Non-metal Themed Mixtape Game

So you signed up for a playlist about America, and now you're kvetching about patriotism? Brilliant maneuver, Montgomery.
Interestingly, the rest of the playlist managed to be about America without being excruciatingly patriotic. Your brilliant manoeuvring apparently got you last place this round.

Never mind him, he's a typical braindead anti-patriotic Australian. That mentality is rife here.
I actually love Australia. I just think "Aussie pride" is total bullshit and every patriotic Australian I've ever met has been a braindead racist simpleton. Anyway don't you basically want to be American? Didn't you say you'd rather live in America?
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Interestingly, the rest of the playlist managed to be about America without being excruciatingly patriotic. Your brilliant manoeuvring apparently got you last place this round.
Christ Almighty, you don't get it do you? Walking into a playlist about a country and then bitching like a schoolgirl when you run into a song that happens to be patriotic? That's like walking into a restaurant in Italy and then screaming at the waiter over the fact that noodles are on the menu in one way or another.
You can call off the Ted Nugent defense force already. It's time to accept that people just think your pick was boring.
What defense force? I'm not even defending Nugent right now. I've acknowledged that finding it boring due to its wankiness or length is perfectly reasonable. I just find Satanstoenail's excuse of "WAAAAAAH, MUH DISLIKE OF PATRIOTISM" on a playlist explicitly pertaining to a country, one renowned for its patriotism no less, to be pure grain stupidity.
I actually love Australia. I just think "Aussie pride" is total bullshit and every patriotic Australian I've ever met has been a braindead racist simpleton. Anyway don't you basically want to be American? Didn't you say you'd rather live in America?

Feel free to track down me saying that, because I don't remember it. I do admire America for specific reasons though and at one point in my life I was seriously considering trying to relocate, but I'd rather stay here in Australia and try to make this country better.

Patriotism =/= never criticising your own country.

As to the generalisation about patriotic Australians, you're the simpleton. But that's been obvious to me for some time.
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Christ Almighty, you don't get it do you? Walking into a playlist about a country and then bitching like a schoolgirl when you run into a song that happens to be patriotic? That's like walking into a restaurant in Italy and then screaming at the waiter over the fact that noodles are on the menu in one way or another.
It's more like walking into a restaurant in Italy and being made to sing the anthem and drape a flag around my shoulders before I'm allowed to eat anything.
If the song had been interesting and also patriotic I would have rated it higher and we wouldn't be having this argument.

Feel free to track down me saying that, because I don't remember it. I do admire America for specific reasons though and at one point in my life I was seriously considering trying to relocate, but I'd rather stay here in Australia and try to make this country better.
Ok, from May:
Australia is shit itself, I fucking hate this place it's like a European state not within Europe. I'd move if I could.

Where the fuck would you move?


Patriotism =/= never criticising your own country.
No shit.

As to the generalisation about patriotic Australians, you're the simpleton. But that's been obvious to me for some time.
You 'being salty' again? Or are you just a cunt?
I still feel this way.

If I didn't think it was shit, I wouldn't try to change it and if I could I would move, but I can't so I shan't. Whatever used to be great about Australia is mostly in the past in my opinion.
Haha, flip-flop much? Do you want to move to America or not? You just said you'd rather stay and that you'd move if you could. Do you fucking hate this place or not? How was it better in the past? Is it possibly because we were allowed to have guns? How are you trying to change it? By spending 8 hours a day pontificating on a metal forum?

I still don't see how this is relevant to patriotism though.
I thought it was pretty obvious that I found it odd that you felt the need to jump on me out of nowhere for being 'anti-patriotic' when you've been so vocally anti-Australia yourself quite recently. It's one thing to criticise your country while loving it but 'I fucking hate this shithole and I'd move to America if I could' is another thing entirely. Your weak attempt at back-pedalling when I called you out on it is fucking hilarious.
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I scanned it quickly and it looked especially fucked on my phone so I stopped reading it.

Haha, flip-flop much? Do you want to move to America or not? You just said you'd rather stay and that you'd move if you could. Do you fucking hate this place or not? How was it better in the past? Is it possibly because we were allowed to have guns? How are you trying to change it? By spending 8 hours a day pontificating on a metal forum?

