Non-metal Themed Mixtape Game

Bjork - Bachelorette Homogenic

Major nostalgia for Bjork, used to have a friend who was obsessed. This is really cool and reminded me of the Requiem for a Dream theme at first. She has some really cool/ weird pop electronica? love tracks. Really interesting title too. With usual Bjork style, it's fucking weird, it's fucking fabulous, it's some creepy chick's justification for not having a boyfriend. Solid choice.

Evgeny Kissin - Liebestraum No. 3 in A-flat Major

Romantic and sweet, a very embellished interpretation but it works with the soft balancing. You can just imagine a moonlit stroll with your sweetie after getting milkshakes, maybe hitting up some classy joint and ending the night with *gasp* hand holding.

Robin Trower - In This Place

Fucking love this entire album, and this song especially always gave me a bit of a chill in its heavy interpretation of loss. The video really captures a lover gone well. Memories interspersed with the blank, loveless void of the cosmos. Psychadelic with sunglasses to hide the tears. This song is straight up fucking sexy. It'd be a good track to bang an ex you should still be with to. Or a good track to cry to because you cheated on someone you love.

Yes - I See You

YES. Yes. Maybe. Nah.

Sera Cahoone - Baker Lake

Meh, never cared for singer-songwriter shit for the most part. But this theme is rife with such choices so I'll try to be objective. She has a nice voice - granted, a completely replaceable voice I've heard a thousand times before. Guitar is also replaceable. If you ignore craftsmanship, it's not totally terrible! At least she's singing instead of sneezing.

Swans - Miracle of Love

Metal, shame on you. Deep and introspective. Swans are like that. You think you'll get sick of the scheme, but Swans are like that too, and always switch shit up when you've had about enough. A great song with a positively cynical viewpoint, and frankly, it's downright fucking pretty. It's like being in love without wanting to be.

Buena Vista Social Club - Chan Chan

God dammit I'm a sucker for the goddamn Cubans. Beautiful and exotic, spicy and stalkerish. Yeah, I said it. It makes me think of a stalker. But a sexy stalker. Some beast of a fucking Spaniard popping up at every crossroads in the dusty streets with a rose. Horns, expertly woven percussive acoustic, typical vocals but dammit that's just fine with me.

Townes Van Zandt - Our Mother The Mountain

Sad and so very, very brutal in its way. This dude got fucked, and then he got FUCKED. A quaint song with tastes of the frontier, a voice truly tortured, and seriously, flutes? Fucking toight. I'll admit it could have used more variety than his quivering vocals, but a really cool song, truly.

Punishment Of Luxury - Obsession

It's twisted, it's definitely more stalkerish than that Spaniard I mentioned. The title proves it. It's a little demented, with a certain cacophony that really drives the point home. Like the mind of a madman, occasionally rational, only to build up to a crescendo of insanity that doesn't quite sound good enough.

Lee Moses - Bad Girl

Oh fuck yeah, nothing like that old school soul with them old school vocals. Love this song. You ever love a woman who could never really love you? Your love would never be enough for her, she needs the love of thousands? Well bust out some whiskey and throw this track on, because Lee understands. Heartbroken but still going strong. Great fucking song.

Coil - Tattoed Man

Quirky and somewhat french sounding. I didn't like the vocals being so far back, they could have done with a teensy bit more volume, just a teensy bit, but I get it and begrudgingly accept it. The whole track has a fog about it, like someone wandering unsure in Parisian streets, occasionally vomiting. It makes you dizzy. It makes you question everything. It epitomizes bad love in a good way.

R.L. Burnside - Someday Baby

Bouncy and puts a smile on my face. Its filled with hope, filled with the south, filled with a 'fuck you lady, I'm just fine.' A good song.

Savage Garden - Truly Madly Deeply.

Ladies and gentlemen, I've found the gay. Lmfao. I don't hate this song. I don't like it, but I don't totally hate it. I'm not even gonna bother discussing the actual music aspect it, I'm just picking apart why it's gay. He wants to stand on a mountain? Sure, a mountain of cock. Sky falling down on him? Bathing in the sea? More like jizz raining down from the heavens. This song is heralded as a great love song but it's really a douchy masterpiece designed to bang basic bitches. OR BASIC MEN. Saving grace is it's noteriety and occasionally interesting guitar footyfoos.

Lisa Ekdahl - Love For Sale

I've heard other tracks by her, cool bitch. Really city-worshipping, even if it is a bit typical of the genre, and she has that sweet little lounge voice filled with innocence and hope. Ironic, when you consider the title.

Leonard Cohen - Dance Me to the End of Love

Come on, who doesn't at least like this fucking song a little? Cohen has one of the most amazing voices. It's a man who has danced all the way to the end of love, over the end of the cliff, still dancing on his way down even as the descent steals the air from his lungs. Purely fucking pathetic and sad.

