Non-metal Themed Mixtape Game

The YouTube videos don't work for me either, so keep it up for a while pls, I'll probably give it higher than a 2.
Elend - Moonhorse 5/10
Interesting so far. I like this band but this was a bit too meandering for me. It reminds me of a movie soundtrack. It becomes more epic and interesting towards the end, but not exactly enough to keep me as I kept finding myself not paying attention.

The Sisters of Mercy - Marian 7/10
I really liked this. Pretty light and easy to listen to gothrock. Shit do they even make music like this anymore? All the recent stuff I hear is super dark, and I like that too but I miss this sound. His voice reminds me of Peter Steele a bit.

Led Zeppelin - The Ocean 7.5/10
Someone took my first choice. Like this song a lot and come on it's Led Zeppelin so.

Clutch - Sea of Destruction 5/10
So, I'm one of those people who doesn't know the difference between seas, oceans and rivers either. :lol: Actually, learned my animals through the internet among other things too. Anyways, this song ended pretty quickly. I almost dont remember it but it seemed pretty standard. It wasnt totally offputting but not memorable.

Chelsea - Mer 8/10
Ahh, I see what they did there. I love this song, this is one of the first Chelsea Wolfe song I've heard.

Smetana - Die Mouldau 9/10
This is really pretty. It reminds me of video game music (maybe Final Fantasy?) or kid/childhood music. This is just awesome. So much buildup and there was like a fighting scene somewhere, and a resolution.

Pallas - Atlantis 7/10
I thought this was pretty cool. The vocals were weird but they grew on me after awhile as did the song.

Split Endz - Shark Attack 8/10
Ha this was actually relieving. It's pretty fun in comparison to the seriousness of this list and the music is pretty cool. I really liked the arrangements and thought it was pretty well done.

Nest - Across the Waters 8/10
Pretty. Just how I like'em. A bit meandering too but I can deal with it/follow it without getting distracted.

Toms Van Zandt - Silver Ships of Andilar 6.5/10
I liked this, actually, and this is country sounding which is surprising for me. I wish I could pay more attention to the lyrics. Lyrics are a big part of this type of music.

Paul Robeson - Sea Forever 6/10
This was a cool way to end the playlist. His voice is really cool, but this is not my type of music. However, it is good for what I've heard from this type of music before. It actually reminds me of a movie. It's got a movie feel to it. Could be his voice, though.

I really liked this playlist, thought it was pretty diverse.

Edit: Had to put Pallas in there.
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Ozz's ratings weren't savage, more just really fucking pathetic and closed-minded.

I don't think that's the case. Lots of times I've judged something by one song and thought it was crap and then changed my mind based on listening to the entire album. However, based on this exercise alone and basing the songs on such a narrow theme, yes I'm allowed to be close minded
I don't think that's the case. Lots of times I've judged something by one song and thought it was crap and then changed my mind based on listening to the entire album. However, based on this exercise alone and basing the songs on such a narrow theme, yes I'm allowed to be close minded

How do you give things a zero if they at least managed to be on theme? The theme is not that narrow actually, that's more a symptom of you than it is the theme.
Elend - Melpomene 7.5/10
Very cinematic, only a dense fool who has lost all imagination could give this a 0.
Either way, this is now on my list of things to check out.
So thanks for that, whoever submitted it.

The Sisters Of Mercy - Marian 7/10

Such a great voice, I adore this album too.

Led Zeppelin - The Ocean 5/10

Eh, lazy ass take on the theme in order to brutally shoehorn in one of the most popular bands in the world? I start to feel like those people that downrate shit based on popularity or "in-crowd" annoyances. Have half a perfect rating just because I don't know how the fuck to proceed.

Clutch - Sea Of Destruction 5/10

Could have sworn people in here argued that Clutch were metal... Whatever, not a huge fan of this band either way, lyrics are seemly themely. Fuck it. Motherfuckers really are stuck in genres that are barely once removed from metal though. Try some pop for once in your life asshole.

