Non-metal Themed Mixtape Game

Bjork - Bachelorette
categorically the wrong bjork song in my opinion, single version of 'all is full of love' is both better and more fitting than anything on HOMOGENIC, as are half a dozen songs on VESPERTINE. this album is pretty heavy-handed and overrated in general, but i do still like this song rather a lot. i remember falconsbane talking it up around here like ten years ago lol. super sexy lyrics, makes me think of IN THE MOOD FOR LOVE which is a good thing. 7/10

Frans Liszt - Liebestraum (Love Dream) No. 3

not gonna make an ass out of myself by trying to talk about classical in detail, but this is lovely. i've heard it before but not really thought about it or become familiar with it. to me it feels less like the blooming of first love than old people love, that tenderness and devotion and intimacy and shared knowledge that it's all gonna end soon but it was a life well lived. at first i thought this'd be too gentle and elegant for my tastes but nah i felt it. 8/10

Robin Trower - In This Place

this is one of those songs where the individual melodies and sections are quite familiar but the way it's structured means it packs a punch. i love that this resists the temptation of easy resolutions or some big cathartic climax and just wallows in its prayers before gently fading to nothing, the way a song aimed at a dead loved one must. sounds heartfelt and personal to me, the absence and heartbreak are palpable. avoids all the pifalls of combining this thematic material with a groovy guitar jam; its melancholy spell never breaks. 9/10

Yes - I See You

this is too wanky for me and i don't really connect to it, but honestly half the battle is already won with production and musicianship this great. just sounds too fucking good, plus it's super creative and agreeably free-spirited. another fine choice for the theme too. 7/10

Sera Cahoone - Baker Lake

sup mort. a lot of the saddest love songs are characterised by misguided optimism, and this is one of those. my only criticism would be it doesn't really distinguish itself that much, and if i listened to more stuff like this on a regular basis it may not stand out, but in its own modest, restrained way it's pretty perfect. 8/10

Swans - Miracle of Love

spotify servers are down atm, ugh i'm paying for this shit you cunts. will rate later. ok it is now later. i'd rather listen to CLOSER or something, but this carries its mood just fine. i enjoy the drumming when it gets heavy. 6/10

Buena Vista Social Club - Chan Chan

ballsy to pick something in a different language. this sounds totally authentic and is probably a great example of what it is, but i don't really feel anything. probably too chill and just culturally alien to me. 6/10

Townes Van Zandt - Our Mother the Mountain

brooding, obsessive little tune in the len-co tradition. again this isn't particularly distinctive within its particular style but it works just fine here. 7/10

Punishment of Luxury - Obsession

sup hamburgayboy, you fucking maniac. trust you, in a love-themed mixtape game, to pick a song by a bunch of guys on acid having fucked up rape/murder fantasies. my enjoyment is probably like an 8.5 or 9 but you're getting a 10 for the sheer brilliance of choosing this. 10/10

Lee Moses - Bad Girl

lord have mercy. 10/10

Coil - Tattooed Man

this seems intriguing on a conceptual level and might work better in context, but as a stand-alone i don't really get it either. 4/10

R.L. Burnside - Someday Baby

acceptable feel-good song, not something i'd ever reach for. prefer more traditional blues. pompey's right it'd probably sound good on JUSTIFIED. 5/10

Savage Garden - Truly Madly Deeply

i would literally rate 'to the moon and back' like an 8. unfortunately, this is truly madly deeply fucking shite. god dammit arg. 1/10

Lisa Ekdahl - Love for Sale

oh hey here's that random song again. i mean, how many other more notable people have done versions of this song? like 100? i assume someone scandinavian submitted this. it's a classy rendition and her voice is aight, but showtunes are showtunes are showtunes. 5/10

Leonard Cohen - Dance Me to the End of Love

so theatrical it makes the bjork song sound like, uh, early cohen. i find this kinda cringy in all honesty, like i usually do when old guys who used to be relevant start trying too hard. blurgh this playlist took a turn for the worse huh. 3/10

Seal - Kiss from a Rose

hated this when it came out, hate it now. 7 year old me knew what was up, man, he was busy listening to steeleye span and cream. the best descriptor of this is found in the first line: grey. also maudlin and self-serious. the way he says 'ooooh' in the chorus sometimes makes me wanna punch him in his pissant mouth. actually it kinda reminds me of nickelback lol, which ties in nicely to how chad kroeger soundtracked spiderman in similarly shitty fashion. 2/10