It's not a flip-flop. The main reason I won't or can't move to anywhere is because I have a kid here. The main reason I'd prefer to live in America is because not only do they have more freedoms available to it's people but it also is built in such a way that it makes it easier to defend these freedoms.

I do hate this place, because of the government. What I'm more accurately saying is that I hate the Australian government. It was better in the past because there was less government overreach and more individual freedoms. Today we live in a suffocating nanny country, in my opinion. Heavy gun ownership restrictions are just one part of it.

All that considered, I would now just rather stay in Australia and try to change Australia.

How I'm trying to change it is by pursuing causes and supporting candidates that share my values.

Not sure what bringing up my forum activities has to do with anything other than you're acting like a TechBarb butthurt person. You realise that, just like you, I use this forum while I'm at work right?

I thought it was pretty obvious that I found it odd that you felt the need to jump on me out of nowhere for being 'anti-patriotic' when you've been so vocally anti-Australia yourself quite recently. It's one thing to criticise your country while loving it but 'I fucking hate this shithole and I'd move to America if I could' is another thing entirely. Your weak attempt at back-pedalling when I called you out on it is fucking hilarious.

Jump on you? Okay, calm down Jesus the martyr. Also, you haven't called anybody out, what are you a 16 year old Tumblrite?

When I'm vocally anti-Australia it's actually just that I'm anti-our government as I've explained above.
It's not a flip-flop. The main reason I won't or can't move to anywhere is because I have a kid here. The main reason I'd prefer to live in America is because not only do they have more freedoms available to it's people but it also is built in such a way that it makes it easier to defend these freedoms.

Prostitution is legal in Australia.
It's not a flip-flop. The main reason I won't or can't move to anywhere is because I have a kid here. The main reason I'd prefer to live in America is because not only do they have more freedoms available to it's people but it also is built in such a way that it makes it easier to defend these freedoms.

I do hate this place, because of the government. What I'm more accurately saying is that I hate the Australian government. It was better in the past because there was less government overreach and more individual freedoms. Today we live in a suffocating nanny country, in my opinion. Heavy gun ownership restrictions are just one part of it.

All that considered, I would now just rather stay in Australia and try to change Australia.

How I'm trying to change it is by pursuing causes and supporting candidates that share my values.
That's great and everything, but it doesn't exactly paint you as the posterboy for patriotism, which was my initial point.

Jump on you? Okay, calm down Jesus the martyr.
I was addressing HP's repeated questioning as to why his submission was rated so low. Nothing to do with you whatsoever.

When I'm vocally anti-Australia it's actually just that I'm anti-our government as I've explained above.
Well when I'm vocally anti-patriotic I'm quite obviously anti boganic southern-cross tattooed 'fuck-off we're full' Aussie pride redneckery or in this case, the American equivalent. How does that make me brain dead exactly?
I was addressing HP's repeated questioning as to why his submission was rated so low. Nothing to do with you whatsoever.

I thought it was pretty obvious that I found it odd that you felt the need to jump on me out of nowhere for being 'anti-patriotic' when you've been so vocally anti-Australia yourself quite recently.

For clarity.

That's great and everything, but it doesn't exactly paint you as the posterboy for patriotism, which was my initial point.

If you say so, I don't see your logic though. Not that I would want to be the poster boy for patriotism.

Well when I'm vocally anti-patriotic I'm quite obviously anti boganic southern-cross tattooed 'fuck-off we're full' Aussie pride redneckery or in this case, the American equivalent. How does that make me brain dead exactly?

That's not patriotism.
Tommy Emanuel - Lewis & Clark

7/10 p good

Team America - America, Fuck Yeah

anything associated with matt stone and trey parker just screams edgy teenager, 3/10

Ted Nugent - The Star Spangled Banner

cheesy as fuck guitar wank nonsense, 3/10

Virginia - Tori Amos

i feel like i should listen to tori amos more, but i find myself never bothering to listen to her but good song 7/10

Chuck Berry - Back in the U.S.A.

pretty good 7/10

Johnny Winter - Dallas


Dead Kennedys - California Über Alles


Nina Simone - Mississippi Goddam


Skeleton Crew - We're Still Free

interesting at least, 5/10

Frank Black - Los Angeles

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