Chelsea Wolfe - Mer 7/10

Fuck I had to research the lyrics to understand them, this song was really interesting, I should check more of her stuff out.

Bedrich Smetana - Die Moldau 6.5/10

This is beautiful and epic, I quite liked it. I have no idea about the poetic source of it's inspiration and how it relates to oceans (or whatever other large bodies of water people were taking a chance at submitting). Since it's an instrumental I'll judge it subjectively as to it's theme. It does kind of remind me of the Moby Dick and Orca films.

Pallas - Atlantis 8/10

Epic and glorious. I loved it. I don't get the distaste for the vocals. The lyrics are so cool too.

Split Enz - Shark Attack 6.5/10

Such a cheesy ocean/sea metaphor!

Nest - Across The Waters 6.5/10

This is really atmospheric and nice, I almost felt negatively but it picked up again at the halfway mark.

Townes Van Zandt - Silver Ships Of Andilar 9/10

Really glad someone submitted a folk music take on this theme, there is such a great wealth of 'sailor tunes' in the folk genre, I was actually going to submit a song by The Dubliners but decided against it. This song is probably the best on the playlist in my opinion.

Paul Robeson - Sea Fever 8/10

Such a voice. This one is very new to me, but I liked it a lot. Wow.


I really liked this playlist.
Elend - Melpomene
I love Elend but this song isn't one of my faves. It kind of meanders into semi-insignificance, yet retains a cool enough sound. 5/10.

The Sisters of Mercy -
Now I too love The Sisters of Mercy and this is probably my favorite song by them. Thus the score. 10/10.

Led Zeppelin -
The Ocean
Super popular pick by a band I really don't care too much about. I learned about half of Stairway to Heaven on guitar for what that's worth. 4/10.

Clutch -
Sea of Destruction
This is like the definition of hard rock man. I dig it. 7/10.

Chelsea Wolfe -
Oh shit, tribal drums. Love those. And ethereal goodness. 7/10.

Bedrich Smetana -
Die Moldau
Whimsical opening. The strings are gorgeous. Then it gets a little too triumphant. Doesn't really make me feel like I'm in an ocean. Meh. 6/10.

Pallas -
The beginning of this song is absolutely terrifying. Yeah I don't like this. 4/10.

Split Enz -
Shark Attack
I wish this song was as awesome as it potentially could've been. But no, lots of suckage to be found. 4/10.

Nest -
Across the Waters
I dunno, just not feeling this one. It has great moments, but too far and in between. 5/10.

Townes van Zandt -
Silver Ships of Andilar
Nice little folky tune we got here. 6/10.

Paul Robeson -
Sea Fever
What. Now this is fucking badass. Roll those R's dude. 7/10.
Because the minimum score I can give is zero. Shut the fuck up. You are more butthurt about this than Baroque in the metal mixtape game

>Calls a Clutch song "the definition of hard rock".
>Has a top-tier Led Zeppelin song on the same exact playlist and downrates it.

Elend - Melpomene
Utterly boring. Sounds like someone playing around with a synth pad for ten minutes. 2/10

The Sisters of Mercy - Marian

Goth rock really does nothing for me most of the time. This is one of those times. 3/10

Led Zeppelin - The Ocean

Such an obvious pick and not really one of their better songs and I'm not much of a Zep fan so 4/10

Clutch - Sea of Destruction

This rocks ten times harder than the previous song. Need to get into this band more. 8.5/10

Chelsea Wolfe - Mer

I got a bit into Chelsea Wolfe for a while but never ended up buying any of her albums.. This is good, kinda Portishead for Millennials but she's definitely got her own thing going on. 8/10

Bedrich Smetana - Die Moldau

I liked this more than most of the other classical posted in these games. Still doesn't do much for me though. 5.5/10