Blue Cheer - The Hunter

i'm not at all on board with this idea of downrating anything that could be deemed proto-metal. anyway, the pleasures of this tune are all in the sound rather than the actual songwriting which is pretty rudimentary. love that bludgeoning fuzz. 6/10

Despondent Visions - To My Love

lol did someone pick this on behalf of themselves or their friends or something, it totally sounds like something a UMer would make. production's pretty naff yeah, sounds like a ps1 game or something and listening loud is kind of headache-inducing. i think it'd be a 5 or 6 with better production but this kind of vibe is a dime a dozen. still, there's probably a market for it the same way there is for all those samey depressive BM bands out there. 4/10
Bjork - Bachelorette 7/10

Frans Liszt - Liebestraum (Love Dream) No. 3 8/10

Robin Trower - In This Place 6/10

Yes - I See You 5/10

I can appreciate this but I feel nothing.

Sera Cahoone - Baker Lake 4/10

Sounds like a sad song playing during a particularly emotional scene in a day time soap aimed at teenagers.

Swans - Miracle of Love 8/10

Buena Vista Social Club - Chan Chan 5/10

Townes Van Zandt - Our Mother the Mountain 10/10


Punishment of Luxury - Obsession 5/10

I really don't know what I'm doing here.

Lee Moses - Bad Girl 9/10

This is more my kind of thing. It was worth it after all!

Coil - Tattooed Man 6/10

R.L. Burnside - Someday Baby 3/10

It's degenerating.

Savage Garden - Truly Madly Deeply 1/10

Lisa Ekdahl - Love for Sale 3/10

Leonard Cohen - Dance Me to the End of Love 3/10

Seal - Kiss from a Rose 1/10

Blue Cheer - The Hunter 5/10

Despondent Visions - To My Love 6/10

Weeping Jesus on the cross! Time to return to GMD and listen to Bolt Thrower and pretend that none of this ever happened.

Thanks to anyone who submitted Bjork, I never really appreciated her but man...this song is so beautiful. You opened my eyes.

Bjork is cool, really unique style. I'm not super familiar but another great sad love one of hers is Hyberballad, check it out.
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I was put off Bjork for years, because her most well known song over here was that cover she did, "It's Oh So Quiet". I remember being a kid and it was a big hit here. I didn't like it then and I don't like it now. It's not representative of Bjork at all. I also knew her for a while as "that crazy Icelandic woman that punched a photographer".
How quaint and rich dude of you. Throw some headphones in and use your smartphone, ass.

I already listened to this playlist when I was out and about today, and I wasnt really digging much from it so expect my ratings to be a bit low.

1. Bjork - Bachelorette - 4/10 - Im kind of surprised how everyone here seems to like Bjork so much, this song is just strange in a weird way that I just cant make myself like. No wonder why she is rattling on about being single.
2. Frans Liszt - Liebestraum (Love Dream) No. 3 - 9/10 - This piece just oozes with romance, definitely my favorite pick of the theme.
3. Robin Trower - In This Place - 6/10 - Reminds me of something a 70's pornstar would list as their favorite song, psychedelic and emotive.
4. Yes - I See You - 7/10 - Prog rock is alright, though im probably just being generous with my rating cause I dont hate it so much.
5. Sera Cahoone - Baker Lake - 3/10 - Singer-songwriter hippy stuff, no thanks.
6. Swans - Miracle of Love - 8/10 - Nice somber song, and Swans are good.
7. Buena Vista Social Club - Chan Chan - 6/10 - I like stuff like this in small doses, not bad.
8. Townes Van Zandt - Our Mother the Mountain - 7/10 - Intense emotions here.
9. Punishment of Luxury - Obsession - 9/10 - Haha, this song is great. Upvoting this for hilarious lyrical content, nice 'fuck you' to the theme of love. One of the only songs on here id ever listen to again.
10. Lee Moses - Bad Girl - 5/10 - At first I thought it was an alright song, but after a couple of minutes I just couldnt wait for it to be over. I guess I just cant get behind soul.
11. Coil - Tattooed Man - 6/10 - It's a bit repetitive, but there is a nice depressing vibe going on so I cant hate on it too much.
12. R.L. Burnside - Someday Baby - 8/10 - Cool beat and attitude, the chorus is repeated a couple times, but the song is short enough where it doesnt get repetitive. Fun song about ditching a chick.
13. Savage Garden - Truly Madly Deeply - 1/10 - God damn this song sucks so hard I cant even stand it. Was this a serious submission from someone on this forum? I think it was submitted for comedic value, but I wont rate it any higher than this.
14. Lisa Ekdahl - Love for Sale - 7/10 - Wow, cute voice. The jazz sounds kind of typical, but I actually enjoyed this track. Id buy her love if the price was right.
15. Leonard Cohen - Dance Me to the End of Love - 3/10 - Boring, this song does nothing for me.
16. Seal - Kiss from a Rose - 3/10 - Sappy and lame, did someone seriously make me listen to this shit? Exactly 5 minutes too long.
17. Blue Cheer - The Hunter - 7/10 - This is supposed to be downvoted cause it's somehow metal? Im not really onboard with that logic at all, especially since I wouldnt even call this metal to begin with. Cool song though, love the fuzzy rock riffs and the punky vocals.
18. Despondent Visions - To My Love - 3/10 - Id break up with anyone who made me a love song this bad. Sounds very amateur.
Bjork - Bachelorette 9/10
I LOVEEEEE this track. Haven't heard this is awhile. Still know all the words. Hell yeah.
"You will go astray... like a killer whale.... trapped in a bay!" I think I would've preferred Pagan Poetry over this though.