Seal - Kiss From A Rose

This song probably won't do well, but FUCK YOU GUYS. It's not gay, it's a masterpiece. All hail the greatest scarred black man of my generation.

Blue Cheer - The Hunter

My first assumption that this must be a pro-rape song, which gave me some nice visuals as I listened. It's young, it's naive... and a little boring. But I have always enjoyed such sweeping guitar shit.

Despondent Visions - To My Love

Depressive travels, desperate chasing and pleading. Haunting melody with a fantastic ambiance and who doesn't love a good string set? This track is epic in a way, reminiscent of the saddest love stories you've ever heard, of loss and death and heart wrenching romance. Straight up, you're a bad person if you rate below 5.
I'm sure there will be plenty of emotional songs, just not much in the way of twee, insipid shit.

I'd like to see this theme done for metal as well, at some point down the line.

I cant think of many metal love songs, but if the theme is selected I do have a pick in mind.

Ill listen and rate this playlist later. I get the feeling that im going to downrate a bunch of stuff, but this should still be interesting.
God Carpe, I always love reading your reviews. They're always so out there and bizarre and they make me laugh a lot. The best one was where you mentioned about fucking a dragon in a dream you had, but some of these come close.

Power to the people. I write reviews for the working man.
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Aside from things that people already know that I like such as Swans, Coil and Björk, I wanted to give props to the Townes Van Zandt, Lee Moses and Punishment of Luxury tracks. Excellent choices.
Björk - Bachelorette

Somewhere in between "genuinely loving it" and "turned off by the Bond theme bombast".

Frans Liszt - Liebestraum No. 3

I evaluate classical music solely based on whether or not it is included in the soundtrack of the 90s space opera anime "Legend of Galactic Heroes". This is featured in episode 47, so I'll give it a 9.

Robin Trower - In This Place

I'm not stoned enough for this shit.

Yes - I See You

Really captures the feeling of infatuation - singer's so high on love he can't even form coherent sentences.

Sera Cahoone - Baker Lake

The musical equivalent of a pillow. Pillows are nice to have but I'm not going to sit down and actively listen to one.

Swans - Miracle of Love

Rating based on the shortened version. Not sure what to say about this except that I love it.

Buena Vista Social Club - Chan Chan

I'm way too unfamiliar with this style of music to give a remotely fair assessment but I really enjoy this.

Townes Van Zandt - Our Mother the Mountain

I feel really conflicted about stripped-down intimate singer-songwriter stuff like this because I can never tell if it's sincere or just trying really hard to be. That might be a fault with me more than with the song so I'll just give it a fairly neutral rating.

Punishment of Luxury - Obsession

Now this is my kind of love.

Lee Moses - Bad Girl

Soul is a genre I inherently dislike the sound of but this is undeniably great.

Coil - Tattooed Man

I don't understand this and I don't like it

Savage Garden - Truly Madly Deeply

I love everything about this video, from the shitty fonts to the sentimental photos to the random smiley faces to the windows movie maker effects.

R.L. Burnside - Someday Baby

+1 point for making me think of Justified for some reason.

Lisa Ekdahl - Love for Sale

Pleasant, loungey vocal jazz. I could never feel particularly strongly about this, but I could never hate it either.

Leonard Cohen - Dance Me to the End of Love

Make sure to read the youtube description to find out how this song relates to the holocaust

Seal - Kiss from a Rose

Gives Savage Garden a run for its gay money

Blue Cheer - The Hunter

Please keep metal and heavy rock that's right on the edge for the metal version of this thread.

Not a particularly great song, anyway.

Despondent Visions - To My Love

It's got a nice gloomy vibe but I'm not particularly fond of the production. The piano reminds me of the piano VST that comes with FL Studio (that's not a good thing).
I have to confess that I let the Blue Cheer song in to see if it would get the same treatment as totally non-metal songs do in the other thread. I think that it exactly meets the description of what I asked people to not submit.
Leonard Cohen - Dance Me to the End of Love

Make sure to read the youtube description to find out how this song relates to the holocaust

'Dance Me to the End Of Love' ... it's curious how songs begin because the origin of the song, every song, has a kind of grain or seed that somebody hands you or the world hands you and that's why the process is so mysterious about writing a song. But that came from just hearing or reading or knowing that in the death camps, beside the crematoria, in certain of the death camps, a string quartet[2] was pressed into performance while this horror was going on, those were the people whose fate was this horror also. And they would be playing classical music while their fellow prisoners were being killed and burnt. So, that music, "Dance me to your beauty with a burning violin," meaning the beauty there of being the consummation of life, the end of this existence and of the passionate element in that consummation. But, it is the same language that we use for surrender to the beloved, so that the song — it's not important that anybody knows the genesis of it, because if the language comes from that passionate resource, it will be able to embrace all passionate activity.