witches Wand

Nice groovy stuff, need to check them out. 7.5/10.

Hank III - Pills I Took

Kitsch. 2/10.

Jefferson Airplane - White Rabbit

About as obvious as you can get but whatever. 10/10.
Mad River - This starts off terrific but kinda pitters out for me. Vocals are neither here nor there, geetars and instrumentation are ok but nothing particularly special. l could do with listening to the album(?) 6/10

Neil Young - Young came to me much later in my life and l can appreciate his tunes and uniqueness, although, l still find him somewhat overrated in terms of greatness. This tune is ace. Terrific guitar and his vocal really does have that tender authenticity to it. that said, it ends way too soon 7/10

The Sisters of Mercy - Wow, haven't heard this for the longest time. My older brother was a fan and back then l thought it was shite. l can hear the attraction now and this is appealing to me much more than it did. l still wouldn't buy it or seek out an album, but its cool. 7/10

Depeche Mode - Never been too keen on this band as the minimalism of their 80's sound was way too claustrophobic for my tiny mind. l don't mind this, but it aint yanking my chain at all. l always thought Dave was a complete tosser and his vocals way overrated. Some of the music is sound. They had some interesting ideas with sound, effects etc 6.5/10

Drunks With Guns - Neandertals with geetars and a sense of humour. Like it! 8/10

Luv Machine - Yeah this is more like it - or maybe not. Great start and then quickly this rode its merry chain into the abyss. l could see my band doing a killer heavy live version of this. 8/10

Hank III - Needs a didgeridoo. 3/10

Jefferson Airplane - Alice, wherefore art thou Alice? Brilliant. 9/10