Evgeny Kissin Liebestraum - No. 3 in A-Flat Major 8/10
This was beautiful. I don't know a lot of music like this. I'm guessing Onder's pick?

Robin Trower - In This Place 8/10
This is the guy who Opeth covered the song "Bridge of Sighs" from. I always did like that track, but never thought to actually hear the original or listen to this guys stuff. This was a pleasant surprise.

Yes - I see You 8/10
This is fun. I like the lead guitar licks. I changed my score like five times with this btw. There's really awesome moments and the build up is nice. I thought I didn't like this band, but this is a good song.

Sera Cahoone - Baker Lake 3/10
I don't like this. Very boring.

Swans - Miracle of Love 5/10
Not the best Swans track.

Buena Vista Social Club - Chan Chan 8/10
<3 If I can pick a song that describes adolescent love, this would be it. Also, it helps that I do understand some Spanish. This song hits me right in the gut.

Townes Van Zandt - Our Mother the Mountain 4/10
I like 16 horsepower, but that's as far as country/folk I think I can go. I'm not sure what it's called, actually. I'm just not use to hearing this kind of music. What always gets me with this kind of music is the voice. He sounds really bored to me. I'm sure the story is cool, and this is obviously a genre that's focused on lyrics. I need to have the lyric book open in order for me to pay attention to lyrics unless I really like the vocal melody.

Punishment of Luxury - Obsession 6/10
I'm not sure with this. I think if I listened to it again, I'd get it more and would like it. There's potential here. This song is not really doing it for me though.

Lee Moses - Bad Girl 7/10
I liked this.

Coil - Tattooed Man 8.5/10
This was really beautiful. Thanks to who posted this as I will be checking it out more. Reminds me of Tom Waits.

R. L. Burnside - Someday Baby 7/10
I liked the beat to this a lot. The lyrics sorta reminded me of an old-school patty-cake patty-cake game.

Truly Madly Deeply - Savage Garden 2/10
Apparently everyone has heard this song except me. :lol: I think I could've gone me entire life without missing out not hearing this. Totally wasn't expecting this at all. It sounds like Celine Dion or one of those 90s romantic singers. Ha, ballsy for sure. An extra point for ballsiness.

Lisa Ekdahl - Love For Sale 5/10
Is this anti-folk? For some reason it sorta reminded me of Regina Spektor or something. Not bad, I liked the music behind the voice.

Leonard Cohen - Dance Me to the End of Love 6/10
This is kinda romantic. Not my thing though but I get it's charm.

Seal - Kiss from a Rose 5/10
Nostalgia! I'm glad someone picked this. I remember like 3 year old me use to watch the video for this, and was pretty much in love with Batman. I always associate this song with Batman now.

Blue Cheer - The hunter 8/10
Is he saying "his loves guns"? Ha. Awesome. I like this a lot actually. Ill be checking them out more.