Pallas - Atlantis

Yeah bad 80's prog isn't my cup of tea. Overlong, overblown, overdone. 4/10

Split Enz - Shark Attack

Nice energetic and catchy post-punk/pop. A welcome relief on this list. 9/10

Nest - Across the Waters

..and we're back to overlong yawnsville. 2/10

Townes van Zandt - Silver Ships of Andilar

This is the second TVZ track I've heard in these games, liking it a lot. Need to hear more from this guy. 8.5/10

Paul Robeson - Sea Fever

This was nice and to the point. 6/10
Elend – Melpomene – 4/10

Sounded promising at first but felt more like ten minutes from a random movie soundtrack slapped together. I take it back, with that whispering and those cheap-ass synths, make it a random 90s adventure/RPG video game soundtrack. Which is an improvement, but still.

The Sisters of Mercy – Marian – 4/10

Never really liked the Sisters of Mercy, but I especially don’t like this first album. This song is ok, but still try-hard shit.

Led Zeppelin - The Ocean – 7/10

Strong Zeppelin song, good riff.

Clutch - Sea of Destruction – 6/10

I haven’t listened to much Clutch, but this was surprisingly good and aggressive. Removing one point because I don’t see how this is any less metal than the average stoner metal band.

Chelsea Wolfe – Mer – 9/10

First thought was “Oh Mort submitted her again” but this one was oddly captivating. Maybe it’s because I just got back from work and ate a giant meal so it timed just perfectly with me in unwinding mode, but I found myself impulsively closing my eyes and paying attention to the song, which usually doesn’t happen to me on first listens. Great atmosphere but the instrumentation actually had some stuff going on too. I’ll add her to my “To check out” list now.

Bedrich Smetana - Die Moldau – 7/10


Pallas – Atlantis – 6/10

Surprised this is 1984, sounds more vintage than most other neo-prog. These vocals are great, wimps. A little overlong though, that ending tried too hard.

Split Enz - Shark Attack – 8/10

Great spunky shit.

Nest - Across the Waters – 5/10

Didn’t do much for me, a couple decent moments in the middle but didn’t interest me much.

Townes van Zandt - Silver Ships of Andilar – 9/10

This song is a massive tease for me because I immediately loved it on first listen and still do, but I haven’t been able to get much into his other stuff (although I think it’s starting to happen).

Paul Robeson - Sea Fever – 5/10

Elend - Melpomene
I've listened to all of the Winds cycle, but I haven't listened much to earlier Elend. I do know this song, and it's good overall, but it spends a bit too much time revelling in its own atmosphere.

The Sisters of Mercy - Marian
This song never would have crossed my mind for this theme, but he does say "I hear you calling Marian, across the water, across the wave." This is classic 80's gothic rock, or whatever the hell Andrew Eldritch thinks this is.

Led Zeppelin - The Ocean
I like some Zeppelin songs, but this is more just okay, and rather obvious besides.

Clutch - Sea of Destruction
I rated in binary because I primarily know of this band for the song "10001110101".

Chelsea Wolfe - Mer
The lyrics reference the sea in an oblique metaphorical way, but this video makes the connection more obvious. Furthermore, the tribal drums evoke the pounding waves of the sea. To top it off, we have arpeggiating chromatic minor chord progressions and the hauntingly ethereal vocals of Ms. Wolfe herself. To the one who rated it zero - I'm saying who - I will quote the song itself and say, "How can you live with yourself?"

Bedrich Smetana - Die Moldau
This piece is quite lovely, but the Moldau is a river. Seas and oceans are close enough to make no matter, but a river? I guess I shouldn't weigh that too heavily against it, but it still warrants a minor deduction.

Pallas - Atlantis
I see no problem with the vocals. This is a solid epic track.

Split Enz - Shark Attack

Nest - Across the Waters
This was just kind of there, going nowhere in particular. I guess you could say it was drifting aimlessly in the ocean. There aren't any shitty songs this time around, though, so that puts this song at the bottom.

Townes van Zandt - Silver Ships of Andilar
The organ embellishments make this folk ballad all the more appealing.

Paul Robeson - Sea Fever
His voice is deep like the ocean.