Despondent Visions - To My Love 4/10
This is nice for the outro. But I dont think I'd ever really be in the mood to listen to this particular track.
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Bjork - Bachelorette - 8/10

Frans Liszt - Liebestraum (Love Dream) No. 3 - 9/10

Robin Trower - In This Place - 3/10

Yes - I See You - 4/10

Sera Cahoone - Baker Lake - 4/10

Swans - Miracle of Love* - 9/10

Buena Vista Social Club - Chan Chan 8/10

Townes Van Zandt - Our Mother the Mountain - 9/10

Punishment of Luxury - Obsession - 8/10

Lee Moses - Bad Girl - 8/10

Coil - Tattooed Man - 4/10

R.L. Burnside - Someday Baby - 3/10

Savage Garden - Truly Madly Deeply - 3/10

Lisa Ekdahl - Love for Sale - 7/10

Leonard Cohen - Dance Me to the End of Love - 8/10

Seal - Kiss from a Rose - 5/10

Blue Cheer - The Hunter - 7/10

Despondent Visions - To My Love - 1/10
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Ok I found headphones and a charger for my iPod.

Bjork - 7/10 a lot better than I thought it might be. I'm envisioning a James Bond intro while listening to this.

Liszt - 10/10 chills, every time. A romantic song from the romantic period, and one of the finest of its class.

Robin Trower - 8/10 definitely pink Floyd inspired. Mellow but mysterious

Yes - 7/10 this has always struck me as a band that doesn't hold up well in the modern world. I'm sure this sounded amazing in the 70's but eh. I do appreciate the jazz guitar bits in this.

Sera Cahoone - 4/10 I yawned twice in the first minute. Booooring guitar part. slow jangle jangle pearl jam chords on loop. Nice vocalist but she's only half trying I feel.

Swans 7/10 this was p cool. Not crazy about the vocalist. Could have been a min shorter. I would check out more of their stuff though.

Buena Vista Social Club - 8/10 this song made me happy. It speaks to southern Californian, and the Spanish guitar player in me. Beautiful and haunting. Wish it had an extra change in there but cool song.

Townes van Zandt - 8/10 equally beautiful and haunting. Equally needs a change. I did like the lyrics here also except the nonsense words, not big on those. In a strange way this was very very similar to the previous track.

Punishment of Luxury - 5/10 creative, but creepy af. Not really in line with the theme imo

Lee Moses - 6/10 not feeling it, probably have to be in a different mood.

Coil - 5/10 Cool atmosphere but hangs around in one place far too long.

R.L. Burnside - 6/10 interesting mix of classic blues and pseudo rap. Not bad but needs some development.

Savage Garden - 4/10 this is basically the hallmark card version of a love song. Surface level expression of emotion. Only the lyrics express love, the music itself is elevator or grocery store background music.

Lisa Ekdahl - 9/10 yes! Just when I'd almost lost hope in this nonmetal mixtape. This is awesome! Classy, meaningful, jazzy, musically very interesting. Thanks for this.

Leonard Cohen - 8/10 that was a tough act to follow, but I like this. Sounds Eastern European folk inspired. I like the vocalists and the violin.

Seal - 5/10 see savage garden, but slightly upgraded. The vocals are better in this than I remembered. The music is lacking greatly however. Seems like they chose random generic melody X to harmonize over.

Blue cheer - 7/10 I get what this person was going for. This is a metal forum so let's find a song as close to metal as possible! Idk, I think people come here to find things new and very different from metal. I think most of us have already heard blue cheer too. It's cool though I get it, it's a safe choice. It's not a bad song, but not a great song either however. Too safe.

Despondent Visions - 8/10 this sounded very familiar, until I realized I wrote a similar piano part in college with a different chord progression. Short and sweet, I liked the photograph too, which helps.
Bjork - Bachelorette 9/10
I LOVEEEEE this track. Haven't heard this is awhile. Still know all the words. Hell yeah.
"You will go astray... like a killer whale.... trapped in a bay!" I think I would've preferred Pagan Poetry over this though.

Evgeny Kissin Liebestraum - No. 3 in A-Flat Major 8/10
This was beautiful. I don't know a lot of music like this. I'm guessing Onder's pick?

Robin Trower - In This Place 8/10
This is the guy who Opeth covered the song "Bridge of Sighs" from. I always did like that track, but never thought to actually hear the original or listen to this guys stuff. This was a pleasant surprise.

Yes - I see You 8/10
This is fun. I like the lead guitar licks. I changed my score like five times with this btw. There's really awesome moments and the build up is nice. I thought I didn't like this band, but this is a good song.

Sera Cahoone - Baker Lake 3/10
I don't like this. Very boring.

Swans - Miracle of Love 5/10
Not the best Swans track.

Buena Vista Social Club - Chan Chan 8/10
<3 If I can pick a song that describes adolescent love, this would be it. Also, it helps that I do understand some Spanish. This song hits me right in the gut.

Townes Van Zandt - Our Mother the Mountain 4/10
I like 16 horsepower, but that's as far as country/folk I think I can go. I'm not sure what it's called, actually. I'm just not use to hearing this kind of music. What always gets me with this kind of music is the voice. He sounds really bored to me. I'm sure the story is cool, and this is obviously a genre that's focused on lyrics. I need to have the lyric book open in order for me to pay attention to lyrics unless I really like the vocal melody.

Punishment of Luxury - Obsession 6/10
I'm not sure with this. I think if I listened to it again, I'd get it more and would like it. There's potential here. This song is not really doing it for me though.

Lee Moses - Bad Girl 7/10
I liked this.

Coil - Tattooed Man 8.5/10
This was really beautiful. Thanks to who posted this as I will be checking it out more. Reminds me of Tom Waits.

R. L. Burnside - Someday Baby 7/10
I liked the beat to this a lot. The lyrics sorta reminded me of an old-school patty-cake patty-cake game.

Truly Madly Deeply - Savage Garden 2/10
Apparently everyone has heard this song except me. :lol: I think I could've gone me entire life without missing out not hearing this. Totally wasn't expecting this at all. It sounds like Celine Dion or one of those 90s romantic singers. Ha, ballsy for sure. An extra point for ballsiness.

Lisa Ekdahl - Love For Sale 5/10
Is this anti-folk? For some reason it sorta reminded me of Regina Spektor or something. Not bad, I liked the music behind the voice.

Leonard Cohen - Dance Me to the End of Love 6/10
This is kinda romantic. Not my thing though but I get it's charm.

Seal - Kiss from a Rose 5/10
Nostalgia! I'm glad someone picked this. I remember like 3 year old me use to watch the video for this, and was pretty much in love with Batman. I always associate this song with Batman now.

Blue Cheer - The hunter 8/10
Is he saying "his loves guns"? Ha. Awesome. I like this a lot actually. Ill be checking them out more.

Despondent Visions - To My Love 4/10
This is nice for the outro. But I dont think I'd ever really be in the mood to listen to this particular track.

Lol, anti folk. That is just true jazz plain and simple. [EDIT] There's a slight hint of Latin Jazz in the piano and to a lesser extent the percussion, on 2nd listen. In any case beautiful song!
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Bjork - Bachelorette

Solid track. Great vocals and solid instrumental, not really all that weird tbh though.

Frans Liszt - Liebestraum (Love Dream) No. 3

Good heartfelt piece, not much else to say about it.

Robin Trower - In This Place


Not particularly bad, just really doesn't do it for me

Yes - I See You

Would have been much better without the instrumental section

Sera Cahoone - Baker Lake

Massively biased due to her being one of my favorite musicians (both solo and during her time with Carissa's Wierd) - not a thing I dislike from her. My most listened to song on my most listened to album of all time. 10/10

Swans - Miracle of Love

Never really listened to Swans before, though I was repeatedly told I would love them. This makes me regret not having listened sooner because it was one of my favorites.

Buena Vista Social Club - Chan Chan

Not bad by any means, just not for me 5/10.

Townes Van Zandt - Our Mother the Mountain


Townes Van Zandt somehow manages to always sound like he is singing about some tragic Middle Earth tale.

Punishment of Luxury - Obsession

Musically solid, but definitely echo the creepy as fuck sentiment.

Lee Moses - Bad Girl

Found myself tuning out a bit too much, just didn't capture my interest much

Coil - Tattooed Man


Good stuff, need to look into Coil more.

R.L. Burnside - Someday Baby


Genuinely just fun stuff, nothing intricate just enjoyable to listen to and tap along to

Savage Garden - Truly Madly Deeply


I'm blinded by nostalgia with this, but despite the all out cheese and goop I enjoy it well enough (at least it wasn't the stalking anthem that I Knew I Loved You is)

Lisa Ekdahl - Love for Sale

Nice voice, but kinda dull 4/10

Leonard Cohen - Dance Me to the End of Love


Sounds like something out of a fucking Tim Burton movie

Seal - Kiss from a Rose


What is up with that fucking synthesized flute in the intro? I know liking the Savage Garden track but not this is kinda nonsensical, but I just no thanks

Blue Cheer - The Hunter

resounding meh

Despondent Visions - To My Love

Reminds me somewhat of the Temple of the Ancients theme from FF7
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